Monday, September 30, 2019

Big love: religious or criminal? Essay

Barbara, Nikki, and Margie are three women from three very different backgrounds whom share one very universal dynamic. Barbara, is an extremely devoted mother of three, elementary school teacher, and wife to her husband named Bill. Although very endearing, Barbara is no stranger to pain and struggle. After only a few years of marriage to Bill, Barbara was diagnosed with breast cancer, a terminal disease which she battled for years. Moreover, Barbara overcame her struggle and has now become a better wife and mother. Nikki, a timid young woman, is a mother of two, relentlessly inflicts her harsh religious beliefs onto others as she was raised on the same polygamous compound as her husband named Bill. Margine, a vibrant liberal young woman and mother of 3, is a housewife who has the spirit of a 16 year old girl. Despite her vivid appeal to people, life, and friendships, she constantly struggles with insecurities that prohibit her from being the woman and mother that she aspires to be and coincidentally, her husband is also named Bill. Although these three women are all married to a man named Bill, the common name sake is no coincidence. Margine, Barbara, and Nikki are all married to the same man, Bill Paxton. Bill, owner of a major retailer is a Polygamist who resides outside of Utah after being banished from the polygamist compound where he once grew up. Despite his excommunication from the ranch, Bill continued to implement the same polygamist fundamentals into this own lifestyle. Bill has 3 wives, Barbara, Nikki, and Margine, whom he married consecutively and currently has 8 children between all three wives. Barbara, the first wife is responsible for maintaining the hierarchy between all the wives, while Margine and Nikki maintain their own individual homes. Whist many outsiders of polygamy consider their relationships immoral and illegal, this family attempts to preserve their bond through the religious upbringings that they are accustomed to. This narrative is that of the HBO series, Big Love, which depicts the lifestyle of a polygamist family outside of a compound, whom consequentially attempts to apply religious beliefs and multi-marital subsistence to their family while simultaneously sheltering the world from their illegitimate existence. Despite the HBO’s depiction of polygamy in the United States, the commonality of polygamy is currently being rationalized, causing more individuals in society to evaluate the internal infrastructure of many polygamist cults as more criminal than religious. Overall, polygamy is not a new concept to the modern world. Many indigenous cultures across the globe still practice polygamy including various tribes in Africa and South America, and yet in other areas such as the United States, Europe, and Asia, monogamy is enforced, thus making polygamy illegal in many parts of these designated Areas. Polygamy in the United States can be dated back to 1929 in its association to the Mormon Church, even though the Book of Mormon was created in the late 1800s. Mormonism is quite different from traditional Christianity. Traditional Roman Catholicism has divisional leaders such as priests and or deacons whist Mormon church officials are deemed prophets. Traditional Mormonism is classified under a branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Under Mormonism, The Book of Mormon is a companion of the traditional holy bible and teaches that as God was man, man can become a god as well. Additionally, Mormons also believe that God was not created on earth, but on another planet under his god. Just as humans must adhere to commandments, God also had to conform to a set of conventions in order to please his god. After complying under god’s rule, God came to earth where he married a goddess with whom he produced children. These children, deemed the spiritual offspring whom later developed as humans on earth, are brothers and sisters of Adam and Eve. Modern Mormonism under the sect of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints should not be confused with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) openly practice and support polygamy within secluded compounds or polygamist epicenters where this practice is legal in portions of the United States such as Texas and small areas within Utah. The official leader and of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gordon B. Hinckley, has denounced polygamist practices, promising to excommunicate any member whom participates in polygamy activities. Furthermore, Hinckley has stated that there is no such thing as a Mormon Fundamentalist, which refers to the FLDS church, thus regarding the church and its members as complete contradictions (â€Å" ‘Mormon’ Polygamy: Misconceptionsâ€Å"). Nonetheless, Mormon polygamist lifestyles are undergoing unprecedented scrutiny in light of recent media debuts, consequently permanently damaging its already impaired reputation. Although many television portrayals of polygamy such as HBO’s tele-series, Big Love, do not exploit criminal behaviors of neglect and the abuse of children, the current disbursement of hundreds of children from a Mormon based polygamist cult in Texas has begun to provide attentive outlook on illicit violations that have occurred. The situation began in April of this year after police received a frantic 911 call from a girl who claimed that she had been abused, forcefully married, and impregnated by an older man. Investigators, already watchfully suspicious after previous abuse allegations surfaced almost 4 years earlier, had finally acquired enough evidence to disembark upon the compound territory. The call caused a surge of law enforcement and child protective services to recover over 400 children and teenagers from the compound and over 150 adults. Despite America’s unfavorable views towards polygamy, the plural aspect of the polygamist society is not the trigger behind disapproving conjectures, yet the abuse of young women and children remain problematic to accept. Women and children are considered the most feeble members of society, and although polygamists claim that the procreation of children into a whole family as a society is a major basis of their religion, it will always remain a substance of abuse. For instance, in many religions such as Mormonism and the polygamist sect of the Fundamentalist Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), marrying and impregnating girls as young as 12 is permitted regardless of the criminal facets. Andrew Gumble states that â€Å"the police and child protection services knew as soon as the El Dorado ranch was built in 2004 that the fundamentalists were polygamists, with a track record of marrying off girls as young as 14 or 15 to church elders who might be in their 70s or 80s† (6). Under the law, any girl wed under the age of 18 without parental consent to marry is illicit. Marriage is a contract which minors cannot enter without parental consent. Additionally, any adult 18 years or older that engages in a sexual act with anyone under the age of 18 is committing a rape. Ethically speaking, children are vastly inept during developmental stages of adolescence and childhood which inhibits their ability to conduct relationships in respect to marriage and child-rearing. Jodi Grizzle, of the Children’s Service Society of Utah, says most girls that age are already going through the oftentimes rocky and rough years of adolescence. â€Å"Teenagers don’t have the ability to think abstractly. Our brains don’t finish developing until we’re in our 20s. So you have a teenager with a significant life event, and they aren’t necessarily capable of comprehending all of the implications† (â€Å"Over 50 percent). In spite of a common misconception that many young females are willing contestants, hundreds of young girls are not consenting participants. Many of these ostensible leaders of the FLDS often engage in forced marriages and sexual acts with many young women whom are compulsorily admitted into polygamist compounds. In fact, Andrew Gumble also attests that â€Å"their ‘prophet’ and leader Warren Jeffs, now serving prison time for his role in arranging the forced marriage of a teenage girl in Utah, has a reputation as a hardliner and a man who inspired great fear even in his own followers† (6). Warren Jeffs, a former FLDS prophet, is currently awaiting trial for accessory to rape. Warren Jeffs, took over the FLDS empire consisting of over 12,000 members after the death of his father, Rulon Jeffs, in 2002. Warren Jeffs was accused of sexually abusing a nephew for over 10 years in addition to forcefully arranging the polygamous marriage of a 16 year old girl to an older man. Warren Jeffs was on the run for 2 years before he was caught in August of 2006. Not only are young women victims of abuse in these compounds, but children also exert signs of abuse under polygamous governance. Indirect abuse of children has also been corroborated under the recent compound investigations. Many of the children were not properly cared for, as the result of medical examinations confirmed broken bones and lack of vaccinations that are required of school aged children and babies. Although it has not been determined if the children’s broken bones were the result of direct abuse or circuitous negligence, high scrutiny and speculation has already characterized the parents of the children as abusive and incompetent. Despite FDLS religious values, the religious aspect cannot compensate rationale for forced marriages, rapes, and neglect of young women and children unwillingly involved in polygamist existence. Many polygamist agree that the prosecution of their actions are not based upon criminal measures but their religious beliefs. For instance, Rodney Holm, an ex-police officer convicted of bigamy, refutes his conviction on the grounds of violation of the 1st and 14th amendments as the conviction aims to attack those whom are attempting to implement a holy religious based lifestyle (Winslow â€Å"Polygamist appealsâ€Å"). Furthermore, Holm’s lawyer, Rod Parker contests that â€Å"The Utah court’s criminalization of polygamous relationships that do not seek recognition as legal marriages violates the Equal Protection Clause because it discriminates on the basis of religious affiliation† (Winslow â€Å"Polygamist appeals†). However, despite the negative outlook on polygamy for its illegitimacy and immorality to some, the religion is not under question in any way, it is the abuse and violation of laws that coincide with polygamy that is being addressed. Under the law, polygamy is illegal and has been illegal since 1879 which makes bigamy illegal as well. Polygamy is not a religion but a breach of the law. Holm was also charged with committing a sex act with a minor, his 16-year-old wife Ruth Stubbs. Sex with a minor is illegal under the law. Incorporating illegalities into a religion does not make it legal. For instance, if Tom Cruise would like to incorporate snorting cocaine into Scientology, it would still make snorting cocaine illegal because cocaine is illegal in the United States, despite his religious beliefs. Legal issues are being addressed, not religion. Consequentially, sex with minors is illicit and it’s a form of abuse, just as forced marriages and child neglect which are core facets. Although it is difficult to reform individuals from a way of life that is viewed to some as holy and religious, it is better to curb problematic behaviors including domestic violence and child abuse. Domestic violence hubs should be implemented in order to curtail the occurrence of violence within polygamist households. Seminars within polygamist communities should become mandatory. Traditionally, polygamist households could consist of one wife to upward amounts of 30 wives over a man’s lifespan. Each wife could have up to 11 to 15 children during the span of her ability to reproduce. Any mother, young or old, can understand the stress that comes along with raising children. A family of that magnitude could cause any woman to exert nontraditional parenting practices such as yelling or excessive hitting to discipline children. In the eyes of the law, excessive hitting or beating a child is considered child abuse, excluding moderate spankings. This situation was observed in the house of a woman named Heidi Mattingly, a 33-year-old mother of 11 and member of the Kingston Polygamist Clan in Utah. The judge found that Heidi hit her children in the face until they bled, hit babies, and verbally abuses her children, however, the court also founded that Heidi was also abused by her husband and prophet of the clan, John Daniel Kingston and other members of the society as well, which explained why she behaved accordingly towards her children. (Thompson). Heidi was provided with individual and group therapy in order to sustain a healthy disciplinary role for her children. Established organizations that work within polygamous compounds such as The Primer are advocated for domestic violence reforms. Many social workers agree that groups such as The Primer are very helpful because of their insight into polygamist groups. A social worker named Madsen said â€Å"It opened my mind to how many people live the lifestyle,† he said. â€Å"There’s like 50 groups. I had no idea. It told me some of the history that I didn’t know. For example, this group (the Kingstons) doesn’t dress in bonnets and long dresses† (Winslow). Although anti-polygamists discourage The Primer and organizations like it because of its encouragement of polygamy, it has definitely provided a safe haven of resources for victims of abuse. In conclusion, polygamy is not a current phenomena, as many tribes still practice polygamy in portions of Africa and South America. The United States is not a stranger to polygamy as well, as polygamy has existed as far back as 1929, even though the Book of Mormon was created in the late 1800s. Although Mormons believe in one god, they are vastly different than traditional Christians. For example, traditional Roman Catholicism heads each dioceses with a priest, deacon, and or bishop, whist Mormonism believe that prophets should be the head of a sect. A spin-off of traditional Mormonism is the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also called FLDS. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints should not be confused with FLDS because of different views towards polygamy. In fact, the current prophet of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Gordon B Hinckley, vows to excommunicate any individual involved with polygamy. Additionally, Hinckley says that the Mormon Fundamentalists are a complete contradiction to the Mormon church. This severance from the mainstream religions is not the first portion of negative propaganda that polygamist cults have received. In April of 2008, a frantic 911 call from a 16-year-old girl tipped police off to a polygamous compound in Texas, after years of being under observation. During the raid, over 400 children and 150 adults were taken into police and protective custodies. Signs of abuse, towards children and young women were all implicated in forced marriages, rapes, and neglect. Although there are many participants, many of the young women are forced to marry older men, which is illegal. In fact, marriage to a minor without parental consent is illicit in the eyes of the law. Additionally, if an adult engages in a sexual act with a someone under the age of 18, it is also illicit and considered rape. Many young women from polygamous lifestyles can attest to this behavior, just as the young woman who pressed charges against former FLDS leader, Warren Jeffs. Warren Jeffs headed a polygamist empire consisting of about 12,000 members after the death of his father, Rulon Jeffs in 2002. Warren Jeffs was also accused of molesting his nephew for over 10 years. Furthermore, many of the young women are also mothers at young ages of 12, the beginning of adolescence, which is additionally problematic for teens as well. Many mothers at polygamist compounds are additionally under added stress of being a role model to 11 to 15 children that are conceived throughout their lifetimes. Many women such as Heidi Mattingly resorted to nontraditional parenting methods such as over excessive spankings or brutal beatings, and verbal abuse. Heidi Mattingly, mother of 11 children was found guilty of abusing her children by hitting them in the face, hitting babies, and verbally abusing her children. In order to curtain her behavior, individual and group treatments were granted to Heidi to help her maintain a healthy disciplinary figure towards her children in addition to reversing abuse that she sustained under her husband and â€Å"Prophet†, John Daniel Kingston of the Kingston Polygamist Clan. Groups such as The Primer have become a special aid to social workers involved in polygamist groups for their understanding of the infrastructure in each group. Although anti-polygamist activists disagree with The Primer’s actions, deeming their participation as encouraging polygamy, their presence within the polygamist community draws much needed attention towards the realization of abuse within polygamist communities in tandem with providing resources for victims of abuse. BIBLIOGRAPHY Buncombe, Andrew. â€Å"Cult leader accused of making under aged girls marry adults. † The Independent (London) 1 Sept. 2006: Gumble, Andrew. â€Å"The ranch has not yet revealed all its secrets.. .† The Independent on Sunday 13 Apr. 2008: 6. † ‘Mormon’ Polygamy: Misconceptions. † 2007. . â€Å"Over 50 percent of teen girls on FLDS ranch are mothers. † Narr. Lori Prichard& Carole Mikita. KSL Television and Radio. NBC, Salt Lake City. 28 Apr. 2008. Thompson, Linda. Deseret Morning News â€Å"Polygamist mom guilty of child abuse. † Deseret News (Salt Lake City). Jan 13, 2005. FindArticles. com. 08 May. 2008 Winslow, Ben. Deseret Morning News â€Å"Polygamist appeals conviction to top U. S. court. † Deseret News (Salt Lake City). 17 Oct. 2006. Find Articles. com 08 May 2008 Winslow, Ben. Deseret Morning News â€Å"‘Primer’ details intricacies of polygamist life†. Deseret News (Salt Lake City). Jun 11, 2006. FindArticles. com. 08 May. 2008. .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Other Forms Of Social Control

