Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sustainable Transport Policy

1. Developing Countries and Transportation Transportation in developing countries is considered to be a significant influence on major global issues, many of which are associated with the state of the environment and of human life. According to Gwilliam (2003), developing countries â€Å"are taken to be those that qualify as borrowing members of the World Bank, including the transitional economies†, but the developed countries â€Å"are taken to be the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, excluding Mexico†. Cities within developing countries are different in their economic, political and demographic aspects. However, economic improvement can lead to growth in the road and transport infrastructure but vehicle ownership slows this rate (Gwilliam, 2003). The existing city structure and political history means that most of these cities are unable to provide efficient mass transports services due to â€Å"scatter pockets† (Gwilliam, 2003). The quickly increasing popul ation is related with a below average proportion of the land that is allocated for transport. Whilst other sectors, such as education and sanitation, improve with economic progress, transportation problems can be seen to worsen with economic development (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). It can be difficult to examine common urban transportation issues in developing countries due to the contribution of interlinked trends in its operations. For instance, one of the important trends is population growth; the population density rate in urban areas was almost 45% in 1995 and it is expected to increase to 60% by 2025; developing countries have a massive share of this rate of about 90% (Road Management & Engineering Journal, 1998). Furthermore, any increase in the population leads to an increase in transport problems, such as car ownership – which has risen in developing countries in recent years along with an increase in the number of personally owned cars; this also relates to economic growth (Gakenheimer, 1999). The number of vehicles with two or three wheels is also rising, especially in Asia (Gwilliam, 2003). These vehicles are characterized by easy mobility and affordability, but they are also a primary source of pollution (Abuhamoud et al., 2011). The absence of suitable public transportation to match the population growth is another issue. This failure to develop these services is associated to its contrast with capital costs. Hence, another phenomenon emerges which is a city’s sporadic growth without following a regular pattern. It makes it difficult for people to gain use from mass transportation and means that the city needs additional provisions for public transport and to improve the access to transport. However, these transportation trends are influenced strongly by environmental and social standards which are completely linked to life quality and production. These involve â€Å"congestion, energy consumption, air pollution, and traffic crashes† (Road Management & Engineering Journal, 1998). 2. Transport problems The fundamental social and economic actions are people’s mobility and commodities. For this purpose, cars and trucks are the most common and important means of transportation used worldwide and their numbers have grown massively in developing countries; especially in cities where conventional transport is incompatible with the city structure development and road infrastructure. Consequently, the system is exposed to a number of problems (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). According to Gwilliam (2003), the problems of transport systems in developing countries are traffic congestion, environmental issues, safety and poverty. 2.1. Congestion This phenomenon is common in developing countries, especially in megacities. The rate of urban growth and increasing car ownership has produced excessive congestion in developing countries. Few cities reach the rate of car use and congestion as those in developed countries, according to the per capita income (Kutzbach, 2009). As Gwilliam (2003) states, congestion makes a reduction in the average travel speed in the daytime in the city centre. For instance, in Bangkok, Manila, Mexico and Shanghai it dropped to 10km/hr or less, and 15km/hr or less in Kuala Lumpur and Sau Paulo. These resulted in increased travel time and a decrease in accessibility. In Rio de Janeiro and Bogota the average travel in one-way roads is 107 and 90 minutes respectively (Gakenheimer, 1999). Notwithstanding this, the number of cars in the majority of developing countries did not exceed 100 cars per 1000 persons, while in developed countries this has overtaken 400 cars per 1000 persons (Kutzbach, 2009). Car ow nership growth in non-OECD countries is conceivable to be faster than population growth; it reaches 15-20% (Gwilliam, 2003). According to Abuhamoud et al. (2011) there is a complex relationship between urban growth and transport services. Currently about 50% of the population live in cities and this is raising increasingly, and developing countries share approximately 95% of this growth (Candiracci, 2009). It has also to be shown that as the city grows, the distance