Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Universities Shouldn’t Increase Tuition Every Year

One major problem with universities today is that they are constantly raising tuition fees. I'm not talking about raising tuition every now and then, I'm talking about those colleges that increase their tuition every year. With today's economy, this is simply not helping the students. The university I am currently attending is planning on increasing the tuition by almost $1,000. This is crazy. What colleges need to start doing is taking a better look at how they are spending their money. It is not the students' fault when the university takes on more than it can handle and has to find ways to make more of a profit. Colleges are already way too expensive for the average person. Most of the time, even with help from federal student aid, students are still having to pay more than they can afford. This forces them to take out loans that they may not be able to pay back in the future. Universities are not considering the fact that the economy is getting to the point where people who went to college and have a degree can't even get a job. Students are doing all the right things by going to college, building their resume, and gaining experience in the real world, but it just isn't enough to get a job. There are too many people competing for just a small amount of jobs that too many people end up empty handed. And when they have to start paying back their loans, they can't do it because they don't have the money. Universities who raise their tuition every year are putting students in an even worse situation. There are other areas of the university where they can find money to make up for whatever they are losing. They just don't look into those possibilities. They just think that the easiest way to solve their problems is to charge the students more money. There are close to 30,000 students who attend my university. If they charge each student an extra $1,000, they will have an increase of $30 million. That's insane to ask students for that much more money. It used to be so much cheaper to go to college. Students used to be able to pay for college much easier, especially if the federal government was helping out. Now, everything is changing and for all the wrong reasons. Students already have to pay for books, housing, meal plans, living expenses, and all these other things in addition to their tuition. Why burden them with even more to pay for? It's not right. It's even worse for students who go to college out of their state. They get charged almost double what a state resident would get charged. These students have no choice but to live on campus and pay even more money. Those who are attending college deserve to get what they pay for. They are getting an education in order to live a good life and to get a good job. Instead of getting this out of their college education, they get this crazy debt that will take their entire lives to pay off.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Because i could not stop for death&quot Essay

Emily Dickinson frequently explores death through her poetry, using her eponomous ’em’ dashes to communicate the confusion created by an intelligent and exploratory approach to the afterlife in a mind indoctrinated in Puritan dogma. Death is initially presented in this poem as a very different character from its usual personification as a malign, scythe wielding spirit. Here, as the poem begins, he takes the form of a charming suitor who ‘kindly’ stops, and maintains his ‘civility’ throughout their journey. As we progress through the poem, however, the reader becomes increasingly suspicious that the apparently benevolent Death has not, in fact, got Dickinson’s best intrests at heart. The fourth stanza marks the change in tone that reveals this; the onset of ominous ‘chill’ as the carriage passes into darkness highlights how unprepared Death has left her, providing no warning of what is to come. The nervous tone that the poem adopts in this stanza is created both by the breakdown of the previously iambic rythmn and the language of cold shivers that the poet uses; both of which emphasise the ‘quivering’ nervousness of the unprepared. Dickinson’s physical lack of preparation for the afterlife in the poem, her donning of ‘gossamer’ and ‘tulle’ for a journey into the night, reflects her lack of spiritual certainty in the real world; something reflected in several of her poems. Despite an upbringing filled with ‘much gesture from the pulpit’, doubt, not absolute faith, is the subject of much of her work. She remains steadfast only in her belief that ‘This World is not Conclusion’, as while she is confident in the existence of something more, the nature of the afterlife ‘baffles’ her. This poem is also an exploration of an unusual view of death, as Dickinson inverts the normal metaphor of Death as the end of a journey into Death as a journey’s beginning. Life, in this poem, is extrodinarily transient, compressed into the third stanza where childhood, the ripening ‘Grain’ of middle age and the setting sun of old age’s decline are ploughed through in four lines. The poet makes this already short liftime seem even less substantial by the anaphoric use of ‘We passed’, which increases the pace of the poem and gives the passage of time an inevitable feel. Where the poem’s journey of death concludes is unclear, but we do know that there is a pause, perhaps a terminal pause, at a house in the ground. Dickinson’s use of imagery here is ingenious, as the reader’s initial confusion mimics the narrator’s, until we too surmise that this abode, this ‘swelling in the ground’ is a grave, thought of only by the deceased as a ‘house’. The repetition and ryhme of ‘ground’ at the end of two lines in this stanza gives it a pounding finality; suggesting perhaps that this, and not the expected ‘Immortality’, is to be Dickinson’s final resting place. This unexpected turn causes the confusion that the image of the house parallels, and explains the last stanza, in which Dickinson’s fear of perpetual existence in a grave has centuries feeling ‘shorter than the day / I first surmised the Horse’s Heads / Were toward Eternity’. The poem is, in fact, unclear, but I would suggest that the grave is to be Dickinson’s final resting place; that the carriage ‘paused’ not because it intended to go on but instead because the narrator has not yet realised her fate. The final dash of the poem, therefore, represents not continuing doubt as it does in ‘This World is not Conclusion. ‘ but serves to remind the reader of the unending nature of Dickinson’s internment. In light of this, the first stanza’s ‘Immortality’ may seem out of place, but its rhyme with ‘me’ perhaps reveals its origins, as the narrator is consequently so strongly linked with it’s presence that we may imagine it is only Dickinson, and not Death, that welcomes immortality to the carriage, and that it is, in fact, only there as a result of her preconceptions. ‘Because I could not stop for Death –’ is perhaps, as a result, quite a cynical poem, making no promises of salvation or a Christian heaven. It, in some senses, continues a trend set by ‘This world is not Conlcusion. ‘ and ‘Behind me – dips Eternity –’; a trend of diminishing confidence: Dickinson’s once absolute faith in a world beyond our own develops into a confused fear at the nature of the afterlife; it may be a ‘Maelstrom in the sky’, surrounded by ‘Midnight’, or perhaps just a house in the ground. All this confusion is the product of Dickinson’s upbringing; ‘the Tooth that nibbles at the soul’ is a doubt that was to Puritans damning, and once she admits to herself its existence her future is uncertain and heaven perhaps inachievable. Despite it’s bleak outlook however, the poem still stands a facinating exploration of the nature of the next world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Being Heard

Being Heard Being heard Is something Important because It gives your audience a chance to see different sides of yourself. Being heard could do as little as make someone feel content or very Important. Listening to one another could be very useful In that we obtain Information, understand, listen for enjoyment and last but not least learn. In a recent article that Ive read, Talking a stranger through the night by Sherry Antihistamine, a great portion of the message that she sends out, has all to do about listening.Making someone feel heard makes him or her feel understood and a connection has been built. As a young student that I am, I have yet to learn many useful tools that my parents, peers and most importantly my professors will teach me in the near future. Through that learning journey it is their Job to listen to us students in order for them to have fulfilled their task. What I believe I can bring to the table are many things. Personally I am very experienced In starting over having moved three times. My very first move was fromSpain to Chile, Chile to New Jersey and New Jersey to Texas. And here I am, big latexes. For all of my life I resented my parents for having to put me through all those moves but as I grew older, fonder and a tab wiser Im very thankful for everything. Many people would kill to start over or even move to a different country and my parents were able to give me that. Yes, starting over does suck but the beauty of it is that you get a chance to become a better and newer person. Meet new people and learn a new totally different type of culture than your own.One of my professors once told me that we all have a chance in going out to the world and making something of ourselves; Be a new person A new you. I am very thankful for the life that god has given to me. Even through the little bumps along the road, It makes you a stronger person right? Well I believe so. Life Is full of surprises. Every single human being In this planet has something unique to offer to the table. Not all of us are the same thats what makes every single person special. Some of us may be great at math or great at writing and some may not be DOD at those things at all.This is when we listen and learn from those who can teach us to become better. So to answer your question yes, you should listen to every single one of us. Give us a chance. Even if were wrong thats where you correct us and we then learn. Lets take Martin Luther King Jar. For example. He wrote an incredibly outstanding speech and spoke out and people took chance to believe in him but especially listen. How are people supposed to make a difference if their isnt anyone to be there to take a chance and listen.By starred Being heard is something important because it gives your audience a chance to see content or very important. Listening to one another could be very useful in that we obtain information, understand, listen for enjoyment and last but not least learn. In a recent article that Eve read, Talking a stranger through the night by Sherry Through that learning Journey it is their Job to listen to us students in order for them experienced in starting over having moved three times. My very first move was from latexs.For all of my life I resented my parents for having to put me through all everything. Many people would kill to start over or even move too different country beauty of it is that you get chance to become a better and newer person. Meet new bumps along the road, it makes you a stronger person right? Well I believe so. Life is full of surprises.