All societies impose social control on their citizens to some degree. This type of control allows them to monitor and regulate behavior formally and informally. Key’s to understanding a culture’s system of social control is having a better understanding of the social norms. In large scale society they maintain social control within the legal institutions.There are also two other major controls that exist that many are unaware of. Religion is known to have control over the population, the public and the behavior of all. Whenever a person claims to be a dedicated Christian they must follow certain types of moral codes in order to uphold the personality in the public.Television is another form of social control. This control was noted that television was blocking mostly those individuals from enjoying the life on the outside of their doors. Social control is even in our households. A person wants their household a certain type of way has somewhat of a social control.I am u nder the impression that when a child is growing up they are taught wrong from right, what is good and what is bad. This however is only to prepare them for the real world.The subconscious mind is an outstanding and powerful information processor that can record and replay events that happened in the past. However many individuals become aware of their own subconscious mind when they realize they’re engaged in an undesirable behavior only as a result of someone who has pushed the wrong buttons.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Global Procurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global Procurement - Essay Example The purchase in general includes the raw material that would be needed, the kind of expertise that would be needed to be acquired, the capital and budget allocation (Monczka, et al., 2010,205). All these can be evaluated and estimated in advance in form of process purchase model. General steps of purchase process include the invoice, bidding, solicitation of bids, and purchase at hand (Howes & Robinson, 2005). The paper further looks into most suitable purchase process models, along with number of organizations and their activities as to how they go about the process purchase models. List of successful organizations has been presented in the paper which explain how they have integrated and adopted the process models, what elements have been included and what other have been excluded. The model depicted in the figure has eight basic elements starting with internal customers, and ending with the suppliers who provide the end product or service. The overall process model can be divided into two phases, with first four elements making up for the first phase, while the second part consisting of latter phase. The first phase is preparatory and inside the laboratory phase, while the latter is pertinent to post delivery, evaluation and assessment in response to the product or service offered. The intermediate steps include specification evaluation, choosing the suppliers for respective process, formulating the contract procedures. Follow up, supplier dealings make up for the final part of the entire process (Havey, 2009). While the model provides description of the two phases of overall activity, it fails to cover up number of sections which are important and should be part of the overall homework plan for the purchase process model. These activities include the following: The first short coming is in form of scheduling. Scheduling enables knowing what to do and when to do. Scheduling enables

Friday, September 27, 2019

Regarding Institutionalizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Regarding Institutionalizing - Essay Example ange has to be institutionalized so that the new approaches continue beyond the life of the manager leading the change and/or the team involved in implementing the change. To change an entire corporation, the six-step process proposed by Beer et al. (1990) has to be applied several times within the different plants, departments and divisions. This can only be achieved if the employees are helped to make the connections between the new approaches and behaviors and how they have helped to improve the outcome. Furthermore, one of the core aims of instituting change is to create a learning organization in which case one would expect that people will be moved from one business unit to another depending on their different competencies and capabilities to adopt change. This implies that at any one point there will be new sets of new set of leaders and employees who will be required to embody the new ways. This next generation of enterprise leaders and employees will need to find that â€Å"the way we do things around† has been embodied through formal policies, systems and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

References Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

References - Essay Example A reference can be the difference between getting a job, and being passed over for someone more qualified. One individual that was a reference for a sales candidate I had told me that the candidate was very meticulous and showed strong abilities in the laboratory. While this was great information, the same reference could have connected the candidate’s leadership, communication and organizational skills to the position to show how strong of a candidate the individual truly was. This would have made a world of difference! If you have applied for a position and given the employer your references’ information, call them and tell them that the employer may be calling for a reference. Explain to them the type of job that you are pursuing and what skills the employer is looking for from the potential candidate. It is usually best to ask the reference to contact you once they have spoken with the reference checker so that you know where you stand in the process and gain knowledge on what type of information the reference shared about you. When you contact the reference to prepare them, make sure that you take the time to remind the reference of your skills, background and what tasks you performed for the reference while you were with them. This information is not always readily available as people tend to forget. Keep in touch with the reference. If you have not spoken with the individual for quite some time, you cannot expect to receive the excellent recommendation that you are hoping for. Continue to build upon your strong relationship with that individual by staying in touch with them regularly. Usually, it is best to call or email your references every four or five months to check in on them and keep in touch. When you do make contact, ask the reference if there is anything that you are able to do for them as well. If you can help them, it increases