from home to the worksite is increasing with a lack of appropriate transport and road facilities (Abuhamoud et al., 2011). As a result, car ownership and congestion is inevitable. In this context, Africa makes up about 14% of the planet’s population, equivalent to about one billion people; in 2007 the urban population rate was 38.7% with the change of 2% per year from 2005 to 2010, and the increase of vehicles during these 5 years was observed. Urbanization could be observed at a higher level in North Africa, which was more than 80% and in Libya, South Africa and Botswana more than 55% but the countries still faced a lack of road facilit ies and poor vehicle quality (Abuhamoud, ibid). This type of urbanization can also be noticed in Asia. For example, China is exposed to a rapid urban growth which is currently about 43% and is associated with the country’s rapid economic growth. It is expected that this figure will increase to 70% in 2050. This is due to people’s immigration into urban areas which will affect the economy because the city energy consumption will be higher than rural areas. This will also be another factor contributing to the overall city congestion (Cheng and Hu, 2009). As Dargay at el., (2007) presents, the overall vehicle stock was 0.8 billion in 2002, but this is expected to increase to about 2 billion in 2030, of which 56% of vehicles will be owned by developing countries; this was 24% in 2002. Consequently, vehicle ownership growth may cause excessive congestion which can lead to side effects on the transportation system. Much more can be done to combat congestion, such as: encouraging markets to be more active in supplying goods in active areas; improving transport quality between cities; stopping transport subsidies in cities; improving road management and structure by devoting a sufficient land for roads; improving traffic management and improving planning institutions (Gwilliam, 2003). According to Kutzbach (2009), reducing costs and the wait period in bus stations by rising bus frequency can cause an increase in bus users, and then mass transit would be improved and congestion will decrease. Also, improving rail transport could offer a further option (Gakenheimer, 1999). 2.2. Environment problems Transport and movement have a direct impact on the environment of cities in developing countries. As a result, it impacts on human health. According to studies conducted in Bangkok, Cairo, Mexico City, Quito and Santiago, small matter particles are common and when their volume is less than 2.5 microns of lead this can inflict serious damages to the public health. In addition to this, the level of NO2 is still lower then WHO guidelines outline and there is also a high level of SO2 that is coming from increased coal use. This can damage the ozone which can be considered another threat to people’s health, especially in Mexico City and Santiago (Gwilliam, 2003). According to Transport Policy Advisory services (2010), transport growth and congestion leads to an increasing in the consumption of oil which means an increase in CO2 emissions which directly causes environmental pollution. As Candiracci (2009) states, pollution can cause the of death of people worldwide; for instance, about 6500 people in Mexico and 170000 to 280000 a year in China are facing life threatening situations because of these conditions. Furthermore, urban transportation is the main cause of increasing noise which is another type of pollution. Transport contributes about 25% of overall energy using and is continually increasing. The CO2 emissions from 1990 to 2004 have grown by almost 36.5% and it is expected to increase to approximately 140% in 2050 with the greatest increase coming from developing nations (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). CO2 emission from vehicles did not exceed 6% in tons; however, it impacts 32% of people. Urban transport is the main sourc e for 80-90% of lead spreads in these cities (Gwilliam, 2003). Additionally, there are a large number of motorcycles with 2 to 3 wheels which provides a wide range of transportation needs in Africa. For example, in Togo these vehicles provide 80% of transportation requirements, but also pollute the environment (Abuhamoud et al., 2011). It is also common in most Asian cities where it makes up about 75% of the fleet in Hanoi (Gwilliam, 2003). Generally, the poor environment condition is an outcome of the high levels of congestion in developing countries. The structure of today’s transport seems unsatisfactory in the sustainability point of view, this is mainly by the reason of its disadvantages to the environment and to humanity’s health (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). The environment can be improved by working to improve the quality of vehicles, implementing the honest â€Å"inspection and maintenance (I/M) programme†, using new motorcycle technology, improving system management and non-motorized modes, and running the â€Å"own-price elasticity for gasoline consumption† (Gwilliam, 2003). 