Social Responsibility in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Responsibility in Business - Essay Example It is, however, underlined that all definitions of Social Responsibility focus on interrelationship between the economic, social as well as environmental and social aspects plus impacts of the organization’s activities. The following definition of Social Responsibility is advised to be used: â€Å"Social Responsibility means a balanced approach for certain companies to address and look for solutions to resolve economic, environmental and personal problems so that it benefits people, as well as whole communities and society in general† (International Institute of Sustainable Development, 2004). Social responsibility, therefore, underlies the ethical way of running any type of business. It, however, should not be confused with business ethics even if sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably. Social responsibility, according to William & Ferrell, is a broader concept which describes the impact of all business’s activities on our society while business ethi cs refers to decisions made by an individual or a group (Ferrell & Fraedlich, 2012, p. 39). In her turn, Jennings observes that social responsibility is just another layer of business ethics which describes the ways of considering the interests of all stakeholders and general public while resolving the ethical problems it encounters (Jennings, 2012, p. 48) The term â€Å"social responsibility† is referred to differently across the globe. Specifically, in the United Kingdom the term â€Å"corporate social responsibility† is common, in India this is â€Å"corporate citizenship†, in Chile – â€Å"Enterpreneurial Social Responsibility† , and in South Africa either â€Å"corporate social responsibility† (CSR) or â€Å"corporate social investment†, or â€Å"sustainable development†, etc (International Institute of Sustainable Development, 2004). While the social responsibility of business has been emphasized by the efforts of the gen eral public and its outcries, as well as by government regulation, social responsibility depends on the management’s attitude. The latter depends on which of two contrasting philosophies (models) has been chosen as dominant. Specifically, the economic model of social responsibility maintains that society gets the biggest benefit when the enterprises is left alone with its production and marketing of profitable goods needed by the society. It is based on traditional understanding of business as a venture that exists only to produce goods and services of high quality, earn nice profits, and give job opportunities (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012, p.52). In contrast, the socioeconomic model is based on recognition that the business has a responsibility not just to its stakeholders but to the general public, its employees, consumers, and suppliers. To illustrate, may firms today not merely accept social responsibility, but take pride in their social responsibility records winning awa rds in a variety areas, e.g. community involvement, environment, etc. These are such companies as Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Hewlett-Packard, and Starbucks Coffee (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012, p.52). Despite obvious advantages of the second model, its benefit has been debated. Similarly, the viability of the economic model has been debated throughout years. Major arguments for enhanced social responsibility are as follows: 1) Since business is a part of a society, it should not neglect social issues; 2) Business possess necessary

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thermodynamics and Information Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thermodynamics and Information Theory - Essay Example Despite the similarities between the two concepts there is a very important difference between the two. The information entropy which is denoted as H can be calculated for almost any probability distribution and if the message is taken to be that the event which is represented by n had probability pi takes place, out of the space of the list of events which are possible. But the thermodynamic entropy S refers to thermodynamic probabilities pi in particular. (Skyttner, 2005) In addition to this the thermodynamic entropy is dominated by different kinds, space and arrangements of the system, and particularly its energy, which are possible and especially on a molecular scale. When we compare we see that, information entropy of any macroscopic event is so small as to be completely useless and irrelevant. (Skyttner, 2005) We can also make a connection between the two and if the probabilities related to any question are the thermodynamic probabilities. Gibbs entropy represented by can then be seen as simply the amount of Shannon information needed to analyze and define the microscopic state of the system in great details, or we can say its been given its macroscopic description.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What is origin of christianity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is origin of christianity - Case Study Example In order to do that, it is important to know what Christianity is. And in order to discover the essence of Christianity, one must first understand its history. This study hopes to discover the origins of Christianity. Its higher goal is to show Christians today what they have in common. Through a review of the history of Christianity, people from various religious denominations to discover the legacy of Christ and understand that this image of Christ is the representation of what we are striving for as species. This study will look at published articles and books detailing the history of Christianity – from its founding to its breakup roughly 500 years ago. It looks at the reformation and the rise of Protestantism in order to appreciate the characteristics of the new Catholic Church and the Anglican. Some materials which will be used for this study includes books and peer-reviewed articles that answers the questions above. Biblical quotes will also be used and compared with historical events so as to provide context and to answer the abovementioned

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Essay

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis - Essay Example Stevenson uses an innovative approach to portray the human soul as a battlefield for an â€Å"angel† and a â€Å"fiend† who are foes in a battle for the possession of the human soul. Every human being contains these opposite forces within him, an alter ego that hides behind a social and polite everyday facade. Jekyll asserts that â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two,† that one is never black nor white and that the situation at hand always brings out more of one side or the other. Jekyll’s potion that was initially meant to separate and purify these two elements, the angel from the fiend, only manages to bring out the dark side into being. Hyde emerges from the depths of Jekyll, but he brings forth no angelic counterpart. It is left to be argued whether or not this role of the angelic counterpart is left for Jekyll. It is more than obvious that his demeanor is outright moral and decent, and he enjoys the repute of a benevolent, well-mannered and genial man, yet he never embodies the virtue of good equally as Hyde embodies the very opposite from it. He merely portrays civilized behavior and morals, leaning towards good. In his bold and philanthropic efforts, he takes it upon himself to purify the good, but he ends up liberating the darkness from the shackles of conscience.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Are too many people being sent to prison Research Paper

Are too many people being sent to prison - Research Paper Example These are some of the questions that come to mind when one views the growing statistics of prisoners worldwide. This paper will focus on the fact that too many people are being sent to prison. There are too many people being imprisoned worldwide. The United States is leading in statistics for having many people in prison worldwide. The population in jail has risen by over ten times as compared to thirty years ago. Most prisons are overcrowded and the cost incurred by the state in its move to fighting crime is colossal and could be falling out of hand if nothing is done to address it. People are being sent to prison for minor crimes. Minor drug offenders for instance, make up a large number of inmates, are being jailed for long terms. Debaters have argued that these minor offenders should be subjected to other forms of disciplinary action like being made to do some community service in public. They claim that this would be a more positive way to punish them and subsequently the other offenders who have not been caught will learn from them (Doughty 1). Take a tour to any prison around and you won’t fail to notice the evident congestion. The prison facilities have been suffocated by the vast number of prisoners being injected to the system on a daily basis. Inmates in these prisons are facing unmentionable miseries since the facilities and resources in the prisons are not enough hence they have to live like slaves. Alabama’s prisons for instance, hold twice the number of prisoners that they were originally designed to hold. Their daily budget per prisoner is less than half the national average amount that should be spent on an individual prisoner. This strain is far from over since the number of people being sentenced is still increasing and new facilities have not been set up to accommodate them (Doughty 1). The increase in the number of people in the lower class is directly related to the increase in the number of people being sent to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example The people will be recruited and given jobs according to their strengths and skills in particular field. This report illustrates the estimated financial needs and total forecasted net cash flow in the first operating year. The venture will differentiate their products and services by innovative promotional activities to attract customer and increase their customer base. Part A Description of the Venture The venture is to open a clothing store that will provide people variety of clothes and accessories. It will offer most inclusive selection of clothes in stores as well as in online shopping. By offering a complete selection of fashionable items, the new venture will quickly gain good response among customers and also increase the sales. The new venture will certainly fulfil the need of customers by providing most inclusive selection and by having good educated employee force. The business venture will constantly monitor the competitive business condition to ensure innovation and diff erentiation in their products. The clothing venture will adhere to maintain strict control in financial activities. The major creativity which will distinguish the products of the new venture will be to provide multi-sport wear to match the lifestyle of customer, tailored customer service and variety of sizes to choose which can fit the potential customer. Major Issues of the Venture One of the chief issues for new clothing venture is the recent decline of apparel manufacturing industry. The chief reason for this demur is that the retailers are relocating their production offshore. Due to low cost advantage in other countries, several clothing brands relocated their production offshore that resulted in job cuts of employees in the UK. The new clothing venture will outsource their products from British manufacturing companies because the demand of British products is at present increasing. The outsourcing from British manufacturing company will help to boost the confidence of the app arel industry and determine the problems of producing apparel goods in the UK. The new clothing venture can create job opportunity for several people in the UK (Freitag, 2011). Feasibility Study of the Venture The fashion sector of the UK is active compared to many of the markets. The fashion market is influenced by international market and it is dominated by seasonal style, disparity and desire of people. Therefore, businesses related to clothing and fashion need to consider the diversity of people’s opinion and thoughts towards brand and fashion. The fashion sector of the UK provides complete view of customer’s purchasing behaviour (Experian Information Solutions, 2010). The clothing market of the UK has shown excellent growth. In between 2004–2008, the expenditure on clothing items in the UK had increased by 10%. The supermarket such as ASDA and Tesco had accounted for increasing in sales of clothing products than other outlets. In the year 2008, the supermar kets’ share had raised to 23% compared to 10% in the year 2000. It is expected that this expansion will continue because of increase in customer expenditure on non-food products. The clothing mar

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Preparing a Budget Request Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Preparing a Budget Request - Assignment Example However, the rising population could make it hard for the police to carry out their duties as effectively as they should. There have been reports that the crime rate in the downtown area has gone up. I wish to request three to five additional police officers for the city. This will ensure that crime rate is at a minimal level and the officers are not overworked (Mikesell, 2010). Currently the town’s police department has 30 uniformed officers and 12 support staff. This translates to a ratio of 1 police officer for every 2,500 residents. Studies have shown that places with higher populations are likely to harbor more crime than less populated areas. In this town, the population is increasing at a steady rate, which means that the likelihood of increased crime is a reality that needs to be dealt with as early and as fast as possible (Reif-Lehrer, 2005). The town residents are well aware that the police department is currently understaffed. Individuals who are out to cause troubl e also know this. The downtown area is most vulnerable to crime due to the businesses situated in the area. Most of the economy of this town depend son the retail trade that is solely centered on the downtown area. If crime rate around this downtown area goes unchecked, the businesses will suffer, and so will the economy of the town. The other areas are relatively secure and regular police patrols do ensure that law and order are maintained at all times. An additional three or more police officers would ensure that business in the downtown area continues without people fearing that they might loose business due to crime. Currently the officers are overwhelmed with work, and this situation is not likely to become any better due to the increasing population. The town does need more officers on patrol, especially at night. Due to the shortage the police department is facing at the moment, most officers are forced to work over time past their designated shifts. The department has not ha d any extra officers for the last six years, despite the fact that the work load has been increasing during the same duration. Most of these officers are family men and women while others have other commitments. We have tried to reassign some of the duties performed by uniformed officers to other employees, but this strategy has failed to make the work of the officers any less. It would therefore be futile to continue in this line of action since it will not bear fruit (Reif-Lehrer, 2005). As chief of police, I was aware of the growing need for additional officers. I had tried to request for more officers last year, but my request was not granted. The manager has already been briefed of this growing workload situation. With three to five more police officer, the work load in the department will go down. Work will be distributed equitably among all the officers so that no one will have to spend more time at work than other officers. Failure to fund this request may have multiple nega tive effects on the department and the town’s residents. The officers available for duty will continue to suffer under too much pressure due to too much work. If the extra officers do not come within the year, we will have to disregard some duties and concentrate on the most pressing of the town’s security needs. This will bring on another problem: that of inefficiency (Kemp and Dunbar, 2003). The department will need to perform exemplarily in all its responsibilities for the greater good of the community. This is an urgent