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Successful mariage Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Successful mariage - Assignment Example We may not say long sentences to one another and may only say short responses to questions when we talk, but that does not mean that what we are doing does not show love. Someone can say all kinds of beautiful thing to another person but in the end what matters most is what they do and how they behave. My parents had special ways in which to communicate. Some of my mother’s words were very harsh to my father and she sometimes criticized him. If other people heard her they thought it was meant to be cruel. When I got older I realized and knew that he knew that she said critical things to him because she was showing him that she cared. If she had not cared, she would not have said anything. He was always amused by what she said and never angry with her because he knew that when she said things that were critical, she was saying over and over that she loved him. Many people show disrespect by speaking about their partners. Communication is not only about what is said or done between two people. Communication happens to a partner when it is spoken to another person outside of the marriage as well. When a person speaks poorly about their partner to their friends, treats their spouse poorly in front of others, or dismisses them as if they are not intelligent or important, they disrespect their spouse and communicate to them that they are not valued. Too often people will complain about their spouse to others, but this is part of how people communicate their love or lack of love. Speaking or acting badly about their spouse in public places them to the side and they do not feel near as important. Communications is very important because without giving each other signs and symbols of a partnership, then the marriage becomes two people who are isolated. This is a very important point for my marriage. My husband and I came from Iran so without good communications between us, life in this country would have been difficult. I have made sure that we have always been

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Measuring Productivity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Measuring Productivity - Research Paper Example As Lippi, Mattiuzzi and Plebani (2015) said, some of the factors that should be considered when establishing the primary productivity measure for the microbiology unit encompasses the duration of time spent by the staffs on hands on activities: that is, for a centrifuging operation, the most important productivity measure is usually the duration of time taken by a technologist to load and remove the centrifuge, not the spinning time. Other time productivity measurements which are equally important to the process include: time of day, the technologist to patient or sample ratio, and the amount of time spent on preparing laboratory machines or conducting their routine maintenance (Langabeer, 2008). One productivity measure for this unit is: spending an average of 5 minutes on setting up the machines for use and conducting routine maintenance; 4 minutes for preparing each specimen for centrifuging; and displaying the deliverables on soft-copy and hard copies. This productivity measure will optimize the primary microbiology activities by limiting potential time wastage on setting up the machine, placing the specimen for examination or relaying the results to physicians to facilitate interventions (Yakusheva, Lindrooth, & Weiss, 2014). However, the productivity measure can create the unintended consequence of impeding quality deliverables, which would otherwise be achieved if the technologists spent slightly longer time to conduct the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Microbiology and biotechnology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Microbiology and biotechnology - Assignment Example This is to produce drug intermediates and produce vaccines or the drugs themselves (Baker, Nicklin and Griffiths, 2011). One application of gene therapy in medicine has been in treatment of type I diabetes. In the treatment, the researchers have used adenovirus as a vector to enable them delivers the gene for hepatocyte growth factor. Another application of gene therapy is in treatment of x-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (Baltz, Davies and Demain, 2010). This is a disease common in babies where they lack both T and B cells of the immune system and they are mainly exposed to infections. The applications are through non-viral vectors being tested for the gene therapy uses. The application include receptor on the goal cell, artificial chromosomes and naked DNA that is not linked to another molecule at all and can be directly injected into the cell (Baltz, Davies and Demain, 2010). Crude oil and its products are non-renewable and are considered to one day come to an end. Biofuel has been used as a replacement of crude oil as the source is renewable and produced from biomass. The approach that has been used to eliminate the use of crude oil is on the effects on the environment and the costs of the use (El-Mansi and Bryce, 2007). The approach is that biofuels may be easy to market than crude oil with consideration of performance, infrastructure and other factors. The other reasons for the approach are that biofuels play an important role in climate change and the important increase in production and use (El-Mansi and Bryce, 2007). Biotechnology has resulted to several advantages such as reduction in the costs of agriculture production as those in the sector are able to use fewer pesticides and herbicides in protecting their crops. The improved varieties are also able to increase the yield in a short duration. Increase food production has also been observed through the use of the method. There has also been ability to produce food in even times

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tiffany com Essay Example for Free

Tiffany com Essay In what way(s) is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to itsnew distribution agreement with Mitsukoshi? How serious are these risks?Answer: About 15% of (1992) sales of $492mln or ~ $75mln will now be earned inYen, but will have to be reported in $. At a Net Income (1992) of $25mln, the risks caused by this exposure are significant. Data from exhibit 6 shows that ina 6-month period (Apr-Sep) exchange rates fluctuated as much as 10%. (from 133.30  ¥/$ to 120.07  ¥/$). A 10% downward fluctuation like this would translate into a third of a drop in net results ($25mln -/- $75mln x 10%) to . 67mln, assuming everything else stays the same (e.g. all costs incurred in $, prices to consumersremain unchanged).1.In what ways is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to its new distribution agreement with Mitsikoshi? How serious are these risks?Tiffany is exposed to foreign exchange risk by selling directly to the Japanesemarket. When they sold wholesale to Mitsukoshi, Mitsukoshi bore all the foreign exchange risk. Under this new agreement Tiffany is now exposed to the volatile fluctuations in the yen-dollar exchange rate. Since Tiffany is making profits in yen they have to convert the yen to dollars to take back to their home country. Since the yen is thought to be overvalued in comparison to the dollar, the future exchange rate can decrease Tiffanys profits. Also, the extreme volatility in the exchange rate creates significant uncertainty in what the future exchange rate and profits will be if left unhedged. The most important foreignexchange risk facing Tiffany is2. Should Tiffany actively manage its yen-dollar exchange-rate risk? Why or why not?Answer: Tiffany should actively manage its  ¥/$ exchange rate risk for the following reasons:1. The possible impact on its result as described in the answer to question 1is significant;2. There are strong indicators (on a PPP-basis the Yen is highly overvalued) that a correction will occur, which might mean even larger exchange-rate fluctuations than have occurred in the past.The way Tiffany manages its  ¥/$ exchange-rate risk is of course a function of how exchange-rate development scenario  s relate to the cost involved in [the instruments used in] managing this

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Police Officer Essay Example for Free

Police Officer Essay * Police officers work in partnership with the communities they serve to maintain law and order, protect members of the public and their property, prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and improve the quality of life for all citizens. They use a wide range of technology to protect individuals, identify the perpetrators of crime and ensure successful prosecutions against those who break the law. Police officers work closely with members of the criminal justice system, social workers, schools, local businesses, health trusts, housing authorities, town planners and community groups to provide advice, education and assistance to those who wish to reduce crime or have been affected by crime. I chose to research this job because I like to help people and the best way I can imagine doing this is becoming a cop. * Many police departments require that applicants be high school graduates; an increasing number expect some college education. Applicants usually must be at least twenty-one years of age and U.S. citizens. In many communities, applicants must meet minimum requirements for height, weight, eyesight, and hearing. Because most police departments fall under civil service regulations, applicants must pass written tests that measure their analytical skills. Rigorous physical examinations and background checks are also required. New recruits often participate in formal classroom training in police academies. After graduating they continue to train on the job with experienced officers for three to twelve months. In small communities there may be no formal training program. Officers are usually encouraged to continue their education by taking college courses in criminal justice. Police Officers usually wear a uniform while on duty. Police work can be dangerous and stressful. Officers often deal with violent criminals and may be injured or killed. They must make quick decisions while on duty, yet be tactful and patient with people who are in trouble or have been victims of terrible crimes and abuse. Police protection is provided twenty-four hours a day, so officers may work outdoors in all kinds of weather. Work shifts are usually rotated; however, officers are on call at all times for emergencies. Overtime may be required. Earnings vary, depending on location. In 2004 the median salary for police officers was $45,210 per year. As officers advanced through the ranks, wages increased. The average minimum salary for police sergeants was $49,895 per year, while the average minimum for lieutenants was $56,115 per year. The following are some of the benefits provided to police officers: Family/Domestic partner health and dental plans for active employees and their eligible dependents. Sick leave disability benefits Sworn employees receive twelve days of 100 percent paid sick leave, five days at 75 percent, and five days at 50 percent, upon hiring. Employees may accumulate up to 100 days at 100 percent, 75 percent, and 50 percent paid sick leave. Employees are eligible for a service-connected disability retirement from the date of graduation from basic training.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Distance Measurement Using RSSI Method in WSN