2.3. Safety Safety is also another problem of transport systems in developing countries that is directly related to transport crashes and criminal accidents which occur on roads or its surrounding. The amount of people who are fatally injured due to road transport accidents is almost one million people annually, while 85% of this figure is in developing countries and 50% in urban areas. However, pedestrians and cyclists are exposed to safety issues much more than cars and those who ride on mass transport such a buses and trains. Accidents can remain a side effect on the victim’s psychological state and can affect the rate of travel and journeys made (Gwilliam, 2003). The bad quality of roads and vehicles in developing countries are the main reasons for safety problems, environment pollution, and congestion. For instance, the roads in the majority of cities in Africa are congested with motorcycles, which is the vehicle that is involved in the most accidents. This is primarily because a dri ver license for a motorcycle is not mandatory in this country (Abuhamoud et al., 2011). Public safety is also influenced by other aspects of road transport, such as air pollution, which is directly related to human health. Another impact on safety is insufficient pedestrian space which should be as far as the road space. This has been applied in most cities in China. The deficiency of bicycle paths in developing countries also decreases road safety (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). However, transport safety and security can be improved by considering a number of interactive approaches. Studies indicate that most traffic accidents in developing countries occur in the mid-link of roads and at junctions (Gwilliam, 2003). Therefore, road safety can be enhanced through improving road quality and developing road space that is suitable enough for all road users. 2.4. Poverty The distributional impacts of transport developments which have declined to an unusual degree are another significant issue faced in developing countries. Poor people live in areas that have a lack of transportation facilities. Poor people depend on walking although and public transport services are not as required, therefore, walking or non-motorised vehicles such as bicycles are the main modes of transportation (Gwilliam, 2003). Poorer people tend to make fewer trips poor, take longer on their journeys and have worse safety. Studies have shown that in poorer areas there are 20 to 30% fewer journeys. These journeys take longer due to the lack of roads and transport for pedestrians at all times. The poor people in Rio de Janeiro spend on average more than 3 hours commuting to reach the worksite (Transport Policy Advisory services, 2010). Better safety for poorer people can be achieved through the introduction of a number of actions such as the provision of better quality transport which can increase the opportunity for poor people to access jobs, also improving the non-motorised and pedestrians’ path surface and pavement design could help safety issues. Subsidizing the public transport sector to raise attention to public passengers and their available means of transport would also help benefit poor people, as would the construction of non-motorised transport network in cities (Gwilliam, 2003). 3. Transport and life As the Transport Policy Advisory services (2010) states, the concept of urban transport problems appears to be important because it is directly linked to the sensitive and essential spheres of life, such as the environment, society and economy. The transport can impact the environment through pollution emissions, especially in urban areas. Thus, it affects biodiversity. Transport impacts social life because it is strictly associated with accessibility levels, clean air, noise effect, and traffic accidents. However, there is also a strong relationship between transport and the economy in which it impacts on goods and people’s mobility. Accordingly, in implementing any program for the purpose of transport sustainability it should be taken into account what necessitates the satisfaction of all these elements. 4. Transportation and the Future 4.1 Climate Change The transport sector is defined as a rapid growth source of greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, the monumental increase of motorization and car ownerships has influenced economic growth which leads to the occurrence of a big change in greenhouse gas emissions, where this increase then causes global warming and climate change (Wright and Fulton, 2005). Climate change may be seen as a considerable problem which faces transportation currently and also in the future (Chapman, 2007). However, while there are modes of public and non-motorized transport in developing cities, the poor quality of public transport and the inadequate service for non-motorized and pedestrians encourages people’s tendency to use private cars (Gwilliam, 2003). This then causes an increase in greenhouse gas emissions which represent a main reason of climate change occurrence. According to Wright and Fulton (2005), the greenhouse emissions from the transport sector globally is estimated to be about 24% , which grows 2.1% annually, and grows 3.5% in developing countries. It is expected to increase by about 30% by 2030. Therefore, the impacts may include dramatic weather changes, increasing sea-levels, floods and health risks in the long-term. Therefore developing countries should work to sustain the current public and non-motorised transport to develop future sustainable transport. As the Road Management & Engineering Journal (1998) states, to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the future by 2050, the CO2 emissions needs to be cut by 50% globally. This goal can be achieved through â€Å"improving fuel technology† and finding a â€Å"mode-shifting solution† (Wright and Fulton, 2005). 