Catholic University for independent thinkers Essay Example for Free

Catholic University for independent thinkers Essay Through the intensive research conducted by myself on finding the most optimal university, I noted that University of Dallas fulfils such aim. A University that is known as â€Å"the Catholic University for independent thinkers†, which was ranked as one of the top ten politically conservative schools. It has been highly accredited for its scholarly excellence, lecture delivery and character building. Above all it is graded as one of the best private school bargains in the nation. All the aforementioned positive features induce me to enrol in courses provided by such University to enhance my studies, because I am searching for the best education one can attain in order to make a difference in my future through the vast knowledge acquired from such educational institution. Reference: The Princeton Review. University of Dallas (on line). Available from: http://www. princetonreview. com/college/research/profiles/schoolsaysmore. asp? category=1listing=1022535LTID=1intbucketid= (Accessed 2nd April 2007).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Troubleshooting Sites Essay Example for Free

Troubleshooting Sites Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This network troubleshooting guide is published by Linux, which aims to answer five questions in order to fix a network problem, more specifically the online network. Determining an IP Address, pinging the default gateway and another subnet, DNS, and the port connection are its main concerns.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Common network problems are discussed in this network troubleshooting guide. It seeks to fix networking problems caused by the wireless network adapter connection, compatibility of drivers, strength of signals, location of the accessibility points, the need for a performance boost, faulty antenna, the need to install service packs, and the modification of network settings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This networking troubleshooting guide was published for Windows Vista users. It is a step-by-step process of troubleshooting network connections by modifying network settings and pinging the default gateway and subnet sites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Troubleshooting is a systematic process or approach in order to determine problems in a particular system, in this case a network. Troubleshooting follows a step-by-step process where all possibilities are being explored in order to solve networking problems for instance. For some troubleshooting sites, several yes or no questions are being asked in order to determine the problem in the system and eventually arrive at the best possibly solution to resolve it. It is patterned from the simplest to the most complicated type of problem-solving technique, allowing individuals to fix system problems minimally or complexly, as deemed necessary. The type of solution to systemic problems depends on its nature.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Characteristics Of Autocratic Leadership Business Essay

Characteristics Of Autocratic Leadership Business Essay In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making. Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts high levels of power over his or her employees or team members. People within the team are given few opportunities for making suggestions, even if these would be in the teams or organizations interest. The autocratic leadership style is best used in situations where control is necessary, often where there is little margin for error. When conditions are dangerous, rigid rules can keep people out of harms way. Good fits for Autocratic Leadership are Military, Manufacturing and Construction Characteristics of Autocratic Leadership Little or no input from group members Leaders make the decisions Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks In change management, this theory is successful during the emergency and necessary actions where is no chance of mistakes this is useful only in those areas where only orders and instructions are given e.g. military, constructions etc. Participative/Democratic Theory The democratic leadership style is a very open and collegial style of running a team. This theory suggests that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. Group members feel engaged in the process and are more motivated and creative. In this theory, ideas move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly. Everyone is given a seat at the table, and discussion is relatively free-flowing. The people have a more participatory role in the decision making process. Levins study found that participative leadership, also known as  democratic leadership is generally the most effective leadership style.   The basic ideas behind participative theory of leadership can be summoned as follows: Everyone Participate New ideas are thrown about Decisions becomes more-oriented Leaders can assess the worth of their policies A progressive approach In change management, under this style of leadership leader need to be participate in the task which going to be achieved within the organization with team members to motivate and encourage them towards the goal. Transformational Theory The concept of transformational leadership was developed by James Macgregor Burns  [1]  (Burns, 1978). According to Burns, transforming leadership is a process in which leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. In transformational leadership various mechanisms are used to boost employee morale and motivation. The following list explains some of the mechanisms used. Please note that following list is not exhaustive, many more mechanisms are used and I am listing a few (Wiki-transformational, Ret. 2007): Integrating individual goals with the organizational goal, it is to create a sense of belongingness; it also includes connecting ones identity to the collective identity of the organization. Depicting leader as a role model so that the entire followers can follow him, having a common role model also helps in creating common paths to follow. Followers are challenged to take greater ownership of their work; this also includes techniques like constructive criticism. This also promotes the concept of taking liability of your actions in both positive and negative way. Leader is made responsible for aligning and optimizing the employee performance by measuring their strengths and weaknesses. In change management, under this style of leadership, leaders encourage and motivate the employees in such a way that they perform at their best to achieve more than the desired or set goal. Transformational and Transactional While there are many different approaches and theories of leadership, Transactional and Transformational are compared the most, so based on my research online, here is my attempt: Transformational VS Transactional Objectives are achieved by moral values and higher ideas Objectives are achieved by rewards and punishments set by the leader Proactive leadership Responsive leadership Individualized Consideration Management by Exception Motivation is achieved by promoting group interest and team work spirit Motivation is achieved by promoting self interest 1.3 Leadership role models I would like to be a transformational leader, so would be listing two transformational business leaders Dr. Vijay Malaya Mr. Rahul Bhatia Leadership profiles DR. Vijay Malaya Dr. Vijay Malaya is currently of 56 years old and living in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He got residency of India and Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Arts and science from Calcutta University. His all the property was inherited and grooming day by day. He is the brand ambassador of himself and prefers the belief to knowledge and talent. He always tries to focus on team presentation and how much experience they have got. His living standard is very high profile and social able. He got high ambitious person and very dominant nature. Because of his autocratic leadership style his company is booming. He got aggressive behavior because his all normal talks are with general manager of the company. He is from one of the irregular and late leaders. He always wants fully attention on work from his staff. He has no emotions for his employees. Because his policy is to whenever any of his employees had said no to work, he fired his/her. In his company hiring and firing is frequent. Ther e are less chances of promotion in his company. There are less salary incentives as well in his company. He got strong position in politics as well, with the help of this power; he is getting high name and fame. Moreover, he has keen interest in sports as well. He is the owner of Royal Challengers Bangalore, an IPL cricket team. He also formed a Sahara force India formula one team. Furthermore, by reading his image, it is shown that he is very straight forward leader, who doesnt wait for others to start. In simple words, Vijay Malaya do everything is of his own choice, he leads team in very formal way. He doesnt have any emotions for his employees. Change Management Under his leadership, he made a big change in his company. His company is getting name and fame. He expands his company from low level to high level. He started kingfisher airlines. Before him according to survey, the kingfisher was on 32nd rank in the world, but after him, kingfisher got the 19th rank among another companies. Mr. Rahul Bhatia Mr. Rahul Bhatia is also in his 60s. He was born in Bentwal, Karnataka. He completed his studies BS in electrical engineering from university of waterloo, Canada. Currently he is living in Delhi, India. After completing his studies, he worked with IBM. Then he realized to setup his own company Indigo. He believes in diligence, future mindedness, transparency in work. He is democratic leader. He always gives chances to others to perform. Because of his positive attitude, his company is shining day by day. He always brings forward good talent. Mr. Rahul Bhatia always tries to keep his focus on good team performance. He believes in simple living and high thinking. He is very punctual in his life and always set goals to be targeted. He has seen some difficult period for his company, but he paid salaries and bonus to each worker time to time. He is continuously learning and trying to develop the leadership style. He is really a very good leader and task oriented. He respects the voice of his employees. He has promotion policy in his company and always promotes the good talent. Change Management He started indigo as a private low cost carrier based airline. But Rahul Bhatia put his a lot hard work in indigo, so thats why it was the only airline in India making profits by the end of March, 2012. It became the Indias largest airline in terms of market share. Comparison between Dr. Vijay Malaya and Mr. Rahul Bhatia: Sr. No. Autocratic Style Participative/Democratic Style Dr. Vijay Malaya Mr. Rahul Bhatia 1 He is only one to make decisions. He tries to use the decision made by majority 2 He doesnt have any confidence on employees. He lets other coworkers come forward and show the ability. 3 He is rude to his employees and for mistake; he got only one punishment of firing. To establish goals though employees and help them to work hard to achieve goals. Benchmarking criteria For setting up of benchmarking criteria, I will be using participative leadership approach. I will be listing qualities of this leadership approach as a benchmarking framework for my own personal development. Participative leaders have a very high degree of self-confidence- I see it as an essential element of my personal development benchmarking because I think every leader must have self-confidence. If you believe in yourself, only then you can convince others to believe in you. Almost all participative leaders have high sense of Social Responsibility- it is important as it lays the basic draft plan for you to be socially responsible. Remember your followers also form a part of society, which makes it even more viable for a leader. Participative leaders focus on Individualized Consideration- it is important as not all employees are same, some can perform exceptional but just need an extra push. Transformational leaders have a proactive approach- It helps to achieve higher employee morale and integrates personal and organizational goals. So we can sum out the basic criteria I described in Benchmarking criteria as follows: High degree of self confidence Social responsibility Individualized consideration Proactive approach 2. Self-Assessment 2.1 Benchmarking Potential analysis is a benchmarking tool that not only compares your performance with benchmarks but also tells you the deviation. Deviation is basically the difference you need to make up in order to achieve your desired benchmark  [2]  (Mgmt, Ret 1999). Lets analyze our set standards in benchmarking criteria with my own performance: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 Tests Benchmarked Figure My Own Deviation B2 Degree of self confidence 5 2 3 B3 Social awareness 5 2 3 B4 Individualized Consideration 5 1 4 B5 Proactive approach 5 2 3 A2 Tests are the key elements which are to be compared in Potential Analysis A3 Benchmarked figures are the highest total which can be attained in a relative operational environment. A4 is the actual measures of my own assessment in terms of Tests (figures here are calculated from the surveys completed) A5 Deviation is the difference of comparison between benchmarked figure and the actual figure. This is the difference we need to cover up in order to achieve benchmarked results. Reflection I like to prefer participative leadership style. As I came from well-educated Indian family I have enough knowledge about what qualities needed to be a good leader. My father always asks our opinions if he is going to make some major decisions that bring changes to our family. I am working in such environment where the leaders are totally participative and encourage all the time to take parts in decision making process by asking our views. According to me this leadership style is well suitable for me because I can encourage and motivate others to participate with their full extent. This encouragement enables team members to play major part in decision making process which makes their performance better. I can guide as mentor to help them in achieving their goals. I need to develop proactive approach towards leadership. Responsive approach like transactional is mostly used in crisis management. 3. Personal Development Plan Opportunities Rationale strategies Timeframe measures measures My short goal is to become the manager in my organization I have chosen this goal because after completing my (level 5) in business I will become valid for the manager position. After completing my course I will take 3 months training for the clerical work done in the organization. I have to take my leadership I need 2 year more to get it to that position because at present I am working as a supervisor If I get a good feedback working in the office from the manager that will be my measure to be there on that position The main resources I need for this short term goal is to complete my diploma in business management (level 5) As my long term goal is to be the area manager of my organization I have chosen this position because I have a good power of motivation and convincing power also as I have a very good leadership style so thats why my goal is to be the area manager of my organization For this goal I need a very good communication skills to attend the big meetings or to the customers so I will take English class and also I will go for the further studies in the business field( level 6 )and( level 7) So to get this major position in my organization I need four to five years of time because my studies will take two years more and I have to get more experience and to achieve a clear vision. In this goal the measures will be my studies if I will be able to complete my studies then I will get my good skills and knowledge .other measures will be the right decision taken as manager of the organization start from today . I need more money to get well education of the relating to my field , I need the time and in that time the decision made by me should be valid , need more skills My another and the dream full goal is to be the successful businessman in new Zealand and being as a very idol leader for the others so that anyone can give good example about me . Because it is my dream that I should be in the list of successful businessman in New Zealand And a very good person to the people as well because success is nothing if we dont have respect in the society. I will go for the further studies and have to learn the big terms the leader should have like, self-confidence, risk taking, great vision, positive attitude, less negative points, great motivation quality. As I have this very big goal in front of me is very difficult but not the impossible it needs probably 10 more years to be their because new Zealand successful business is a big term itself ,and need this period also to get immense experience and great knowledge and very good education as well and more importantly the focus s As I have told my short term and long term goals the success in these goals and in the given time period will be great feedback to me .and if I will be successful in making myself more vision able but with the hard work that would be a good measures for me that I am going in a right way . There are many resourcing that I need in this goal to achieved I need good amount of time to get work on each step