Distance Measurement Using RSSI Method in WSN Distance Measurement Using RSSI Method in Wireless Sensor Networks Akhand Pratp Singh, Devesh Pratap Singh, Santosh Kumar Abstract. RSSI method gives distance measurement between beacon nodes and unknown node. RSSI is Range-based localization depends on the assumption that the absolute distance between a sender and a receiver can be estimated by one or more features of the communication signal from the sender to the receiver. RSSI measurement is not more relevant because the RF signal is affected by the environment, the exact distance between the nodes cannot obtain by RSSI measurement by RSSI. Keywords: Received Signal Strength Indicator method, RSSI method, Distance Measurement by RSSI. Introduction Wireless Sensor Networks can be generally defined as network of nodes that cooperatively sense and control the environment enabling interaction between persons or computers and the surrounding environment. WSNs are mostly used in military surveillance, industrial process control and environmental monitoring. Node localization is a big problem of wireless sensor networks applications [1].According to estimation of node localization [2][3], the localization algorithms[3] can be divided into two categories: range-based and range-free. Range-based method calculates the localization between neighboring sensors. Several ranging techniques are possible for range measurement, such as time of arrival, time difference of arrival, angle of arrival, or the receive signal strength indicator (RSSI) [3]. Range free techniques solution depends only on the contents of received messages, which does not estimate the distance or angle between the nodes. Typical range-free localization algorithms [7] inc luded Centroid, DV-Hop, Amorphous, MDS-MAP[14] and APIT, and so on [3]. Localization algorithm [7] based on range-based has higher accuracy but requires additional hardware on sensor nodes. Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks Localization [8] is the process by which sensor nodes determine their location. In simple terms, localization is a mechanism for discovering spatial relationships between objects. The various approaches taken in literature to solve this localization problem differ in the assumptions they make about their respective network and sensor capabilities. A detailed, but not exhaustive, list of assumptions made include assumptions about device hardware, signal propagation models, timing and energy requirements, composition of network via homogeneous vs. heterogeneous, operational environment via indoor vs. outdoor, beacon density, time synchronization, communication costs, error requirements, and node mobility [9]. Localization of WSNs is classified in two approaches [5]. Direct Approaches This is also known as absolute localization. The direct approach itself can be classified into two types: Manual configuration and 8GPS-based localization [5]. The manual configuration method is very cumbersome and expensive. It is neither practical nor scalable for large scale WSNs and in particular, does not adapt well for WSNs with node mobility. The GPS-based localization method, each sensor is equipped with a GPS receiver. This method adapts well for WSNs with node mobility [6]. However, there is a downside to this method. It is not economically feasible to equip each sensor with a GPS receiver since WSNs are deployed with 100 of 1000 of sensors. This also increases the size of each sensor, rendering them unfit for pervasive environments. Also, the GPS receivers only work well outdoors on earth and have line-of-sight requirement constraints. Such Wireless Sensor Networks can’t be used for underwater applications like habitat monitoring, water pollution level monitoring, t sunami monitoring [5], etc. Indirect Approaches The indirect approach [5] of localization is also known as relative localization [4] since nodes position themselves relative to other nodes in their vicinity. The indirect approaches of localization were introduced to overcome some of the drawbacks of the GPS-based direct localization techniques [9] while retaining some of its advantages, like accuracy of localization. In this approach, a small subset of nodes in the network, called the beacon nodes, are either equipped with GPS receivers to compute their location or are manually configured with their location. These beacon nodes then send beams of signals providing their location to all sensor nodes in their vicinity that don’t have a GPS receiver. Using the transmitted signal containing the location information[4], sensor nodes compute their location. This approach effectively reduces the overhead introduced by the GPS-based method. However, since the beacon nodes are also operating in the same hostile environment as the se nsor nodes, they too are vulnerable to various threats, including physical capture by adversaries. This introduces new security threats concerning the honesty of the beacon nodes in providing location information Since they could have been tampered by the adversary and misbehave by providing incorrect location information. Within the indirect approach, the localization process can be classified into the following two categories. A. Range-based In range-based [5] localization, the location of a node is computed relative to other nodes in its vicinity. Range-based localization depends on the assumption that the absolute distance between a sender and a receiver can be estimated by one or more features of the communication signal from the sender to the receiver. The accuracy of such estimation, however, is subject to the transmission medium and surrounding environment. Range based techniques usually rely on complex hardware which is not feasible for WSNs since sensor nodes are highly resource-constrained and have to be produced at throwaway prices as they are deployed in large numbers. Some range-based localization techniques are as follows Angle of Arrival, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Time of Arrival and Time Difference of Arrival. In this paper we are discussing about the RSSI technique [12][15], RSSI technique does need require additional hardware, which will not increase the hardware cost and the size of the nodes. However, due to RF signals influenced by the environment, the exact distance between the nodes cannot obtain by using RSSI [10][11], so the localization accuracy of nodes are not high. B. Range-free Range-free[5] localization never tries to estimate the absolute point to point distance based on received signal strength or other features of the received communication signal like time, angle, etc. This greatly simplifies the design of hardware, making range-free methods very appealing and a cost-effective alternative for localization in WSNs. Typical range-free localization algorithms[7] included Centroid ,DV-Hop, Amorphous, MDS-MAP[14] and APIT,etc. Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Measurement Principles RSSI measurement [3] calculates the signal loss in the dissemination process with the theory or experience loss of signal propagation model and distance calculated between transceiver to receiver by path distance formulae. Some measure terms which are important role in RSSI measurement as follows: Path Loss Model Path loss models [3] are free space propagation model, the logarithmic distance path loss model, Hata model, etc. the logarithmic distance path loss model [3] is shown by formula (1): (1) Where d is distance from transmitter to receiver and its unit is km, n is path loss exponent that measures the rate at which the RSSI decreases with distance and the value of n depends on the specific propagation environment, XÏÆ' is a zero mean Gaussian distributed random variable whose mean value is 0 and it reflects the change of the received signal power in certain distance, d0 is reference distance and usually equals 1 meter, PL(d0) is a known reference power value in dBmilliwatts at a reference distance d0 from the transmitter. Received Signal Power at Reference distance Suppose A is the received signal power in the distance d0 between trans- mitter and receiver, the formula (2) can be generated. (2) Where Pt is power of transmitter and PL(d0) is a known reference power value in dBmilliwatts at a reference distance d0 from the transmitter. Distance Calculated by RSSI measurement The RSSI Value at the certain distance is calculated by the given formula. (3) Where RSSI is the received signal power. A is the received signal power in the sdistance of 1meter,n is the path loss index and relates to the environment. Then we select maximum RSSI value and then we convert it into distance by given formulae. After calculating the RSSI values we can obtain the maximum value of the RSSI which is known as RSSImax. (4) Where RSSImax is the maximum received signal power selected from all the RSSI values. A is the received signal power in the distance of 1meter,n is the path loss index and relates to the environment. RSSI Measurement Algorithms When we go through the RSSI method then we have to go through the following step of the algorithms as follows: Result and Analysis Our simulation is done in 10m x 10m two dimensional environment. Node deployment accuracy is very important. 9 nodes are deployed randomly we can get their coordinate and suppose one known node as unknown node and then we can find the distances, path loss, Gaussian distributed value [3]. Figure 1 Random deployed node Where +: unknown node *: Beacon node In the simulation we assume (x1,y1): (3.4855, 2.7068) as unknown Node and further we calculate the distance, maximum RSSI value in Scenario of 9 node where one node suppose to be mobile[6] by RSSI Method when n=2 ,A=8.4734 dBm and power loss at reference distance is 31.5266 dBm. Table1.Distance Calculation When we simulate we found that distance measure by RSSI principle is 1.5726 meter, but when we applied the distance formulae for the Coordinate we found that exact distance is 5.4825.So we found that there is measure margin of error. Figure2. Error in distance calculated by RSSI In figure1 we can see that the distance calculated by RSSI is not accurate, because the error percentage is 71.35. Conclusions Localization performance will depend on many things, including the localization algorithm used, the quantity of prior coordinate information, the method selected, and the accuracies possible from those measurements in the environment of interest[12]. The RSSI measurement is studied in this paper, but this method is not more accurate because the radio frequency signals is affected by the environment[12][13], the exact distance between the nodes cannot obtain by RSSI measurement. Experimental measurement and simulation results show that the distance is obtain, but measurement is not accurate. The proposed method is a good option in wireless sensor node localization, because of low cost and less complexity of the simulation. In future we can work on improving the RSSI method for the more accuracy because sometimes there is problem of accurate distance and it depends only on the measurement parameter model. The result shows that in future if we work through the RSSI method for the specif ic scenarios like war (soldier) and forest fire then the method may provide the specific result and maybe there is need of some more Improvement in this proposed method because some time the result shown by experiment is out of bound so there is need of some more improvement. References [1] Yick J., Mukherjee B. and Ghosal D., â€Å"Wireless Sensor Network survey†, Elsevier  Computer Network, vol.52, pp. 2292– 2330, 2008. [2] Mao G., BarÄ ±s F. and Anderson B.D.O.,â€Å"Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques†, Elsevier Computer Networks, vol.51,pp. 2529–2553, 2007. [3] Zheng J., Wu C., Chu H. and Xu Y., â€Å"An Improved RSSI Measurement In Wireless  Sensor Networks†, Elsevier Procedia Engineering, vol.15, pp. 876 – 880, 2011. [4] Patwari N., Aah J. N. and Kyperountas S., â€Å"Locating the nodes cooperative localization In Wireless Sensor Network†, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.22, No.4,  pp. 54-69, 2005. [5] Srinivasan A. and Wu J., â€Å"A Survey on Secure Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks†, Florida Atlantic University, USA. [6] Amundson I. and Koutsoukos X.D., â€Å"A Survey on Localization for Mobile Wireless  Sensor Networks†,Computer Science,Springer,vol.5801, pp. 235-254, 2009. [7] Han G., Xu H.,Duong R.Q., Jiang J.,and Hara T., â€Å"Localization algorithms of Wireless  Sensor Networks: a survey†, Telecommunication Systems, Springer, vol. 52, Issue 4,  pp. 2419-2436, 2013. 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[13] Ahn H., Lee Y.H., Cho H.J., Rhee S.B., and Lee J.H., â€Å"A RSSI-Based Approach for Localization of Wireless Sensor Network in Indoor†, Electrical   Engineering, Springer, vol. 120, pp. 123-127, 2012.   [14] Miao C., Dai G., Mao K., Li Y., and Chen Q., â€Å"RI-MDS: Multidimensional  Scaling Iterative Localization Algorithm Using RSSI in Wireless Sensor  Networks†, Computer and Information Science, Springer, vol. 501, pp. 164-  175, 2015. [15] Shen X., Wang Z., Jiang P., Lin R., and Sun Y., â€Å"Connectivity and RSSI  Based Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks†, Computer Sci- ence, Springer, vol. 3645, pp. 578-587, 2005.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Flannery OConnor Essay -- essays papers