4.2. Peak Oil Peak oil is another issue worth mentioning. It is strongly related to transportation in terms of fuel consumption. In 2003 the rate of demand of oil increased by 3% which is equivalent to about 101 million barrels annually (Aleklett, 2007). The decline in production of oil in the three greatest exporters – Saudi Arabia, Russia and Norway – is estimated to be 4 to 6 million barrels per day by 2030, and the implications of an enormous oil shortage will appear in the transportation sector by the same year (Aleklett, 2007). Human health is influenced by these changes in economic and social aspects, more than which results from policy interferences. However, the peak oil impacts on the economy in terms of increasing the demand and price of oil, also impacts on increasing transport prices and the freight of food, goods and medicine. Therefore, it can create a health crisis even if half of the spare oil has been spent. In contrast to this, there are positive impacts such as the reduction of congestion and pollution emissions which can reduce climate change (Hanlon and McCartney, 2008). Conclusion: It is felt that transportation problems vary from other problems plaguing the developing countries due to it is worsening with economic development. Vehicle ownership growth may cause excessive congestion which leads to side effects on the transportation system wholly. The congestion can be reduced through improving the road quality and public transport, thereby increasing safety and decreasing environment pollution. The environment can be improved by improving vehicle quality, implementing the inspection and maintenance system (I/M), using new motorcycle technology, non-motorized modes, and running the own-price elasticity for gasoline. It is recommended that implementing any program for the purpose of transport sustainability should take into consideration the elements affecting the environment, society and the economy. It is recommended that developing countries should work to keep the current public and non-motorised transport running, in order to developing future sustainable tr ansport and to protect the climate and the energy. References Abuhamoud, M. A. A., Rahmat, R. A. O. K., & Ismail, A. (2011). Transportation and its concerns in Africa: A review. The Social Sciences 6(1), pp. 51-63. [online] [accessed October 22th 2013]. Aleklett, K. (2007). Peak oil and the evolving strategies of oil importing and exporting countries (No. 2007-17). Discussion paper. [online] [accessed October 26th 2013]. Candiracci, S. (2009). Climate change, urbanization and sustainable urban transport in developing country cities. Energy & transport Policies Section. [online] [accessed October 24th 2013]. Chapman, L. (2007). Transport and climate change: a review. Journal of transport geography, 15(5), pp. 354-367. [online] [accessed October 26th 2013]. Cheng, H., & Hu, Y. (2010). 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Strategies for Solving Urban Transportation Problems in Developing Countries. Road Management & Engineering Journal. [online] 1-800-777-2338 [accessed October 22th 2013]. Transport Policy Advisory Services, (2010). Callenges of urban transport in developing countries- a summary. [online] [accessed October 20th 2013]. Wright, L., & Fulton, L. (2005). Climate change mitigation and transport in developing nations. Transport Reviews, 25(6), pp. 691-717. [online] [accessed October 26th 2013]. Wright, L., & Fulton, L. (2005). Climate change mitigation and transport in developing nations. Transport Reviews, 25(6), pp. 691-717. [online] [accessed October 26th 2013].

Friday, August 30, 2019

Static Ram and Dynamic Ram

What is the difference between static RAM and dynamic RAM in my computer? Your computer probably uses both static RAM and dynamic RAM at the same time, but it uses them for different reasons because of the cost difference between the two types. If you understand how dynamic RAM and static RAM chips work inside, it is easy to see why the cost difference is there, and you can also understand the names. Dynamic RAM is the most common type of memory in use today. Inside a dynamic RAM chip, each memory cell holds one bit of information and is made up of two parts: a transistor and a capacitor.These are, of course, extremely small transistors and capacitors so that millions of them can fit on a single memory chip. The capacitor holds the bit of information — a 0 or a 1 (see How Bits and Bytes Work for information on bits). The transistor acts as a switch that lets the control circuitry on the memory chip read the capacitor or change its state. A capacitor is like a small bucket that is able to store electrons. To store a 1 in the memory cell, the bucket is filled with electrons. To store a 0, it is emptied. The problem with the capacitor's bucket is that it