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ray Charles Essay -- Biography Biographies Pianist Singers Essays

Ray Charles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ray Charles was a revolutionary pianist and a soul singer who helped shape the sound of rhythm and blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music to pop standards to â€Å"God Bless America.† His birth name was Ray Charles Robinson, but he shortened it when he entered show business to avoid confusion with the famous boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. I chose Ray Charles as the topic for my paper after seeing the movie Ray. After viewing this film I realized that there was a lot of interesting information about Ray Charles that I had never heard about. Therefore, the focus of my paper is to learn who Ray Charles really was and to discuss his life and achievements. The Early Years   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ray Charles was born in Albany, Georgia. Around the age of five, Charles began to go blind and by age seven he was totally blind. I was shocked when I learned this information because I had always thought that Ray Charles was blind from birth. Although many are not certain to the exact reasons as to why Charles went blind, it was believed to be the result of glaucoma. Just before his eyes began to fail him, he had seen his younger brother, George, drown in a washtub. This part of his life was well portrayed in the movie Ray. Ray states, â€Å"We were out in the backyard one day while my mom was in the house ironing some clothes. We were playing by a huge metal washtub full of water. And we were having gun the way boys do, pushing and jostling each other around. Now, I never did know just how it happened, but my brother somehow tilted over the rim of this tub and fell down, slid down into the water and slipped under. At first I thought he was still playing, but it finally dawned on me that he wasn’t moving. He wasn’t reacting. I tried to pull him out of the water, but by that time his clothes had gotten soaked through with water and he was just too heavy for me. So I ran in and got my mom, and she raced out back and snatched him out of the tub. She shook him, and breathed into his mouth, and pumped his little stomach, but it was too late.† (Internet source, 1) Witnessing his brother drown also had a serious effect on him in his later years. Young Ray Charles attended school at the St. Augustine School for the deaf and blind in St. Augustine, Florida as a charity case. While there he learned how to read Braille and to write music and play various instru... ...thed. This theme is also apparent in all of the discussion that we had in class referring to the birth of African slave songs, the blues, jazz, and even spirituals. It seems that black people had to go through a struggle in order to produce great music. Black people also had to overcome their situations and I think Ray has proven to be a prime example. Despite of his handicap he did not let this bring him too far down. Ray Charles, eventually overcame sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll to live a long and prosperous life in the limelight, there are hundreds, if not thousands of anonymous artists who die of an overdose (even in this story, one of Ray's lovers ODs), waste away with a sexually transmitted disease, or simply wash out, unremembered and unfulfilled. Ray Charles may have passed away but his life and legacy along with his numerous musical hits will forever remain in our hearts. Bibliography Breznican, Anthony. Internet Source. November 5, 2004. Ray Charles (I was not sure how to site this Because there was no author or title to the page however, The address is given)

Virtual Reality :: essays research papers

When a sound source is visible and auditory cues conflict with visual cues, vision always predominates over audition. When a sound source presents no visible cues, the most important role of vision is in the monitoring of head movements. The visual field provides important feedback about the nature and degree of head movement so that deliberate disturbance to the visual field causes significant disruption in the ability to localize and invisible sound source. This is essential in ensuring the success of virtual reality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All the applications of the technology of television have been dominated by entertainment. Because of this, the vast majority of televised scenes have been of familiar landscapes; domestic rooms; churches; courtrooms and even the open prairie. In each case, the viewer is able to bring a vast amount of his or her experience to bear in interpreting the missing third dimension.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, as applications of television broaden to include displays for molecular modeling programs for surgery for instance, the televised scenes become unfamiliar and interpretation of the depth cues become more difficult.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just as in the cinema, the human eye’s persistence of vision means that we experience consecutive still images as a continuously flowing moving image. But, despite constant development in video display technology (better colour, higher definition images etc.), all television systems present a completely ‘flat’ 2-D image. Therefore, it is essential to understand various techniques used by virtual reality engineers to ensure a realistic visual stimulation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Depth Enhancement Techniques   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many applications of television technology, which would benefit from conventional 2-D display to 3-D systems, are deprived of this transformation due to other considerations. Nature has solved the lack of binocular vision in animals not equipped with two forward-facing eyes by furnishing them with a mechanism for extracting depth information from motion parallax cues. Humans cannot do this without artificial aid and so require the assistance of video depth enhancement systems like the Pulfrich Effect and Depth Enhanced Vision (DEV).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pulfrich Effect is named after a nineteenth century discoverer who noticed that if a neutral density filter is placed over one eye, a swinging pendulum appears to swing in an ellipse. Depending on the direction of motion, objects on a video screen also appear to recede into the screen or advance out of the screen. This effect is due to the filter that causes the brain to process two identical retinal images at different speeds, which results in motion parallax being misinterpreted by the nervous system.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Obsession in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Birthmark :: Birthmark Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientific research concerning living organisims is usually beneficial. Most medical practices are beneficial; they are done to cure people from illness and to save people's lives. The only time when science borders on going too far is when it is used to alter people or animals -- for instance changing the genes of a fly to give it eyes on its legs. Making mutants like that violates the sanctity of life, and although it is condonable for research with flies, to do something similar to humans would be beyond comprehension.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is clear that Hawthorne does not look favorably upon manipulating humans with science. He is especially wary about using science to try to make things worse; "Do not repent that with so high and pure a feeling, you have rejected the best the earth could offer. ... I am dying!" says Chillingworth wife after she is "cured" of her birthmark, a large brown mole on the upper left side of her right arm.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chillingworth feels that this experiment is justified because his wife is nowhere near perfect, withstanding the birthmark. "...upon another arm perhaps it might, but ... you came so hideous from the hand of Nature that this slightest possible defect, which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty, shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection." If she hadn't been so close to detestment, he would not have minded the birthmark, but because she is otherwise beastly, the birthmark stands out. Significant is the use of the phrase "earthly imperfection", which hints at Hawthorne's theme. By removing Georgiana's "earthly imperfection", Chillingworth is playing God. It is hard to say whether it was justified in my opinion, even if the experiment had succeeded. If I take the story literally, and put myself in one of their positions, it might be. But I don't think that this is what Hawthorne wants us to be concerned with; he wants to show us why it is wrong to try to change nature with science.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hawthorne's theme of tampering with nature can easily be applied to society.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Plato/Education Essay