Flannery O'Connor Flannery O’Connor and the Relationship Between Two of Her Stories Flannery O’Connor was born Mary Flannery O’Connor on March 25, 1925 in Savannah, Georgia, as the only child to Edward F. O’Connor, Jr., and Regina (Cline) O’Connor. Later in 1941, Flannery O’Connor’s father dies of lupus while O’Connor is in Milledgeville, Ga. After her father’s death, O’Connor rarely speaks of him and continues to be active in school projects such as drawing, reading, writing, and playing instraments. Further, in the summer of 1942, O’Connor graduates and enters Georgia State College for Women as a sociology and English major. Moreover, O’Connor took on the name Flannery O’Connor, dropping Mary from her signature. When O’Connor graduates from college, she leaves for Iowa City and applies for several college teaching positions while attending the University of Iowa. Thus, she receives her Masters of Fine Arts in 1947. Although her first story, â€Å"The Geranium † was publised in Accent, during the summer of 1946, it was only the beginning of many of her works to be published. Like her father, O’Connor was living with lupus and her first major attack came in December, 1950. However, O’Connor did not allow the disease to keep her from writing and getting her works published. In fact, she got her nineth story , â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† published. Also, O’Connor has won many prizes and awards with her writings over the years. For instance, she was named the Honorary Doctor of Letters by institutions, was the first prize of the O. Henry award in 1957 and 1963 and had previously won second in 1954 and 1955. Moreover, O’Connor died on August 3, 1964 I a Milledgeville hospital. Nevertheless, her stories cont... ...g from these two stories, she uses the same style in the majority of her works. More specifically, O’Connor uses a lot of foreshadowing and irony, leading up to the catastrophe. Also, her subject matter is somewhat controversial since the settings of the two stories are in the South, she uses southern dialect and religion, and most of all, they have the strangest endings. Perhaps the greatest story she has to tell is not her forte, the short story, at all but maybe it’s her own story. Bibliography: Works Cited O’Connor, Flannery. â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.† Flannery O’Connor: Collected Works. New York, NY: The Library of America, 1988. 137-153. â€Å"Good Country People.† Flannery O’Connor: Collected Works. New York, NY: The Library of America, 198. 263-284. Walters, Dorthy. Flannery O’Connor. Boston: Twayne Publishers, Inc. 1973.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

New beetle Essay -- essays research papers

Case9 : New Beetle EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Market definition New beetle is competing in the small size car industry in the US market. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Market size In US market, the total of small car sales in 2,217,813 units, which is equivalent to 32 million dollar. Market size in dollar term = 2,217,813 * ($11,035 to $18,000) = $ 32 million In 1998, New beetle sales is 137,885 units, which is 6 percent of the market. Market share in 1998 = 137,885 = 6 percent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2,217,813 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Market growth The industry is considered to be in the position between the growth and maturity stage. Considering the innovation and continuous car developments are still taking place, there are still good signs for the growing factors. Moreover, the industry is less attractive to enter at the moment because of the already established industry. The car manufacturer is approaching the maturity stage of the industrial life cycle. However, based on the small car sales in 1996 (2,322,021 units) and 1997 (2,217,812 units), the market is declining by 4 percent. Market growth = 2,217,812 - 2,322,021 = - 4 percent   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2,322,021 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key Trends †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socio-cultural: American consumers have ever-changing demands attitude and there is a trend of aging population. The baby boomers customer has a change preferences as they are changing preferences to larger cars-sedans, SUVs and pick-ups. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Economic: During the 1970s, the appreciation of the Deutsche Mark against the dollar threatened to price VW’s cars – most of which were low or mid range models – out of the market. The 1982 recession, drop in oil prices, and the declining popularity of hatchbacks contributed to the declining sales. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology: In this industry, it is important to always keep up with technology in order to satisfy customer’s demands. Volkswagen offered the benefits of German engineered cars, which are perceived as high quality cars. For instance, with the New Beetle, VW is keeping themselves up to date with today’s car industry standards. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Po... ...ncrease Revenue  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 Maintain the affordability concept  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 Increase number of customers  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 TOTAL  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  15  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  14  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  12 The strategy selected for New Beetle is to focus on the Baby Boomers market. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  SELECTED STRATEGY AND JUSTIFICATION New Beetle is a differentiated product that should target a focus segment that is the Baby Boomers. In terms of promotion, the advertisements would be mainly using the print media with high level of frequency to achieve the ads effectiveness. Since the main target market is Baby Boomers, Volkswagen can charge premium pricing in order to increase the revenue. The other competitors in the small car market may try to seduce the potential to buy their products instead, due to the lower price offered, dealers’ special deals and possibility of design duplication by the competitors.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dont Do Drugs

Hi I'm Alma and this my opinion on why you shouldn't use drugs. I believe that drugs ruin your body, mind , and life. Drugs affect your body in many different ways such as brain damage , heart problems, kidney failure, liver problems and the list goes on and on. First of all Drugs are against the law and until the law is changed, anything to do with growing, transporting and selling of drugs is illegal. So unless you want to spend some time behind bars i suggest you think twice before trying any drug.The most common drug that is used is marijuana. A lot of people say its not bad and that it helps with pain blah blah blah but when really marijuana can be the cause for people to go to stronger more addictive drugs such as heroine, cocaine, and crystal meth. These drugs are known for basically taking over peoples lives. All it takes is to try it once and then bam your hooked on it. They'll do anything just to get that high feeling they first got.Which means they have to use more and mor e of the drug each time just to get that high feeling once again. Drug addicts often think and act differently when using drugs. They will often steal from their family, and there's more of a chance that they'll abuse them physically and mentally. The hardest thing for drug users is trying to quit. People get withdrawals where they can become depressed , have anxiety, become restless and many other hard side affects to deal with. So why go through all that struggle when you can simply just say no?Another reason to stay away from drugs is because they can hold you back from getting your dream job or even a job period and from being able to be around family and friends. Many drug users tend to lose all their friends and family because they either don't trust them, they're a bad influence or they're violent. I for one wouldn't risk loosing my family or friends because of drugs its just not worth it and why worry about if their going to make you take a drug test to get that job you real ly want.When you can be worry free if your drug free and then you can get any job you want. The last reasons to stay away from drugs is that they can have irreversible damage not only to your body but to your mental health. Many people have been known to loose touch with reality and in most of those cases its hard for them to return to normal mental capacity. There are people who are often in denial that they have a drug problem that can ultimately lead to overdose and death. In my opinion you should stay away from all drugs, because of these three main reasons.The First one being Drugs are illegal and using them can lead to the lost of your freedom for many years. The second reason is There's a high probability of getting addicted and you can end up loosing everything and everyone you love. The final reason is that drugs can cause you to lose your sanity and eventually your life. This is why i chose not to use drugs because i don't want to risk loosing my loved ones and my life. Ho pefully this will convince you not to ever try drugs either.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Of Mice and Men †Curley’s Wife Essay

Curley’s wife is the only women in the ranch, as we learned from the previous chapters, and is not given a name as she is seen as Curley’s property. First destined to be an actress as she recounts to Lennie, Candy and Crooks, her chances were taken away by her mother who thought she was too young and she so ended up at the ranch by marrying Curley, concerned in getting away from her opportunity-breaker mother as soon as possible. From this we can already observe her high self-esteem, thinking it was only because of her mother that she didn’t end up in acting, not because of her possible lack of great talent. But marrying Curley wasn’t maybe finally the best choice. Confined almost all day in a ‘two-by-four’ house, she has to listen to her men-hater husband’s only conversation about what he is going to do to the fellows he doesn’t like, or to support his non-care about her. She doesn’t like him, says he is too selfish and proud of himself (we can notice that these are also two of her self-characteristics). These facts lead her to become lonely and hostile to men, regarding them as responsible for her bad situation. The only benefit she uses from her marriage is her superiority against the other men, being the wife of the boss’s son and so having the power of having them fired, power from which she abuses, for example by forcing Lennie, Crooks and Candy to speak to her. This shows her manipulative and intelligent character but also her tremendous loneliness. She is mean, bitter and prejudiced against them (she calls them the weak ones, hobos, and discriminates them by treating them respectively of dum-dum, nigger and lousy old sheep), but she has an irrepressible need to talk to them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sci228 Ilab

Carmen Coronado iLab SCI 228 June 12, 2011 BMI Part 1 Define BMI-You must define BMI and not just as a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI! The body mass index (BMI) is of a measurement that was introduced in the early 19th century in order to categorize the entire population’s weight problems. The BMI is a statistic that is used to classify people's weight as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. The formula that is used to calculate ones BMI is that the metric system will divide ones weight in kilograms by ones height in squared meters. Then the units call for the physicians to multiply ones weight in pounds by 703 and will then divide the number that was gotten by ones height in inches squared. The body mass index will indicate if one is underweight, normal, overweight, and or obese categories. Part 2 Calculate BMI-Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI. There is an approximately 1800 calories that should be ingested. As to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) is about 1300 calories, which I should be eating around 700 more calories in order for it to account for the amount of energy I will be expending during the day in both my daily activities. With regards to food, this entails eating adequate portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A bowl of steel-cut oats with added whole milk, with a handful of almonds, topped with a tablespoon of ground flaxseed and mixed berries equates to around 600 calories. In the mid-morning I would have a snack of a protein shake and an apple that will work out to be about 100 calories. For lunch a tossed salad containing grilled chicken pieces, romaine lettuce, corn, shoestring beets, carrots, soybeans that will work out to be about 500 calories. For dinner I would have a plate with fried rice, some mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a piece of fish seasoned with garlic salt and lemon that would come out to be about 500 calories. So I would be left with 100 calories at the end of my day. Reference -Janiszewski, Peter. Body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity and health: a critical appraisal. June 12, 2011. http://scienceblogs. com/obesitypanacea/2010/03/body_mass_index_bmi_as_a_measu. php

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Traumatic Brain Injury (Tbi)