has a leak.In a matter of a few milliseconds a full bucket becomes empty. Therefore, for dynamic memory to work, either the CPU or the memory controller has to come along and recharge all of the capacitors holding a 1 before they discharge. To do this, the memory controller reads the memory and then writes it right back. This refresh operation happens automatically thousands of times per second. This refresh operation is where dynamic RAM gets its name. Dynamic RAM has to be dynamically refreshed all of the time or it forgets what it is holding.The downside of all of this refreshing is that it takes time and slows down the memory. Static RAM uses a completely different technology. In static RAM, a form of flip-flop holds each bit of memory (see How Boolean Gates Work for detail on flip-flops). A flip-flop f or a memory cell takes 4 or 6 transistors along with some wiring, but never has to be refreshed. This makes static RAM significantly faster than dynamic RAM. However, because it has more parts, a static memory cell takes a lot more space on a chip than a dynamic memory cell.Therefore you get less memory per chip, and that makes static RAM a lot more expensive. So static RAM is fast and expensive, and dynamic RAM is less expensive and slower. Therefore static RAM is used to create the CPU's speed-sensitive cache, while dynamic RAM forms the larger system RAM space Inside This Article 1. Introduction to How Caching Works 2. A Simple Example: Before Cache 3. A Simple Example: After Cache 4. Computer Caches 5. Caching Subsystems 6. Cache Technology 7. Locality of Reference 8. Lots More Information |[pic] |If you have been shopping for a computer, then you have heard the word â€Å"cache. † Modern computers have both L1 and L2 caches, and many now also have L3 cache. You may also have gotten advice on the topic from well-meaning friends, perhaps something like â€Å"Don't buy that Celeron chip, it doesn't have any cache in it! † It turns out that caching is an important computer-science process that appears on every computer in a variety of forms. There are memory caches, hardware and software disk caches, page caches and more. Virtual memory is even a form of caching.In this article, we will explore caching so you can understand why it is so important. A Simple Example: Before Cache Caching is a technology based on the memory subsystem of your computer. The main purpose of a cache is to accelerate your computer while keeping the price of the computer low. Caching allows you to do your computer tasks more rapidly. To understand the basic idea behind a cache system, let's start with a super-simple example that uses a librarian to demonstrate caching concepts. Let's imagine a librarian behind his desk. He is there to give you the books you ask for.For t he sake of simplicity, let's say you can't get the books yourself — you have to ask the librarian for any book you want to read, and he fetches it for you from a set of stacks in a storeroom (the library of congress in Washington, D. C. , is set up this way). First, let's start with a librarian without cache. The first customer arrives. He asks for the book Moby Dick. The librarian goes into the storeroom, gets the book, returns to the counter and gives the book to the customer. Later, the client comes back to return the book. The librarian takes the book and returns it to the storeroom.He then returns to his counter waiting for another customer. Let's say the next customer asks for Moby Dick (you saw it coming†¦ ). The librarian then has to return to the storeroom to get the book he recently handled and give it to the client. Under this model, the librarian has to make a complete round trip to fetch every book — even very popular ones that are requested frequentl y. Is there a way to improve the performance of the librarian? Yes, there's a way — we can put a cache on the librarian. In the next section, we'll look at this same example but this time, the librarian will use a caching system.A Simple Example: After Cache Let's give the librarian a backpack into which he will be able to store 10 books (in computer terms, the librarian now has a 10-book cache). In this backpack, he will put the books the clients return to him, up to a maximum of 10. Let's use the prior example, but now with our new-and-improved caching librarian. The day starts. The backpack of the librarian is empty. Our first client arrives and asks for Moby Dick. No magic here — the librarian has to go to the storeroom to get the book. He gives it to the client. Later, the client returns and gives the book back to the librarian.Instead of returning to the storeroom to return the book, the librarian puts the book in his backpack and stands there (he checks first to see if the bag is full — more on that later). Another client arrives and asks for Moby Dick. Before going to the storeroom, the librarian checks to see if this title is in his backpack. He finds it! All he has to do is take the book from the backpack and give it to the client. There's no journey into the storeroom, so the client is served more efficiently. What if the client asked for a title not in the cache (the backpack)?In this case, the librarian is less efficient with a cache than without one, because the librarian