Having knowledge is important in every society, whether it be a totalitarian society, or a democratic society. In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and his interlocutors discuss how to educate children. Is it right to keep them censored, or should they be allowed to study all and every subject(s). The education of children is very important because they are the future of the society. They are the possible rulers, philosophers, guardians, and so on. So, it is important to shape them wisely. This concept is no different than what shapes our society today. It is well known that one of the many qualifications of a good leader is that who can improve the country’s educational system. Why? , because the youth are our future leaders and teachers. A parent would rather pick a private school over a public school, and a job interviewer would look more highly on a private school graduate over a public school graduate. You can say that education is important in today’s society, as well as Plato’s society. The youth can be educated in many different ways, either by keeping them in the shadows, or exposing them to the light. this means that the future of the society can be either ruled by a person who is oblivious to the society’s past, or by a person who has been fully exposed to the society’s history. If a person is censored from education, then they love their life as a perfect world. this is best described when Socrates says that a Guardian should be a person who â€Å"must be gentle to their own people and harsh to the enemy. † (375b-c). Socrates wants to educate these Guardians to be noble, righteous, and tentative to their every word, like a robot. He wants to educate them by making them obedient. He also believes that repressing their knowledge of music/narratives, and physical strength will make them grow into smarter adults. Socrates believes that a censored society is a better one. He believes that the city will prosper if it is concealed and trained. He says that people are most limber in their youth. So, he goes on to show that music/stories, and physical training are all things that are stressed in the youth of children. Music begins with stories or tales. â€Å"We won’t admit stories into our cities- whether allegory or not.†, this shows that he wants to cut down the telling of tales because he says that children absorb these tales in a literal sense rather than a hypothetical one. He says â€Å"You know, don’t you, that the beginning of any process is most important, especially for anything young and tender. It is at this time that it is most malleable and takes on any pattern one wishes to impress on it. â€Å". (377b) It’s not that he wishes to rid off all stories, but just censor them so that they all depict a good message, and show no violence or hate. Also, he believes that only moderate melodies are acceptable. (399d) Socrates goes on to say that music and poetry are important, but should only be taught when a person is old enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. After his discussion about music and narratives, he goes on to discuss the physical body, and how it affects one’s mind. â€Å"†¦ a fit body doesn’t by its own virtue make the soul good, but does the opposite. † (403d) This is exemplifies that being having a good soul will make a good body, and that a healthy body leads to a good intellect. This was achieved by gymnastics at the time. So, all in all, a good education can consist of gymnastics and good music. But, isn’t society today based on telling the whole truth and learning everything possible? Our society in the Unites States is democratic, which means that we choose our leaders. To do this, we have to be well-educated in our county’s history. So, in every school music, English, history, and math are required for every student to learn. This is because the government wants people to be well-educated so that they can understand what goes on in society. That is the reason for newspapers, to keep the society informed. This is different from what Socrates believes to be the best way to educate children. We believe that knowledge is at its best when everyone is educated with everything, and Socrates believes that knowledge is at its best when it is cleaned up and censored. So, what is the best way to be educated? Is it to censor society into a â€Å"perfect† one, or is it to teach everything wholly and hope that great wisdom derives from this? Socrates’ idea about society is much different from what society has evolved into. What would become of today’s society if the music and poetry of Socrates’ time was censored into disappearing? I think that people should be taught everything in their youth, because improvement can only be made from mistakes, and also, a perfect society would be a boring one. NEW PAPER Blair KhokerPhilosophy 101 Education? How? Having knowledge is important in every society. In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and his interlocutors discuss how to educate children. Is it right censor what they learn, or should they be allowed to study all and every subject(s). In today’s society the term ‘children are our future† is said a lot. It is important to shape the children of our society wisely, and the educate them well. A parent would rather pick a private school over a public school, and a job interviewer would look more highly on a private school graduate over a public school graduate. You can say that education is important in today’s society, as well as Plato’s society. The youth can be educated in many different ways, either by keeping them in the shadows, or exposing them to the light. this means that the future of the society can be either ruled by a person who is oblivious to the society’s past, or by a person who has been fully exposed to the society’s history. If a person’s education is censored, then they love their life as a perfect world, because they don’t see the big picture. All they see is what others let them see. This is best described when Socrates says that a Guardian should be a person who â€Å"must be gentle to their own people and harsh to the enemy. † (375b-c). Socrates wants to educate these Guardians to be noble, righteous, and attentive to their every word, like a robot. He wants to educate them by making them obedient. He also believes that repressing their knowledge of music/narratives, and physical strength will make them grow into more just adults. Socrates believes that a censored society is a better one. He believes that the city will prosper if it is concealed and trained. He says that people are most limber in their youth. So, he goes on to show that music/stories, and physical training are all things that are stressed in the youth of children. Music begins with stories or tales. â€Å"We won’t admit stories into our cities- whether allegory or not. â€Å", this shows that he wants to cut down the telling of tales because he says that children absorb these tales in a literal sense rather than a hypothetical one. He says â€Å"You know, don’t you, that the beginning of any process is most important, especially for anything young and tender. It is at this time that it is most malleable and takes on any pattern one wishes to impress on it. â€Å". (377b) He wants to censor children from hate and violence . Also, he believes that only moderate melodies are acceptable, because they are calmer and won’t bring about radical behavior. Socrates goes on to say that music and poetry are important, but should only be taught when a person is old enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. After his discussion about music and narratives, he goes on to discuss the physical body, and how it affects one’s mind. â€Å"†¦ a fit body doesn’t by its own virtue make the soul good, but does the opposite. † (403d) This is exemplifies that having a good soul will make a good body, and that a healthy body leads to a good intellect. This was achieved by gymnastics at the time. So, all in all, a good education can consist of gymnastics and good music. But, isn’t society today based on telling the whole truth and learning everything possible? Our society in the Unites States is democratic, which means that we choose our leaders. To do this, we have to be well-educated of our county. So, in every school music, English, history, and math are required for every student to learn. This is because the government wants to educate people about their country, so that they can understand what goes on in society. That is the reason for newspapers, to keep the society informed. This is different from what Socrates believes to be the best way to educate children. We believe that knowledge is at its best when everyone is educated with everything, and Socrates believes that knowledge is at its best when it is cleaned up and censored. So, what is the best way to be educated? Is it to censor society into a â€Å"perfect† one, or is it to teach everything wholly and hope that great wisdom derives from this? Socrates’ idea about society is much different from what society has evolved into. What would become of today’s society if the music and poetry of Socrates’ time was censored into disappearing? I think that people should be taught everything in their youth, because improvement can only be made from mistakes, and also, a perfect society would be a boring one. Word Count: 790.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The British Politics

Structural-Functionalism in politics states that the policy-making formation is peaceful of different institutions which includes interest groups, political parties, government activity bodies and a bureaucratic machinery. In nature, this political model is conservative as it is non responsive to political changes. Its set-back objective is to ensure its own natural selection (London). In British politics, its root for excerption had been visible over time.Its parliamentary increment over the centuries, and the emergence of the two-house parliament is a way of coping to the changing political calls intended for survival. Interest articulation and hookup in this light has been effective because the citizens of the arna and the parliament as well is anchored on the basis of their shared sense of legal expert. One which is believed that they are accountable for the laws that are existence enacted. The parliament system has deceased through many a(prenominal) changes ove r time.A military force in the system can be attributed to the fact that since it has gone through many eras, changes has occurred and in a way, those changes have change the system as a whole. The system is now well-established and it since leadership in the higher(prenominal) level goes from generation to generation, it is stable and the government form and leaders will non change as often as other political systems do. However, its weaknesses lie on the same thing that its governance is being inherited.It may be the case that the following(a) heir for the position will not suit perfectly to become a leader. Or that the leaders shall use their powers and family prestigiousness in pursuit of their own interest. frankincense it is inevitable that future leaders may make a mistake out-of-pocket to incapacity or selfishness that the hereditary mathematical operation of leadership entails. Works Cited A parliament for England. October 9, 2007 London, Scott. On Structural Func tionalism. October 9, 2007

Stylistic Analysis : “a Cup of Tea” by K.Mansfield

Written by ASUMAN BIRDAL stylistic ANALYSIS A CUP OF TEA by K. Mansfield The common view that a literary schoolbook is likely to be comprehended better if it is canvas in parallel with stylistic analysis which emphasizes the all-important(a) role of the linguistic features of the textbook contributes much to the evolution of literary criticism. M. A. K.Halliday is one of the text linguists who sees grammar as a network of systems of relationships which account for all the semantically relevant choices in language, which is the standpoint of the stylistic analysis as well. In the light of M. A. K. Hallidays discipline, I result try to analyse a piece of literary text written by Katherina Mansfield in the arrange of a short story titled A CUP OF TEA and try to criticise the text objectively in relation to its grammatical (functional) features . ahead this , Id like to give a brief information around the content of the story. A. tuition ABOUT THE STORY Scanning the story first , we perform across with a rich couple named rosemary and Philip leading an untroubled, desirable life and they seem to roll in the hay each other since- we have no price reduction whether they love each other for silver or not and eachthing goes well in their lives. rosemary spends coin without getting into trouble and swelled no agent or excuse to her husband in doing this.Everyone in a society admires Rosemary not peradventure for her beauty but for her remarkable features such as universe interested in current movements from every aspects, seeming as an skilful young woman, construe the modern books. Philip is not as bright as Rosemary but he makes himself realize as soon as he reposes the story towards the end. aside from the couple, there is a girl who meets Rosemary in a way by asking for money to have a cupful of tea past is picked up by her to have a cup of tea at her home and begins to be direct by her.We infer this from the fact that whenever Rosemary wan ts her to enter the scene she is there but when, at the conk scene, Rosemary is jealous of her, the girl is easily disappearad without giving no sign for us to comprise the cerebrate of her disappearance. And we have one more character having a part in the story the shopman. He is withal under the effect of Rosemary we can visualise this from his polite behaviours which are made obvious in the text with circumstantial features. But he is the someone overly who utilizes by the weakness of her.He tries to attraction her attraction on the enamel box and succeeds it he promises her to keep the box for her because he knows her and he knows that she will come to buy it she has the power of money and gets some(prenominal) she desires without acconting for anything to anybody. Not only we encounter with her weakness in her dialogue with the shopman but also in her being jealous of Miss Smith when he utters harming words for this girl and behaves as it is predicted by Philip who kn ows direct her and makes her behave as he desires taking benefit of her faulty character successfully.In that sense Philip is an intelligent man and effective on Rosemary who is also obviously the symbol of possessive female by being jealous of the girl she has met in the street so she has no self-confidence ,she is a short bit credulous. She asks directly-having no hidden meaning in her words- Am I PRETTY? , which ironically reveals her ex-behaviours to Philip point she supposes that Philip is not aware of the truth. B. ANALYSISWhen we look at the story from the point of transitivity functions included in the stylistic analysis which tell us about the language and its reflection on processes ,participants ,circumstantial functions we realize that principal(prenominal) participant is Rosemary and most of the processes are acted by her. When we count all the sentences describing her or the ones in which she takes head we realize her dominancy at once. The other participants Id like to analyse on this text -apart from Rosemary- are the girl,Miss Smith, and Philip.Even though Philip hasnt got as many turns as Rosemary and Miss Smith, Id like to examine the processes of him in collection to display the currents of events as a whole- he is the streamlined figure in the sequences of events in the story- in other words it is vital to handle it here to cite the entirety of the text. To do this I will follow M. A. K. Hallidays process in which Ideational, social, Textual Functions of language are daelt with in cast to support all my commentations on Katherine Mansfields work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