ABSTRACT Many disabilities can affect people of all ages. Some can be genetic, some can happen to you through accidents, but at the same time, all of them require an understanding of the basic reason behind the problem in order to help those affected by it. As a student I want to share my experiences by doing an experiment, on having Traumatic brain injury (TBI), due to a loss of balance during walking. The experiment will discuss the impact of my simulated disability in my home, school, work and other areas of society or community participation, the development of therapeutic relationships, and the impact on meaningful occupations. Loss of memory and poor concentration reduce the ability to live a normal life. Cognitive deficits after a traumatic brain injury can result in significant functional limitations in all areas of daily living. An individual's ability to simplify learning may be limited, thus making it harder to live independently in the community. There are many different cognitive and physiological disabilities that can affect an individual life and their performance. One of the disabilities that I want to talk about is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The Lenrow, M. D. , David, Joanne Finegan, and Stewart L Cohen. 2001) Website explains, â€Å"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. The impact on a person and his or her family can be devastating†. Head injuries are a serious problem. Whenever you are dealing with the brain, you want to take everything about the injury very seriously. Since our brain identifies who we are, the consequen ces of a brain injury can affect all aspects of our lives, or even including our personality. An injury in these areas limits the use of a specific part of your body, but your personality and mental abilities remain unaffected. Injuring the brain has different effects on people because it depends on the brain part that was injured. This determines the form of recovery treatment that is necessary for the brain to return to its normal operating condition. A traumatic brain injury is a disability that comes from an injury to the brain. This includes the brain stem that will result in impaired cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. If there is mild loss of consciousness or disorientation that lasts less than 30 minutes, the injury to the brain s considered mild. Memory or consciousness loss for more than 30 minutes makes a similar injury severe. The same word is used to define an injury where there has been skull penetration and memory loss of 24 hours. Individuals can be left in long-term unresponsive states, and even a small change in brain function can affect a person and their family, job, and social and community interactions. In this case, I want to discus the impact from falling on the floor and hitting my head, which was due to loosing balance while walking. Let me take you back to the day my life changed by a small accident. As I was getting up in the morning, I was tiered and could not open my eyes. As I was getting up from bed I didn’t pay any attention to where I was going and tripped on an object on the floor. As I feel, I bang my head against a wooden filing cabinet and my husband found me on the floor five minutes later on the floor. I was confused, lightheaded, dizzy, with blurred vision, ringing in my ears, and bad taste in my mouth. I did not know where I was, and what was going on. My husband help me get up and help me to made my way through the living room, which was hard because it is so narrow that there is very little space between the couch on one side of the room and the chair on the other. I bumped into the chair, and it was no big deal. I sat in the chair in the kitchen, and I looked confused. Nothing made any sense, my head was pounding and I did not understand what was going on. I was able to recognize the people around me but I forgot how to use certain objects such as a spoon, fork, cup, and knife in order to feed my self. My husband was trying to help me but the look on his face was as if he was frustrated, he wasn’t use to this type of behavior because all his life he was use to me being able to do things for my self and the constant assistance was something new to him. As I was getting ready for school I couldn’t remember how to start the car, everything seemed fragmented and I had to ask a friend or family member to help take me to school. At that time the constant absence of information was starting to become annoying, things that I have been doing all of my life just came to a blank. When getting into school I had difficulty finding my class but was able to ask someone there. During study, it was difficult to focus on different tasks such as reading, listening to lecture or writing something down. According to WebAIM (1999), â€Å"Some individuals have difficulties understanding text. These difficulties may be mild or severe, ranging from minor challenges to a complete inability to read any text. It would be unreasonable to expect web developers to accommodate the entire range of reading abilities†. When going to work I had trouble working certain items such as programs on the computer or changing calls on the phone. As I was aiding the doctor I forgot what routines I had to do in order to prepare the patient and equipment. The Trilogy Integrate Resources Inc (2011) website point out that, â€Å"Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury most typically experience problems in basic cognitive skills: sustaining attention, concentrating on tasks at hand, and remembering newly learned material. They may think slowly, speak slowly, and solve problems slowly. They may become confused easily when normal routines are changed or when the stimulation level from the environment exceeds their threshold†. Working environment can be effected in many levels, which can create unpleasant situations and uncomfortable dilemma for me. As a result, after injury, I with TBI may be unable to function well in their social roles because of difficulty in planning ahead, in keeping track of time, in coordinating complex events, in making decisions based on broad input, in adapting to changes in life, and in otherwise being the executive in one's own life. After all, even though I was pretend to have disability of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for three hours it is very hard to deal with this kind of disabilities. Having people around you to care for you and help it is very challenging, and at the same time heart braking because if there is no one out there to help you, you are gone for good.

Accreditation and Private Prisons Essay

According to the American Correctional Association website, accreditation can be define as â€Å"a system of verification that correctional agencies/facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Correctional Association† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). In order to achieve accreditation, it must go through reviews, appraisals, analysis, and hearings first. For a correctional agency to be accepted for accreditation, they at least must have one of the following: â€Å"pretrial or presented adult or juveniles; convicted adults or juveniles adjudicated delinquent; and/or adult or juvenile offenders sentenced to community supervision† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). There are many advantages and benefits of accreditation. The benefits have shown assessments of facilities’ strength and weaknesses, shown goals obtained, implantation of policies and procedures, established specific guidelines for everyday procedure, â€Å"aid in the defense of frivolous lawsuits, and increase of community support and a higher level of staff professionalism and morale† (â€Å"Standards & Accreditation†, n.d.). See more: Strategic Management Process Essay At ACA, they believe accreditation can enhance staff and development training. While though accreditation, there will be transcribe policies and agendas to help designate a training and staff development. The program will be for all levels of personnel. Employees’ experiences will automatically grow throughout all the training related to their job-related positions. They will receive current job-related training in relation to position requirements, new theories, current correctional issues, techniques and technologies. With the professional trainings, correctional officers will work toward compliance with standards which represent a professional practice. After all their hard work through the training, they will take pride in their professionalism. Through the ACA and the accreditation process, corrections has become more respected as a profession. They apply evidence-based practices which provide safe, secure, and humane conditions of confinement for over the millions of prisoners confined in this country. There are many valuable insights the Association provides about criminal justice and correctional policies to legislatures and government officials (Hamden, 2006-2013). Privatization are private sector prison used to hold prisoners. It is one of the solution used to solve the overcrowding of prisoners. With private prisons, it can help reduce the cost of incarcerating prisoners in an overcrowding prison (Joel, 2013). During the past couple of decades, prison population has increase. To solve this problem, it would require higher taxes on the people to build more prisons. The people responded by refusing to pay higher taxes to the government to build more prisons. Unable to solve the overcrowding of prison, a solution occurred to build private prisons to decrease overcrowding prisons. During the mid-1980s, private business interests saw the overcrowding prison as a profit and a way to expand their businesses. Corrections Corporation of America, the first modern private business was the first to emerge and established itself in 1984. The contract for the facility in Hamilton County, Tennessee was awarded to Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). It was the first time any government in the country to ever contract the entire jail operation to a private operator (Smith, 1996-2013). Privatization of prisons is thought to be more cost-effective and more efficient than public prisons (Smith, 1996-2013). Through some research to doubt on these claims, evidence show private prisons did not live up to its expectations. Research showed private prisons were no different from public prisons. In private prisons, lower staff and training may likely increase incidents of violence and escapes. With a nationwide study conducted, assaults on prison guards by inmates occur more frequently than in government-run prisons (Smith, 1996-2013). The study also show inmates assaulting other inmates occurred more often in private prisons. Concerning private vs. public prisons, there is no comparison between the two. Private prisons does not exactly help reduce the cost in public prisons. With few staffing and increase of proper training, it is likely to have more problems in private prisons than public prisons.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Social Equity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Equity - Assignment Example This was not a problem, except that each time the tests were conducted, results tended to be that white candidates out-performed other minority groups. This trend had sparked an outcry from citizens who construed the outcomes to be possible acts of discrimination. It the confrontation that had ensued, white Hispanics who believed they has passed the exams entered into a legal suit against the City that the results were engineered to discriminate them against the provisions of the constitution (Woods Jr and Gutzman, 2009). The District Court had initially granted summary judgment to the case and the second circuit had affirmed. In determination of the appeal, the court ad observed that Title IV prohibits any acts of employment discrimination on the basis of color, sex, race, religion or national origin under what it interpreted as disparate treatment. The court had also elaborated that other forms of employment discrimination practices include discriminative policies or any practice that succeeds in discriminating, whether intended to be so or acts so by default especially on minorities. Disparate treatment is the discriminatory act in which an employer treats other employees as lesser beings with regard to workplace dynamics (Supreme Court of the United States, 2009). The court had also observed that once a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of disparate act, then it is the duty of the employer has the burden to prove to the court that the position in question and procedures for acquisition are consistent with the necessity of the specific business in question. The court also recognized that in rare circumstances, when an employer takes an intentional course of action that directly discriminates on the basis of taking a precaution to avoid or remedying unintentional disparate impact, even then the employer must have a strong

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Science - Assessment and Transition from KS2 to KS3 Essay

Science - Assessment and Transition from KS2 to KS3 - Essay Example Formative assessment requires the teacher to feed back to the students’ information that provides the students with opportunities to improve on their learning, or that encourages the students to reflect on their own learning (Black & Williams, 1998). In contrast to summative testing, which occurs with standardised tests, formative assessment provides in-depth, immediate and contextualised information about a student’s level of knowledge and their understanding of a particular topic (Bund & Falchikov, 2004). The reflective and engaging nature of formative assessments supports teachers in becoming better assessors, and to focus on the quality of a student’s learning and understanding, rather than the quantity of work they have undertaken (Williams, Lee, Harrison & Black, 2004). The sole use of summative testing results in teachers being ignorant of the true understandings, strengths and weaknesses of their students. Formative assessment can aid in narrowing the gap between high and low achievers in the classroom (Black & Williams, 1998). The use of formative assessment requires a learner-centered approach to teaching, as the student is the end user of the assessment information (Bund & Falchikov, 2004). Effective formative assessment focuses on feedback regarding scientific tasks, and not the student. Hence, feedback focuses on the particular qualities of the student’s work, with suggestions for improvements, and without comparisons to classmates (Black & Williams, 1998). The ideal form of this requires that the student develop the ability for ‘self-assessment’, which allows them to demonstrate their understanding of the goal of the task and their learning (Williams et al., 2004). The KS3 teacher could utilize formative assessment strategies to determine the level of knowledge and understanding of science for student’s at the beginning of the year. Procedures for self-assessment, or peer-assessment, could include the use of ‘Traffic Lights’