takes the time to look for the book in his backpack first. One of the challenges of cache design is to minimize the impact of cache searches, and modern hardware has reduced this time delay to practically zero. Even in our simple librarian example, the latency time (the waiting time) of searching the cache is so small compared to the time to walk back to the storeroom that it is irrelevant. The cache is small (10 books), and the time it takes to notice a mis s is only a tiny fraction of the time that a journey to the storeroom takes.From this example you can see several important facts about caching: †¢ Cache technology is the use of a faster but smaller memory type to accelerate a slower but larger memory type. †¢ When using a cache, you must check the cache to see if an item is in there. If it is there, it's called a cache hit. If not, it is called a cache miss and the computer must wait for a round trip from the larger, slower memory area. †¢ A cache has some maximum size that is much Computer Caches A computer is a machine in which we measure time in very small increments.When the microprocessor accesses the main memory (RAM), it does it in about 60 nanoseconds (60 billionths of a second). That's pretty fast, but it is much slower than the typical microprocessor. Microprocessors can have cycle times as short as 2 nanoseconds, so to a microprocessor 60 nanoseconds seems like an eternity. What if we build a special memo ry bank in the motherboard, small but very fast (around 30 nanoseconds)? That's already two times faster than the main memory access. That's called a level 2 cache or an L2 cache. What if we build an even smaller but faster memory system directly into the microprocessor's chip?That way, this memory will be accessed at the speed of the microprocessor and not the speed of the memory bus. That's an L1 cache, which on a 233-megahertz (MHz) Pentium is 3. 5 times faster than the L2 cache, which is two times faster than the access to main memory. Some microprocessors have two levels of cache built right into the chip. In this case, the motherboard cache — the cache that exists between the microprocessor and main system memory — becomes level 3, or L3 cache. There are a lot of subsystems in a computer; you can put cache between many f them to improve performance. Here's an example. We have the microprocessor (the fastest thing in the computer). Then there's the L1 cache that c aches the L2 cache that caches the main memory which can be used (and is often used) as a cache for even slower peripherals like hard disks and CD-ROMs. The hard disks are also used to cache an even slower medium — your Internet connection The computer you are using to read this page uses a microprocessor to do its work. The microprocessor is the heart of any normal computer, whether it is a desktop machine, a server or a laptop.The microprocessor you are using might be a Pentium, a K6, a PowerPC, a Sparc or any of the many other brands and types of microprocessors, but they all do approximately the same thing in approximately the same way. If you have ever wondered what the microprocessor in your computer is doing, or if you have ever wondered about the differences between types of microprocessors, then read on. In this article, you will learn how fairly simple digital logic techniques allow a computer to do its job, whether its playing a game or spell checking a document!A microprocessor — also known as a CPU or central processing unit — is a complete computation engine that is fabricated on a single chip. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, introduced in 1971. The 4004 was not very powerful — all it could do was add and subtract, and it could only do that 4 bits at a time. But it was amazing that everything was on one chip. Prior to the 4004, engineers built computers either from collections of chips or from discrete components (transistors wired one at a time). The 4004 powered one of the first portable electronic calculators. [pic] | |Intel 8080 | The first microprocessor to make it into a home computer was the Intel 8080, a complete 8-bit computer on one chip, introduced in 1974. The first microprocessor to make a real splash in the market was the Intel 8088, introduced in 1979 and incorporated into the IBM PC (which first appeared around 1982). If you are familiar with the PC market and its history, you know that the PC market moved from the 8088 to the 80286 to the 80386 to the 80486 to the Pentium to the Pentium II to the Pentium III to the Pentium 4.All of these microprocessors are made by Intel and all of them are improvements on the basic design of the 8088. The Pentium 4 can execute any piece of code that ran on the original 8088, but it does it about 5,000 times faster! Microprocessor Progression: Intel The following table helps you to understand the differences between the different processors that Intel has introduced over the years. Name |Date |Transistors |Microns |Clock speed |Data | |Microprocessor Progression: Intel The following table helps you to understand the differences between the different processors that Intel has introduced over the years.Name |Date |Transistors |Microns |Clock speed |Data width |MIPS | |8080 |1974 |6,000 |6 |2 MHz |8 bits |0. 