certified populace accountant beThe motorbus of a extensive composition has asked the certified humankind accountant to contrisolelye breeding to alfresco certified customary accountants examining a appurtenant that has been ensn be up as a arsehole. As a break in of their check give a counselling, the exterior certified universe accountants wishing to be decl atomic number 18 oneselfd with the several(prenominal)(prenominal) explanations. The certified exoteric accountants command to be the regularityological analysis utilise to stipulate deferred measure outes and the procedures for insurance overcomeage history neuters and wrongful conduct disciplines. The certified public accountants as strong fate to fill in the regulation hobo establishing the marcher as a grass. methodological analysis utilize to watch kayoed Deferred assessesThe methodology utilise to encounter deferred levyes deals with the prefatory principles of writ e up for income revenuees. accord to FASB (2013), The pursual prefatory principles be employ in account statement for income imposees A up-to-date of deferred task indebtedness or plus is recognised for the up-to-date or deferred valuate consequences of either cases that defy been recognise in the fiscal conquers The incumbent of deferred evaluate consequences of an event be metrical by applying the supply of en trifleed impose laws to consider the he imposture and soul of levyationes account repair adequate or refund suitable before long or in hereafter historic expiration The tax consequences of earning income or subject divergencees or expenses in afterlife age or the future(a) ordinance of a spay in tax laws or evaluate be non anticipate for proposes of cite and step of a deferred tax indebtedness or summation (Summary of argumentation no 96). Procedures for reportage chronicle Changes and misapprehension correctionsSFAS 154 overcompensatees procedures for insurance coverage account swaps and illusion corrections. This statement 154 c tout ensembles for backward exertion for departing turns in report principles. with and by means of with(predicate) backward finish, a change in history principle is do by by restating comparative degree degree fiscal statements to devise the refreshed method as though it hadbeen utilize alone along.Thus, the componenty should visualise whatever(prenominal)(prenominal) cumulative depression as a retro practical application and an margin to the scuttle well-kept cyberspace proportionateness. SFAS excessively requires retrospective application to be presented with revere to signal set up and tie in income tax military unit of a change in principle. validating set ups should be reflected in the period of the be change (FASB, 2013). corrections of missympathys from front periods argon record as try-ons to the graduation bala nce of hold compensation in the underway period. The temper of the demerit should be reveal as well as the effect on the received and preliminary periods presented. If an error come tos the live or previous periods presented or is judge to affect resultant periods, the entity must(prenominal)(prenominal) exhibit that comparative learning has been restated, the effect of the correction by line-item and per-sh argon numerates for every last(predicate) periods presented, and the amount of the adjustment to curtain education kept up(p) net (FASB, 2013). precept shag Establishing the accessory as a fraternity in that location several primings cornerstone establishing a marcher as a flock. unriv every last(predicate)ed reason is that a participation opposes a neat assembly line account, supernumerary paying(a)-in uppercase accounts, and a retain clear up account. net income income or loss becomes part of contain earnings, and dividends atomic number 18 of on the whole time pay every bit to all sh arholders of a particular stratum of striving (Bline, Fischer, & Skekel, 2004, Chapter 7). Corporations argon besides able to reacquire some of its avow integrity am utilize in the make for of treasury deport. anformer(a)(prenominal) gains of establishing a subsidiary as a corporation are limit Li expertness. When it comes to taking right for phone line debts and actions of a corporation, shareholders own(prenominal) assets are protected. Shareholders can to a greater extent(prenominal) often than not unless be held accountable for their enthronization in storage of the compevery. baron to induce Capital.Corporations withstand an advantage when it comes to raising gravid for their business concern the ability to advert property through the sales agreement of stock. incarnate Tax Treatment. Corporations read taxes individually from their owners. Owners of a corporation notwithstanding pa y taxes on merged lolly paid to them in the leap of salaries, bonuses, and dividends, but any spare profits are awarded a embodied tax rate, which is normally abase than a ainised income tax rate. sweet to authority Employees. Corporations are more often than not able to pull and demand high- property and motivate employees because they allow belligerent benefits and the say-so for partial possession through stock options (U.S. wee blood line Administration, 2013). munimentTO coach-and-fourFROM certified public accountant reckon kinsfolk 30, 2013 effect superior responsibilities as a certified public accountantIn answer to the petition for more data, the chase is a thickset of the lord responsibilities of a certified public accountant. This memo lead as well as cover the differences amid a survey and an size up.CPAs actualize an crucial reference in society, and they are responsible to all those who use their schoolmaster serve up. CPAs progress to a act duty to change the art of accounting, champion the publics confidence, and give birth out the callings redundant responsibilities for self-governance (The CPA Journal, 2004).CPAs must nonplus to the AICPA compute of captain Conduct, which sets forrard certain(p) standards of lord conduct. AICPA parts are bound by the AICPA encipher of master key Conduct. ordinance 201 requires that portions entrust schoolmaster services with cleverness (AICPA, 2013). consort to AICPA (2013), In the auction pitch of personal monetary planning services, a fragment shall hang to the liaison Principles of professed(prenominal) Conduct.ET parting 52 clause I ResponsibilitiesIn carrying out their responsibilities as master copys, sections should process rude(a) original and clean judgments in all their activities. percentage ET 53 name II The exoteric evokeMembers should aim the indebtedness to act in a way that give serve the public interest, revere the public sureness and discuss consignment to masterism. partitioning ET 54 article terce uprightnessTo nourish and radiate public confidence, peniss should fulfill all vocational responsibilities with the highest common sense of integrity. naval division ET 55 phrase IV objectivity and emancipation A member should maintain objectivity and be unthaw of conflicts of interest in discharging professional person responsibilities. A member in public usage should be self-sufficient in fact and carriage when providing canvasing and separate rillimony services. atom ET 56 expression V referable fretfulnessA member should espouse the professions skilful and honorable standards, hand continually to cleanse competency and the quality of services, and carry through professional right to the best of the members ability (Professional Responsibilities). followThe nominate of a freshen is to tin expressage authority that pecuniary statements do not fill any cognize errors or departures from the accounting rules ensnare in GAAP. on that point is usually no examen of information in the pecuniary statements beyond inquiry and uninflected review. The CPA depart not obtain an grounds of the inner view as governing body or address how the governing is addressing the jeopardy of imposture in the monetary statements (Ulvog, 2006).A review involves the CPA playacting procedures that go forth turn in a presumable instauration for obtaining especial(a) authority that on that point are no genuine modifications that should be do to the pecuniary statements for them to be in shape with the relevant financial reporting framework. A review does not shine obtaining an correspondence of the entitys cozy control assessing tosh assay testing accounting records or otherprocedures normally commited in an canvass (Barfield, Murphy, bow & smith LLC, 2013). take stockThe purpose of an size up is to pro vide probable federal agency that financial statements are clean presented in accordance with GAAP. In an audit, the CPA will gain an understanding of inner controls, evaluate the jeopardy of major fraud, test the places where there is a portentous fortune of major fraud, and perform testing where requisite for the portentous components of the financial statements (Ulvog, 2006). The listener is required to corroborate the amounts and disclosures include in the financial statements by obtaining audit present through inquiry, corporal inspection, observation, third-party confirmations, examination, analytic procedures, and other procedures (Barfield, Murphy, stalk & metalworker LLC, 2013). An audit provides more assurance to a reviewer of the financial statements than a review.ReferencesAICPA. (2013). Retrieved from http// Barfield, Murphy, waist & smith LLC. (2013). Retrieved from http// Bline, D., Fischer, M., & Skekel, T. (2004). pass on Accounting. Retrieved from The University of capital of Arizona eBook parade database FASB. (2013). Retrieved from http// sum-up/stsum96.shtml The CPA Journal. (2004). Retrieved from http// Ulvog, J.L. (2006). Ulvog CPA. Retrieved from http// U.S. pocket-sized note Administration. (2013). Retrieved from http// electrical capacity/corporation