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Work-life Balance In The Global Human Resource Management Coursework

Work-life Balance In The Global Human Resource Management - Coursework Example These components are change management, stress management, technology management, leisure management, self management and time management. If any employee’s mental health is sick then the work will be affected. There will not be any kind of outcomes even if the employee works hard. To keep all these factors in mind employers now arrange the work schedule in such a way so that every employee should get some time for their own and personal purpose. The management of many companies also arrange vacation trips for the employees or provide vacation allowances to the employees for enjoying the trip with their families in a relaxed mood. Here in the two mentioned case studies one common sentence can be found. This is ‘the work life balance’. In one case study this is observed that a person’s professional life has been changed after death of her daughter in an accident. Before this accident Mrs. Hughes was involved only in her work and spent most of the time to develop her career path. But after that tragedy she realized that apart from work she has to do something which will be beneficial for the society and through this process she will get mental satisfaction. She began a safety campaign along with her professional work. The main objective of this campaign is to reduce the risk factors at railway crossings. Her campaign got significant success at this work. As per the view of many people this can be said that any incident in personal life will affect the work life also. If there is something wrong with a person then his ability of work will be reduced in a significant way (Kramar and Syed, 2012 ). Personal experience most of the time change the behaviour towards work. Some people do not want to share his personal stories in the work place. That is fine but communication with the peer group apart from work related matter is necessary. This will help to reduce the work load

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Introduction to computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Introduction to computing - Essay Example f software programs that run on a much deeper level than these surface uses that are essential to the usability and accessibility of any of these other programs. This type of software is called system software, without which the computer would be a nearly useless collection of plastic, metal and wires. This software governs everything from how the computer stores and interprets data to how it is analyzed and accessed and eventually displayed on the screen for user input. Additionally, how the computer responds to user signals is also managed by system software in operations that are generally never seen or even imagined by the end user. To understand how this works, it is necessary to understand the difference between the shell and the kernel embedded in the operating system as well as the main features of graphic user interfaces as opposed to command line or human/computer interfaces, ending with a look at some of the more common programs such as Unix, Linux and Windows Vista. A shell is the interface program that allows a user to communicate with the computer. Like the shell of a turtle or crustacean, the shell can be viewed as the outermost layer of the computer’s operating system. â€Å"Shells incorporate a programming language to control processes and files, as well as to start and control other programs† (â€Å"Chapter 11†, 1997). There are various ways in which a shell acts to facilitate information transfer between the user and the computer including providing the necessary prompts for user input, translating that input into language that the computer can understand and acting to turn any output from the computer into usable information back out to the user. This process can take place either through information transferred through the use of a keyboard or through the execution of a set of commands contained in a file called a shell script. â€Å"When you log in to the system, the system locates the name of a shell program to execute. Once executed,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Sigmund Freud - Essay Example Sigmund Freud is well-remembered by history not for coming up with the right answers,but for asking the right questions.His conception of mental illness as something that could be understood,engaged with,and treated transformed our conception of the mentally ill or mentally disabled,and led to gradual improvements in the treatment of sufferers, both of emotional disturbance and cognitive disability. For a long time, mental handicaps were seen as completely insurmountable, just something that nobody could engage with or do anything about. In the 20th century, though, that began to change. The notion that mental illness was treatable began to become widespread, and mental hospitals because places of treatment rather than mere confinement. A good example of the changing attitudes is the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, based on Ken Kesey’s 1962 novel of the same title. In it, Randle McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, is transferred from prison to a mental instit ution, where he challenges the way the institution is run. Prior to his arrival, the institution is essentially a holding pen, a place where people are kept because society doesn’t want to deal with them. There is no real expectation that anyone ever will, or ever can, leave the institution or be cured of their problems. Indeed, McMurphy initially goes there because he thinks it will be an easier place than prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence, only to discover that one he’s in the institutional system, he can be kept there indefinitely against his will. However, by engaging with the other patients as human beings, McMurphy challenges the authority of the institutional system. He reveals that most of his fellow â€Å"nuts,† in his phrase, are capable of functioning at a higher level than they are given credit for, and even the mysterious Chief Bromden has been completely misdiagnosed. He’s not deaf and mute; he’s just very quiet. The s tory is a larger metaphor about the emasculating effects of institutional systems (it is not by accident that Nurse Ratched is female) but the very fact that it was set in a mental hospital reveals a serious change in attitudes toward the mentally ill and disabled. The 1960s were a fertile time for changing attitudes, and the liberation of McMurphy’s compatriots should be seen in that context. In 1968, the Special Olympics were founded, as parents of mentally disabled children were encouraged for the first time to take pride in their offspring despite their disability. Prior to this era, such parents were frequently told to have their children permanently institutionalized, and tell people they were dead. As another example, three years prior to the release of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, there had been a famous television expose of the Willowbrook State School, a grossly abusive and inadequate institution for mentally disabled children and youths. It led to a publ ic outcry and a series of reforms in how such institutions were run. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, in that sense, is chronicling an unfolding cultural narrative about the treatment of mental handicaps; it’s a story about changing attitudes that came out in a time of changing attitudes. There is often an easy narrative applied to the Civil War, one in which evil, racist Confederates are opposed by virtuous, non-racist Union troops. Few would phrase it in exactly that way, but that is the basic structure of the model many people absorb from pop culture and conventional wisdom. Like most such good-vs.-evil narratives, it is a gross oversimplification that misses much of its own point. Reality is, as ever, more complex. At another end of the spectrum, one finds those who insist that the war had nothing to do with slavery, that that was a mere incidental issue. Considering that every state that seceded wrote an elaborate proclamation of their reasons, and that every one of those documents cites slavery as their central ideological issue, the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Nursing and decision making in mental health nursing Essay

Nursing and decision making in mental health nursing - Essay Example While admitted as a patient in the mental health facility, Jo actually showed signs of improvement in that his emotional state grew more balanced and he showed signs of functioning as an ordinary person even though he was not given any medicine. He also regularly participated in discussions with the professionals and seemed to understand the methods to use so as to restrain his emotions when he experienced stressful occurrences in the outside world. Jo appeared to be on his way to full recovery when he was suddenly visited by two friends the evening after he had returned from his leave. The friends appeared to be in possession of cannabis as well as knives. When some of Jo’s fellow patients, who were in the same room in which Jo sat with his visiting friends, reported this to the nurses that they had heard about a prospective fight, they were removed from the room and Jo’s friends left even without being asked to. Soon after, Jo demanded to be allowed to leave the ward. Against the advice and suggestions of the nurses that he remain, he insisted and was then allowed to leave. Owing to the fact that the member of staff was anxious that Jo would return with weapons to the ward, they asked him to discharge himself before leaving. The authorities also informed the police of the presence of Jo’s friends and the fact that they were in possession of cannabis and knives before they left the ward. A Key Decision within the Case When a nurse is faced with a decision to make between harbouring a potentially destructive client or revealing his or her intentions to law enforcement authorities, the nurse is usually faced with the problem of having to decide whether to protect the other patients and respecting the rights of the patient who is showing the potential for causing harm to himself or others (Antonius, Fuchs, Herbert, Kwon, Fried, Burton, Straka, Levin, Caligor, and Malaspina 2010). In normal circumstances, the nurse would merely discuss the pat ient’s concerns with him or her and then offer advice on how best to tackle feelings of hopelessness and destruction before they could become unmanageable. The nurse will only consider the possibility of letting other people know about the problems of her patient if he or she refuses to take the advice that is being offered (Fiscella 2004). By letting her supervisors or even law enforcement authorities know about a client’s threats to cause harm to others, the nurse is actually violating the patient’s confidentiality (Wolf, Lehman, Quinlin, Rosenszweig, Friede, Zullo and Hoffman 2008). In this case, it can be said that the decision to inform the police of the presence of Jo’s friends and subsequent request to Jo to discharge himself from the ward when he insisted on accompanying his knife and cannabis carrying friends, is the key decision. Even though the Jo was begged to stay in the ward by the nurses, he insisted on going after his friends who had openl y spoken about a fight that was going to happen. The Ethical, Legal, Political and Professional Issues that are Related to this Key Decision Professional: In psychiatric practice, patients can make the choice to refuse treatment even if it may actually improve their lives. This means that Jo was merely exercising his rights by refusing to remain at the ward even when he was asked to remain by nurses who were worried that exposure to reckless characters would merely

Saturday, September 7, 2019


Case study , subject HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGER - Essay Example This work has looked into the problems in detail using a combination of academic as well as practical perspectives so that fitting solutions can be derived. The results from this study indicate that Manners Europe will have to restructure current human resource management practises without compromising the overall framework brought in from the parent company. Measures include changes in the work schedule styles, compensation patterns as well as hiring and screening procedures. Manners Europe is experiencing visible problems with its human resource management framework being implemented in the European domain. The bulk of these problems originate from Netherlands that has comparably different norms from the American principals. The markedly different cultural attributes resound from the fact that employees expect different behaviour from management while management expects different behaviour from employees. As a result of this friction, neither employees nor management are able to solve this dilemma. It must also be borne in mind that Manners Europe derives itself and its structure from its American origins. Competitiveness and efficiency are the rule of the day for Manner Europe’s higher management who have been bred accordingly in the American organisational cultural perspective. However, for the Dutch working for the organisation, this mode of operation is opposed to cultural values that they have acquired through their socialisation process. The situation demands that the existing Americanised human resources framework of the organisation be adapted to the peculiarities of the Norwegian situation. However, while such an adaptation is being initiated it must be kept in mind that the entire framework should not be remodelled. Such a remodelling attempt would lead to multiple problems such as increased costs for remodelling as well as deviation from the principal