64 | |8088 |1979 |29,000 |3 |5 MHz |16 bits 8-bit bus |0. 33 | |80286 |1982 |134,000 |1. 5 |6 MHz |16 bits |1 | |80386 |1985 |275, 000 |1. 5 |16 MHz |32 bits |5 | |80486 |1989 |1,200,000 |1 |25 MHz |32 bits |20 | |Pentium |1993 |3,100,000 |0. 8 |60 MHz |32 bits 64-bit bus |100 | |Pentium II |1997 |7,500,000 |0. 35 |233 MHz |32 bits 64-bit bus |~300 | |Pentium III |1999 |9,500,000 |0. 25 |450 MHz |32 bits 64-bit bus |~510 | |Pentium 4 |2000 |42,000,000 |0. 8 |1. 5 GHz |32 bits 64-bit bus |~1,700 | |Pentium 4 â€Å"Prescott† |2004 |125,000,000 |0. 09 |3. 6 GHz |32 bits 64-bit bus |~7,000 | | Compiled from The Intel Microprocessor Quick Reference Guide and TSCP Benchmark Scores Information about this table: †¢ . †¢ rises. †¢ Clock speed is the maximum rate that the chip can be clocked at. Clock speed will make more sense in the next section. †¢ Data Width is the width of the ALU. An 8-bit ALU can add/subtract/multiply/etc. two 8-bit numbers, while a 32-bit ALU can manipulate 32-bit numbers.An 8-bit ALU would have to execute four instructions to add two 32-bit numbers, while a 32-bit ALU can do it in one instruction. In many cases, the external data bus is the same width as the ALU, but not always. The 8088 had a 16-bit ALU and an 8-bit bus, while the modern Pentiums fetch data 64 bits at a time for their 32-bit ALUs. †¢ MIPS stands for â€Å"millions of instructions per second† and is a rough measure of the performance of a CPU. Modern CPUs can do so many different things that MIPS ratings lose a lot of their meaning, but you can get a general sense of the relative power of the CPUs from this column.From this table you can see that, in general, there is a relationship between clock speed and MIPS. The maximum clock speed is a function of the manufacturing process and delays within the chip. There is also a relationship between the number of transistors and MIPS. For example, the 8088 clocked at 5 MHz but only executed at 0. 33 MIPS (about one instruction per 15 clock cycles). Modern processors can often execute at a rate of two instructions per clock cy cle. That improvement is directly related to the number of transistors on the chip and will make more sense in the next section.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Another Kind of Racism Essay

Racism is a disease. Spread by not only words and actions but by silence and inaction. In two stories presented in different media – a novel and a movie—racism is spread by people who feel they are not racists, but who do nothing to prevent and stop racism. The reality is that it is easy to pretend racism doesn’t exist, yet everyone practices it in some way. Those who know racism is wrong and do nothing are the â€Å"perpetrators† of racism. They allow the disease to cling to a group and spread like sending a sick toddler to preschool; touching everything and everyone, infecting all. In T. C. Boyle’s book Tortilla Curtain, racism is present throughout the book – enough to exhaust the reader. In the movie Crash, racism is one element of a complex plot. They teach the reader similar, compatible lessons. The character Delaney from the book and the Cameron from Crash both are used to depict stereotypical persons who claim to fight racism, stereot yping, and discrimination, yet when faced with a situation when it is directed toward them or someone near to them they allow racism to happen as if nothing was wrong. Following these people are dying morals and blind humanity. Delany is a white, affluent, born on the East Coast; he now lives in Los Angeles. Living in a â€Å"gated community† had insulated him from the poverty that surrounded the very edges of the walls of exclusive neighborhood. During community meetings he does not want to discuss the increasing numbers of illegal immigrants; he prefers to focus on the coyote attacks. Until the accident he did not know his life would cross paths with an Illegal Immigrant. He had seen them only in the parking lots where they waited looking for work. He claims to not be a racist, to not be biased, and to not stereotype individuals at these meetings. As he claims this, his car hits a Mexican named Candido. Delaney soothes his conscience by giving Candido â€Å"$20 blood money,† explaining to his wife Kyra that â€Å"He’s a Mexican.† Delaney actions suggest that Mexicans are not â€Å"people.† More than 50 years earlier John Steinbeck’s characters in the book The Grapes of Wrath phrase the issue much of the same way, â€Å"They ain’t human. A human being wouldn’t live like they do. A human being couldn’t stand it to be so dirty and miserable.† Delaney prefers to pretend as if the Mexicans didn’t exist, as the alternative is showing how he feels insecure and threatened by them. This is same way the character of the Hollywood Director Cameron in the same movie allows racism and harassment to occur in front of him to his own wife. He allows her to be violated by a racist white cop. After his wife gets molested, instead of standing up against the cop and protecting his wife; he grovels and thanks the cop for not giving him a ticket, â€Å"Look, we’re sorry, and we would appreciate if you would just let us go with a warning, please.