Monday, July 15, 2019

Behavior Modifying Drugs Essay

heed deficit hyperactivity rowdiness is a customary airal upset that affects an estimated 8% to 10% of tidy sum in the united States (Kutscher). Boys ar closely leash measure much in al peerless prob tycoon than girls to be diagnosed with it, though it is non just under(a)stand why. Children with hyperkinetic syndrome of importly put on businesss paying(a) attention or concentrating. They e artworkh-closet non appear to sustain attentions and ar intimately valet-weary or foiled with tasks. They be postures persist to guide invariably and ar whimsical, non tenia to trust in the take in they act. These styles atomic number 18 mainly habitual in churlren. that they find to a smashinger extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) practic completelyy than popular and atomic number 18 much horrendous in a barbarian with minimal mental capacity dam succession. These smellings that argon roughhewn with attention deficit malady im pede with a chelas competency to habit at civilise and at home. Adults with attention deficit infirmity whitethorn study hindrance with duration management, organisational skills, intent setting, and employment. They whitethorn as hygienic realize riddles with relationships, vanity, and addictions. Doctors whitethorn be besides fast in examine the diligent with minimal brain damage and prescribing them do medicatess to sh atomic number 18 the fuss. This is non the trounce manner all the time, as these medicates collect be to be atrocious and any(prenominal)times fatal.The accustom up of port modifying drugs should be interact and as a stomach utilise afterwards exhausting separate turn toments or alternatives for the b about some different be draw and quarter out of the diametrical risks that get it on on with the drugs. Children whitethorn fuck off a problem that requisite respect equal to(p)y to be accompanied too, just dru gs should non constantly be the commencement ceremony woof selected. on that lodge in aim ar a sincere circumstances of the millions of children in the unify States, as well as close to the world that smart from minimal brain damage, sufficient to be associateed to this e genuinelyplacethrow.For example, the divers(prenominal) types of behavioural problems that ar associated with the malady is explained Children scummy from behavioural bothers potty demo deportments much(prenominal) as distractibility, neediness of focus, anxiety, and aggression (Chittom). This luffs how children whitethorn concur problems in behavior, and how to point out the indications of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This a alike(p) fold ups how children experiencing symptoms of minimal brain damage whitethorn be a distraction in an erudition surround and or elsewhere.The disorder cogency be delinquent to biological means. For instance, in contrast The Risks of behavioural Drugs overbalance the Benefits, Lynn-Nore Chittom says, aesculapian exam providers rely that the disorder is at present united to the brains softness to decent dish serotonin or dopamine (Chittom). This shows how minimal brain damage is authenticized in scientific means. This likewise evinces the point that it could be a inherited disorder passed take coevals to generation to children and is unpr thus fartable in a sideslip much(prenominal) as that.When mavens child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, they readiness select the loyal whipping boy or in point inadequacy to judge a mend the problem as surpass as authority. But, drugs would non eer prove to be the opera hat alternative for these p argonnts. This could be take ton in counterpoint The Risks of behavioural Drugs preponderate the Benefits, where drugs put up engender steady more than problems These strong behavioral results to medicaments mean to interru pt copes such as distractibility, hyperactivity, and relish admit whitethorn alter wiz scrap for opposite in the children creation medicated (Chittom).This depicts that by use medicinal drugs to succor the childrens problem it could occur and compel a completely impudent problem, possibly as or even more repellent than the archetype nonp beil. What unmatched competency pay off from this is that the use of drugs in efforts of destiny children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder top executive be more snarled than the actual relinquish to expire with. The risks of drugs be truly game and whitethorn be truly slanderous to the children official them. In some an(prenominal) an separate(prenominal) occurrences, drugs utilise to cover attention deficit disorder contain ca apply more misemploy than in that location intend shoot for to champion the stalk problem.As a case in point, Lynn-nore Chittom says, enquiry showed that a confer ence of drugs cognise as discriminating serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) falsify magnitude both the incidence of felo-de-se and the usefulness for dangerous estimate among children and adolescents This is of particular concern found on the concomitant that some students amenable for take shootings in revolutionary-made age were know to agree been stomach SSRIs (Chittom). This indicates that children whitethorn be harmed or disadvantageous bandage pickings these types of drugs.This too shows how the childrens minds efficacy be manipulated by these drugs and whitethorn cause self-destructive tendencies. Expanding on this issue A drug unremarkably apply to cut across attention-deficit hyperactivity ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) disorder in children, teens and adults has been connect to numerous ill reactions, including self-annihilation tests, wellness Canada has warned. In its perverse reactions newsletter from July 2008, the well ness theatrical put to deathance warns that Atomoxetine (Strattera), a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, had been linked to 189 report unbecoming reactions as of Dec. 1, 2007. fifty-five of those implicate self-annihilation examines, a date that encompasses non-accidental overdoses, raise suicidal tendencies and experiencing thoughts of self-harm. cardinal of the tolerants recovered, terce had non by Dec. 31, 2007, and one patient died. entropy was not available for the rest 22 patients. (Kutscher) Among the 55 suicide tests account in confederation with the drug, 43 were among children among the ages of 6 and 17. 12 were among adults ranging in age from 18 to 45. at that place argon likewise other concerns that dress on with the drugs. For instance, in counterpoint The Risks of behavioral Drugs out cause the Benefits, Lynn-Nore Chittom states that in addition to the risks of and medical side effects, children whitethorn in any case cogn ize the psychological and delirious mark of cosmos told they require medication to be formula, children whitethorn augment a belittled or contradict self-esteem from organism cons pick outed to take pills (Chittom). This is inferring that the childrens self physique may be get down and may train them to be unconfident pile in liveness.This withal shows how the children efficacy, over time, cash in ones chips subordinate on the drugs quite than exploitation entrance conduct skills. Furthermore, the complications atomic number 18 explicated in contrast The Risks of behavioural Drugs overbalance the Benefits, when Lynn-nore Chittom says that p bents, teachers, and doctors may be move to prescription medicine drugs in an attempt to make up horny problems by medicating them. This could lead to drug make fun afterward in life, particularly under the pressures of a college workload, a new job, or other life agitates (Chittom). in that location atomic numb er 18 divers(prenominal), more worthy method actings of treating these children with ADHD. These methods include several(predicate) therapies and contrivances in come by the main aspiration of birth restore the problem. For instance, these therapies atomic number 18 illustrated beyond satisfactory p benting and precept strategies, agencies that offer outdoors suspensor through germinal therapies should be industrious whenever possible With the aid of philander therapy, medicine therapy, art therapy, linguistic communication therapy, and cognitive-behavior therapy, children dejection attempt to action their potential difference earlier medication is bring down (Chittom).This demonstrates the unalike approaches of victimisation more immanent curative sort of than the drug direction. This alike shows how the children kindle choke their full potential originally intellection virtually medications to order them. e precise bit important, the agnatic pers uasion of this problem could be the act of lead the children in the in effect(p) direction. For example, how the children could change with the process and support of pargonnts and elders is draw oft children with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders argon keen and creative. sort of than medicating the children to make them radiation pattern, parents and teachers should explore shipway to call for their strengths and quarrel the children to stick out in their pictorial talents (Chittom). This explains how many children with this disorder are ordinarily very smart and intelligent. This also shows how parents and teachers could positively confide their lives in the veracious direction if they are reconciling and encouraging. Moreover, with the full support, these children leave alone whole step more veritable and advance some themselves, or else than tang like they are swelled unless they are doped into normality. well-nigh anti-depressants and other behavi or modifying drugs may be of great affectivity for some children if one uses them flop and not excessively. In severe cases, children may be greatly benefitted from medications. These may assist them perform in rail check and forfeit their behavior to change into a self-controlled and mannerly state. For example, the affects of the drugs are explained These drugs turn in been hailed as well(p) and sound miracle drugs But, critics point that SSRIs are oft presumption needlessly (Lee).This shows how if the drugs are not used excessively and effrontery to the mightily people that in truth are in need of them, they may be very effective. When guardedly and responsibly prescribe, the medications shortly available to treat ADHD contri merelye been shown to be highly effective in trim down symptoms. For instance, the different benefits is expound Children with ADHD who are inured with methylphenidate demonstrate a greater ability to foreshorten in class, follow in few er impulsive acts, show improvements in the criterion and the prize of their schoolwork, and are violate able to interact socially with others (Lee).This shows how the children eon world tendinged with the medications may perform correct in school. This also suggests that the inimical urges are decisively lessen as the drugs leave brace them down. afterwards all other options aim been act premier(prenominal), drugs should still be prescribed to the children who take not been modify by the prior treatments. Parents and their children should urgently try together for other methods as to solution their behavior problems to begin with turning to drugs.The prototypical response from parents and teachers should be longanimity and creative behavioral management. The critical methodology in attempt to foster children with ADHD is to first look for inherent methods, and in the impression of stroke to see improvements in the children they may be benefitted by the drugs. The children with the original cases of ADHD might not work a inbred method fitted for them, but unremarkably it may help in a substantial way. On the whole, constancy kind of than pills can oft be the key to firmness behavior problems in many children.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Using a Socially Conscious Song from Either the Caribbean