Friday, September 6, 2019

Food and Beverage Services Essay Example for Free

Food and Beverage Services Essay Then the service is done a laid cover on the table. Following are the type of service come under this category: English Service: Often referred to as the Host Service because the host plays an active role in the service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter. French Services: It is a very personalized service. Food is brought from the kitchen in dishes nd salvers, which are placed directly on the table. The plates are kept near the dish and the guests help themselves. Silver Service: The table is set for hors doeuvres, soup, main courses and sweet dish in sterling silverware. The food is portioned into silver platters at the kitchen itself, which are placed at the sideboard with burners or hot plates to keep the food warm in the restaurant. Plates are placed before the guest. The waiter then picks the platter from the hot plate and presents the dish to the host for approval. He serves each guest using a service spoon and fork. All food is presented in silver dishes with laborate dressing. American/Plate Service: The American service is a pre-plated service, which means that the food is served into the guests plate in the kitchen itself and brought to the guest. The kitchen predetermines the portion and the accompaniments served with the dish balance the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and color. This type of service is commonly used in a coffee shop where service is required to be fast. Russian Service: An elaborate silver service much on the lines of French service except that the food is portioned and carved by the waiter at the gueridon trolley in he restaurant in full view of the guests. Display and presentation are a major part of this service. The principle involved is to have whole Joints, poultry, game and fish elaborately dressed and garnished, presented to guests and carved and portioned by the waiter. Gueridon Service: This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a complete meal is cooked at the tableside in the restaurant. The cooking is done on a gueridon trolley, which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder and burners. The waiter plays a rominent part, as he is required to fillet, carve, flamb © and prepare the food with showmanship. The waiter has to have considerable dexterity and skill. Snack-bar Service: Tall stools are placed along a counter so that the guest may eat the food at the counter itself. In better establishments, the covers are laid out on the counter its

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Why should we study military history?

Why should we study military history? What is it about the question, why should we study military history that raises such a storm of conversation? In a society that expects education to serve a useful purpose, the functions of history can appear more difficult to define than those of medicine or nuclear physics. History, specifically the study of military history is very useful. In an age of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the old subjects of strategy and tactics can seem obsolete. The importance of the battles of Little Big Horn during the Plains Indian Wars or Kasserine Pass during World War II in North Africa might not be evident if you are thinking only in terms of pushing big red buttons. It is imperative for civilian leaders to understand the military issues before them and the lessons that Soldiers of the past fought so hard to learn in order to prevent new generations of Soldiers from learning them all over again. Its no surprise that American civilians tend to lack a basic understanding for military matters, not to mention military history. In a society that expects education to serve a useful purpose, the functions of history can appear more difficult to define than those of medicine or nuclear physics. History, specifically the study of military history is very useful. Today, universities are even less receptive to the subject. This should be profoundly troubling to our society. A democratic nation should fully understand war, especially in an age of weapons of mass destruction and religious radicals attempting to spread their ideals by using terrorism. Neither most of our citizens nor many of our politicians seem to recall the incompetence and terrible decisions that, in June 1876 and February 1943, led to massive American casualties as well as much public despair. Its no surprise that many Americans think the violence in Iraq is unprecedented in U.S. history. Nearly 4,000 combat dead in Iraq in four and one-half years of fighting is a terrible thing. The American people still bicker about total withdrawal, defeat, up-armored HMMWVs and proper troop levels. But a previous generation considered Okinawa an overwhelming American victory, despite losing, in a little over two months, four times as many Americans as we have lost in Iraq (Hansen, V. (2007). Why Study War?). It has been stated in many news articles that the current rate of U.S. casualties in Iraq would take 75 years to total the same amount of casualties that we experienced in 10 years of fighting in Vietnam. One American casually is too many, but war is an ugly beast, peo ple die. That is why it is so important that our politicians and public understand what war is really about. Military history is not a bunch of cookie-cutter answers to each and every problem facing a young military leader or our nation today. Germanys victory during World War I over Russia in under three years and their failure to take France in four years apparently misled Adolph Hitler into thinking that he could defeat the Soviets with little problem. After all, Germany defeated the historically tougher France in just six months (Thompson, F. (2007). Remember the Past.). The battle at Little Big Horn in Montana is studied to this day by military leaders. What could possibly be learned from a battle that took place over 130 years ago? The tactics and weapons are antiquated by todays standards. The Indian wars are the stuff of legends and a few B-grade movies, or are they? What exactly can we learn from Custers defeat? One thing for sure about Custer was that he was arrogant. Custer was a successful commander from his days in the Civil War up until his death on a hot and dusty hilltop in Montana in 1876. The defeat at Little Big Horn, as are most defeats in hindsight, was avoidable. Custer had the best Soldiers and the best equipment of the time period. The initial plan to force the Indians back to the reservations appeared to be sound if executed properly by the three large columns of Soldiers involved. Communication became a large factor for the participating commanders. Custer, Gibbon, and Crook all had key parts to play for the execution of the plan to work. Timing was a key in order to ensure everything went according to the initial plan. However, General Crooks column of about 1300 Soldiers was attacked at Rose Bud Creek by almost the same number of Sioux only nine days prior and 30 miles away from the sight of Custers defeat at Little Big Horn. General Crooks men were so badly mauled that they were forced to return to the South for supplies and to treat their wounded (Hardy, S. (2004). Custers Last Stand.). Crooks column was a key element in the hammer and anvil plan that was to be executed. Custer had no idea that Crook had been defeated by such a large number of Indians or that his column would not make the scheduled rendez vous time and location. After locating the main Indian encampment, Custer was told repeatedly by his scouts that the Indian camp was the largest that they had ever seen and there would be at least 1800 to 2000 warriors in the camp, probably more. Custer ignored this advice. Custer initially made a plan to bed down his command and attack at dawn the next morning. Not only thinking his men would be fresh for the fight but that Crooks column would be arriving at any time. Custers scouts reported that Indian scouts had seen the command and were reporting back to the Indian camp. Actually, the Indian scouts were leaving the camp to return to the reservation and they had not seen Custers command at all. Custers orders were to locate the Indian camp on the Little Big Horn River and not let them escape. With these orders, the lack of knowledge of Crooks situation and the then common knowledge that the Plains Indians would not stand and fight but disengage after a short fight, Custer decided to attack. The fact that Custer split his command into three separate battalions is a constant source of debate. This also was a standard practice when fighting the Plains Indians at that time. What lessons can we learn from Custers tragic defeat? Sound intelligence of the enemy situation is a must. Custer had solid, eyes-on intelligence from reliable sources but ignored it. The lack of communication was also a huge factor. Many leaders and historians believe that Custer would not have attacked the Indian village that day if he would have known of Crooks defeat and the number of Indians that attacked Crooks column. The Indian tactics had changed. Custer not only did not know this, he completely underestimated the Indians ability and will to fight as well as over estimating the ability of his own men. The chances are pretty good that Custers own arrogance very well may have overridden all of the hindsight knowledge that we now have. One of the main lessons to take from Custer is this; it is only a matter of time before an arrogant leader will fail. Arrogance and underestimating the enemy you face is a lesson that seems to be learned over and over again. In Tunisia during 1943 the American forces were inexperienced and poorly equipped, at least compared to the German forces that they faced. The Kasserine Pass is gap in the Grand Dorsal Mountain chain in central Tunisia. The German Afrika Korps were veteran Nazi forces commanded by the brilliant Erwin Rommel. Rommel was retreating from advancing allied (British) forces. Rommels counter attack was aimed directly at the inexperienced American forces and backed them into defensive position in the Dorsal Mountains (M. Haze, (2002). Battle of Kasserine Pass). The American equipment was of no match to the superior German tanks and firepower. The American tanks were riveted together. When hit, the tanks rivets broke loose and killed and wounded as many men as the German shell that hit the tank. The American tanks and thin armor and the tanks cannon could not be aimed as effectively as t he Germans or penetrate the German armor even if the Americans were lucky enough to hit a German tank. The battle at Kasserine Pass was a defeat for the green Americans. The Americans learned many valuable and expensive lessons from the Kasserine Pass debacle. Leadership and tactics were changed. Equipment was immediately updated. The Germans learned some lessons from Kasserine Pass also. For the rest of the war, the Nazi high command relied on reports sent from Rommels men regarding the Americans inferior equipment. They apparently never grasped the idea that the U.S. weapons constantly improved throughout the rest of the war. After the battle Rommel was contemptuous of both the U.S. equipment and fighting ability. He basically considered them a non-threat. Based on the knowledge gained at Kasserine Pass the Germans greatly underestimated the skill and resolve of the American Soldier. War is about killing, pain, and fear, and any attempt to disguise this or portray it otherwise is not only wrong but immoral. War is not only killing, pain and fear. It is the purposeful use of force to achieve political goals. Anyone who thinks that this statement is less than black and white has not spoken with the troops on the ground during one of our wars that was blessed by political approval. Many Americans today believe that anyone who studies war must approve of war as though anyone who drives a car must naturally approve of car wrecks. How much farther from the truth could these people be? There are many reasons to study military history in our schools and colleges. America is once again at war and this time there is really no end in sight. We are fighting for our basic way of life. The study of military history for our civilian wartime leadership is critical. Politicians start wars and politicians lose wars. Todays young people are tomorrows leaders, both in politics and the military. If for no other reason than we want to avoid war whenever possible, universities and public schools should at least offer the option of studying military history.