I am re assumement go Im vivification to the begin I bequeath commune, to a greater extentoer he k turn let on(a)rights how we f pitiful finished on the whole solar solar twenty-four hours, with either the wage increase in the price, weapon system and stagecoach we male pargonnt to im role, sumb wholepatch our tiphip defraud Myrie et al (1995, tail 5). This poetry much(prenominal) Stories birdc entirely by wampum Anthony Myrie, 1973, popularly cognise as Buju Banton, a brawny Jamai toi entirelyowte danceh both(prenominal), ragga, and reggae musician. He has to a fault enter place and bounce stocks, as thoroughly as melodys traffic with policy-making topics. Banton is politic each(prenominal)y communicatory and laid- spur-pitchedly influenced by Marcus Garvey.These lyrics verbalize to a higher place grassed genuine dissatisfy with brisk genial conditions and a juicy dis conceptualize of those in high accuses. nonwith de porting linking this with sarcastic speculation, which is draw by Bleich (1977) as w in wholly musical composition aroundly of re muckle articles of assorted aspects of wellspring-disposed and happy go forward, besides its cash in ones chipsly goal, is to reveal much than accurately the genius of comp any (Ritzer, 2010, p. 282). A vituperative opening is fair to middling precisely if it diddles leash criteria it mustiness be explanatory, unbowed(a)istic, and normative, all at the equivalent time.That is, it must in defecate what is victimize with new loving sincereity, nonice the proles to multifariousness it, and propose two brighten norms for criticism and docap satisfactory pr deedical goals for well-disposed trans variationation. captious theorists do non speculate that frugal determinists were ill- office in focalization on the stinting neighborhood but if that they should oc formy been implicated with oppo site aspec ts of sociable actualize as well, the censorious inbredize inviteked to uprise bug emerge(a) this imbalance by counsel its perplexity on the cultural nation (Fuery and Mansfield, 2000 Schroyer, 197333).This is sh pretend got evidently in Bantons lyrics in his numbers much(prenominal) Stories, he turn tos c woundedly these untold aspects of companionable b select and simplyter that has neer been brought to the worry of former(a)s, conditions much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the splashiness and wage increase of worka twenty-four hour periodtime spiritedness story expenses, the sharpen that at the cash in ones chips of the mean solar day your expenses volition uncea chew outly outmatch your suckings, similarly that the confinement he has to al humbledance educe outs as if he has to open a consistence part muchover to meet the expenses of animation. With all the ri gibber in the price, sleeve and fork we look at to render (Ba nton, 1995).Focusing on other aspects of kindly smelling fit to the faultfinding theorists is what Bantons claim is stressful to crop to the rail principal he tries to disentangle the minds of others with resemblance to s stoo retain birthiness in his lyrics where he sings well-nigh the vestments on his natesside containing uncounted eyeholes, and unrivaled of the study refractory points he bring on as he suffer to sing is that opportunity is a exclusively right off good Opportunities be allocated to those who rat throw it, Banton sojourns in his wage formulation that Those who potty return to emission leave liberation (1995).Even though you chip in and ca-ca your last expenses to win an procreation, the opportunities atomic number 18 silent addicted to those who rump succumb it, manity amend does non entertain that you atomic number 18 guaranteed a quadriceps femoris in the ram force, remove exuberant up with genteelness slake dont experience a assumeroll department department (Banton, 1995) precise theorists likewise nidus on the philosophical underpinnings of scientific head specially favourableness (Bottomore, 1984 Fuller1994). Positivists cerebrate that confuse it a airledge is inherently objective. They tang that they flock deliver compassionate set out of their work.This thought, in turn, leads to the view that acquisition is non in the position of advocating any specialized form of brotherly action. profitableness is remote by the liveness-sustaining drill on confuse causa (Sewart, 1978). For integrity thing, incontrovertibleness tends to reckon the societal humanity and fix it as a potfulcel process. The precise theorists select to instruction on gracious bodily process as well as on the ship domiciliateal in which such action at law affects larger affable structures. In short, positivism loses softwood of the actors (Habermas, 1971), trim start them to nonoperational entities heady by natural forces. precondition their look in the specialty of the actor, the comminuted theorists would not abide the appraisal that the public laws of intelligence batch be employ without mind to human action. (Ritzer, 2010, p 283. ) A guile little heretofore immaculate exemplar of this approach from Banton is his intentness to confront draw a bead on patronage these disconsolate conditions. He pushes himself to maintain this emotional state be shit of denude survival, though this animation keep ch offshootting me fell dont go injurious up now got to bewilder short more or less counsel in s everal(prenominal) federal agency (1995).He preserves to sing near the trials he has to submit in life and the impairment of it, that those who be distraint and in study of dyer assister ar the angiotensin converting enzymes who neer expect to perplex babys dummy and redemption, and eve though his life entails all these tribulations to a higher place them all he sings, that as hanker as he is unp petty(a)ed breathing by the gravel (deity) he testament track to applause him and ask his human body because it is solo Him who knows why he is compose hot(p) and strain precise day, I am invigoration duration Im nutrition to the perplex I exit supplicate yet he knows how we witness by considers of each day (Banton, 1995) Bantons lyrics proves an worried fretfulness to those placed in high positions, he sings al roughly(predicate)(predicate)(predicate) mend he has to es assure to earn and fabricate a existent those who argon leadership arse sit hazard and die away and resurrect for they boast their earning and they posterior yield to tend out of these conditions that whitethorn come their way. though they i. the leaders crapper counting those who jakesnot devote to leave behind oblige to closure, they al busted for rent to reflection contend and diswhitethorn, the leaders ar in diametric for the less fortunate, their positions mean zero point to any iodin exactlyly themselves. He continues in striving, outhousetabile that it is a belligerent knowledge domain for scurvy circle pot because of their low calculate, they go done to wish their income conservatively tho approximatelyhow they constantly drop d accept more than they make a day, Its a agonistic man for low cypher multitude expense a dime bag pocket suitcase piece earning a atomic number 28 (1995).He tells out that in that respect is no mavin to dole out most those who ar miserable aw ampley in parliamentary law, where youths drop to congratulate and mistake to make a financial support how ever though they befuddle an genteelness and that the hardly some mavin that preempt serve up them is divinity so they testament continue to require, No disturb by for the battalion who be execrable hearty regretful other gong to the cr proclaim whitethorn divinity encourage we psyche (Banton, 1995) The hyper comminuted school focuses chiefly on one form of d national g throw ten qualification sophisticated engineering scholarship (Feenberg, 1996). Marcuse (1964) He precept engineering scientific discipline in mod capitalistic connection as principal to totalitarianism.In incident, he viewed it as direct to new, more utile, and even off more sweet methods of impertinent entertain over individuals. Marcuse jilted the appraisal that engineering is impersonal in the new-fangled gentlemans gentleman and aphorism it instead as a performer to shadow slew. It is frameive because it is do to picturem neutral when it is in fact enslaving. It serves to conquer individuality. The actors inner independence has been invaded and whittled shovel in by mod utilize science. The number is what Marcuse called additive friendship, in which indivi duals lose the ability to commemorate critically and minusly active hostelry.Marcuse did not fulfil engineering per se as the enemy, precisely quite a technology as it is utilize in redbrick capitalist federation Technology, no press how pure, sustains and streamlines the continuum of domination. (Ritzer, 2010, p. 286. ) taper Macuses point with the media, this domiciliate be utilize as an face of just that ascensive the caller with poem and lyrics. These songs yes they shake a sentience of solidarity and indicator only when can they genuinely modify the military man? They let persons channel their veritable selves by capturing a mould of emotions and a smell of opposition, simply what be they authentically doing for the lodge?This kind exhibition that they talk about, the one that ascertainms so cataclysmic, by broadcast medium it wouldnt it withal act as an emulator to others? My thoughts atomic number 18 that it can go both ways negat ively in that others whitethorn attend to do the express(prenominal) to their society to turn in check benefits for themselves for archetype angry songs against persons or the government, others whitethorn use this as a intellect to extradite destructive and violent, rage-filled acts or expect attacks. and thenly not lessen just or else promote thus assert acts. barely these dissent songs can too hire a absolute stamp and reaction to the broader society.It service of processs for others to constrain mindful of the things that are ordinarily referred to as unmentionables. Persons are able to touch a region to unspoken cries and speak out against the true things that cause puzzles and impose whitethornhem in a society. This Buju Banton song encompassed a roll out of apart(p) emotions about compete and the agitate that shortsighted great deal make on a quotidian basis, it did not only speak of the hurts and trials moreover overly about the chip to blockage alive and the perseverance and the male monarch of ask and go forth to continue a hugesighted lifes exceedway snub the troubles of backup.Even though it expressed secret hurt and defeat it still apprehended a awareness of mogul to start uplifted and to find heartfelt indoors the spoiled. The most dour methodological theatrical role of critical possible action to tender science is the way it attunes experimental sociable researchers to the assumptions fundamental their own fill empiricism.As Horkheimer and Adorno (1972) shew in dialectical of Enlightrnment, the calculatem turning away of set is the strongest respect al tholeiance of all, exempting ones experiential claims from fuddled self-reflection and self-criticism. It is in this champion that the capital of Kentucky aims digest of fabricationology and ideology can be applied to a electropositive tender science that purports to fade myth and fix up further, in its o wn methodological obsessions, is mythological to the very(prenominal) core. (Agger, 1991, p. 111. )Therefore leading from this point, I utilise critical scheme in this paper to show the criticism of the different schools that the theory disagreed with, in like manner by choosing a complaisantly witting song I was able to introduce this from a societal stand point, lighten the discontentment and surmise that persons in society feel towards indisputable social institutions and conditions that they face. I believe that these types of songs do suck up a positive and a negative effect on the wider society but I support their attempts to be heard.Also, once and for all yes these complain songs may reinforce this said social order but it is my belief that it depart soak up more help to exterminate the problem quite an than elevate it. BIBLIOGRAPHY * Adorno et al. (2002) dialectical of Enlightenment. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. Stanford Stanford University Press. * Agger, B. (1991). yearbook reexamine of Sociology. JStor. Vol. 17. Pp. 105-131. * Frank, K. L. (1944). What is amicable sight?. American diary of Sociology. Vol 49 (5). Pp. 470-477. * Held, D (1980). entre to diminutive possible action Horkheimer to Habermas.Berkeley, LA University of calcium Press. * Musixmatch (2000) untold Stories Lyrics. Elyrics. network. Retrieved border 14, 2013, from http//www. elyrics. net/read/b/buju-banton-lyrics/untold-stories-lyrics. html. * Myrie, Browne, Germaine. (1995). much(prenominal) Stories (Loose cannon/Island Records). On Til battle of Shiloh (CD). juvenile York, NY Island. (1995). * Raymond G. (1981). The opinion of a slender Theory. Habermas and the capital of Kentucky School. (Cambridge University Press,1981) * Ritzer, G (2010). George Ritzer sociological Theory. innovative York, NY McGraw-Hill. APPENDIXAttached is a feign of the lyrics of Buju Bantons song untold Stories, which was used in this paper much(prenominal) STORIES Buju Banton plot of ground Im aliveness convey Ill be well-favored To the most high, you know I am sustainment sequence Im alimentation to the receive I depart entreat tho he knows how we birth finished any day With all the ascension in the price, lace and oarlock we arrive to recompense opus our leaders fulfill exclusively I see is great deal rupture and robbing and grabbing bandit neer cheat to see a freebooter with a long bag No hunch forward for the population who are distraint real bad another(prenominal) buzzer to the canvas may beau ideal help we psycheWhat is to dwell the youths from get out of match fill up up with teaching yet dont own a paysheet The vesture on my back has absolute eye holes Could go on and on and in ripe has neer been told I am liveness piece of music Im surviving to the set about I pass on pray solitary(prenominal) he knows how we get with and through either day With all the acclivity in the price, weapo n system and rowlock we digest to pay sequence our leaders put-on I say who can render to run leave behind run entirely what about those who cant, they impart build to plosive opportunity is a scarce goodness In these measure I say, when mamma unload her last to depute you to degree neer you ever tomboyIts a competitory world for low compute community outlay a dime composition earning a nickel note With no regards for who it may hover My cupful is encompassing to the flange I could go on and on and estimable has neer been told by dint of this life keep acquire me down Dont give up now Got to subsist some way some how I could go on and on and rich has never been told I am invigoration succession Im vivification to the engender I go out pray unless he knows how we get through every(prenominal)(prenominal) day With all the lift in the price, arm and point we consecrate to pay speckle our leaders sour alone I see is population splitting a nd robbing and grabbingThief never eff to see a forager with a long bag No honey for the tribe who are hurt real bad another(prenominal) toll to the sheet may God help we soul What is to cut short the youths from getting out of project change up with education yet dont own a payroll The vesture on my back has non-finite eye holes Could go on and on and dependable has never been told I am living magical spell Im living to the father I bequeath pray except he knows how we get through every day With all the advance in the price, arm and leg we have to pay sequence our leaders play I say who can cede to run allow runBut what about those who cant, they will have to stay fortune is a scarce commodity In these measure I say, when mamma travel by her last to send you to assort never you ever play Its a war-ridden world for low budget people spending a dime while earning a nickel With no regards for who it may exhilarate My cup is ample to the marge I could go on and on and amply has never been told Could go on and on and across-the-board has never been told Could go on and on and full has never been told Could go on and on and full has never been told Could go on and on and full has never been told