† (Crash, 2004). Delaney and Cameron are hypocrites being perpetrated from both ends of the spectrum; they represent individuals directly affected by racism who fail to respond in a way that causes it to cease, and those indirectly causing the racism to occur and spread. In the movie Crash this is shown by Cameron feeling cornered and lashing out against those around him; in Tortilla Curtain it is shown when the main character gives up fighting against the walls and letting those around him decide for him what is right and wrong. By their silence they allow the racism to perpetuate around them. Individuals like those portrayed in these scenarios run the risk of causing an unending cycle of racism and bigotry that will not stop until someone stands up against it. Their fear feeds those around them. In Crash Cameron is confronted by fellow worker asking about an African American actor. â€Å"This is gonna sound strange, but is Jamal seeing a speech coach or something?†¦This is weird for a white guy to say, but have you noticed he’s talking a lot less black lately?† And the answer is, â€Å"No, I haven’t noticed that.† At first the character stands up to the â€Å"racist† questioner but in the end he gives up, he ignores why Jamal hasn’t been â€Å"sounding Black† and goes on acting as if the words had not been said. In the same way after a canyon fire is set accidently by Candido in Tortilla Curtain; Delaney attacks a Mexican man who is being questioned by the police. â€Å"Delaney looked round at his neighbors, their faces drained and white, fists clenched, ready to go anywhere, do anything, seething with it, spoiling for it, a mob. They were out here in the night, outside the walls, forced out of their shells, and there was nothing to restrain them.† (The Tortilla Curtain, 289) This occurs immediately after Delaney has attacked the handcuffed Josà © Navidad, arrested under suspicion of starting the fire. Delaney’s furious, uncontrolled actions and unexplainable anger towards the Mexicans has incited a full-on riot, with the evacuated residents of Arroyo Blanco ready to attack anything and anyone. The idea of the wall comes up in both movies, with whites being forced outside their walls, and their comfort zones. The results are frightening. The white citizens of the town have abandoned their ordered ways, Delaney has even abandoning his self-imposed rules; he has indulged in alcohol. All have become more like the uninhibited immigrants they dislike and fear. In Crash the audience sees the hatred and racism feed on itself when two suspicious black men attack the District Attorney after complaining about racism towards them. The wife goes off on a rant after the attack and says many racial slurs and insults the locksmith. Her anger spills over into her husband who starts ranting as well. â€Å"Why did these guys have to be black? I mean, why?† (Crash, 2004). Like a disease, racism and hatred spreads from person to person impregnating their souls with bigotry and a blind sense of what is right. In the end both characters lose sight of what is right. More concerned about themselves than how their actions affect those around them. Their arrogance in thinking that they are above the racism and bigotry has significant consequences. The infectious nature of racism in individuals who are intelligent, and who have power and influence, is the real danger. Their thinking is infectious, and once these thoughts are inside someone’s head they don’t leave. It is especially dangerous when these individuals are opinion leaders. These are characters in fiction, but in the real world, people like Delaney and Cameron should not be tolerated. They cause the spread of racism, creating an unending circle of pain and grief for everyone they touch and a wider circle touched by those whom they have touched. Works Cited: Crash. Dir. Paul Haggins. Perf. Don Cheadle and Sandra Bullock. Warner Brothers, 2004. DVD. Frenken, Wiltrud, Angela Luz, and Brigitte Prischtt. T.C. Boyle: The Tortilla Curtain. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2007. Print. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Viking, 1939. Print.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Trial of Martha Stewart essay question type

Discussing the Trial of Martha Stewart - Essay Example The evidence as presented in her trial assisted the jurors in believing beyond a reasonable doubt that Martha was guilty on four of the indictments against her. The jury could not agree that the government had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Stewart and Bacanovic fabricated the $60 sale agreement and acquitted both parties on these counts. Stewart was not found guilty of the crime of insider trading when she sold her ImClone shares on December 27th 2001. She did, however, settle in 2006 on the case filed against her by the SEC. They had filed a civil case of insider trading against there in 2003 to which she did not admit or refute her guilt to the charge of insider trading, rather she settled. In my opinion, the U.S, Attorneys, and the Securities and Exchange Commission appeared to use sound and consistent judgment in indicting Martha Stewart. The indictments against Stewarts and Bacanovic did not happen until a year after the December 27th 2001 incident. The indictments came on June 4th 2003. This gap of time allowed enough time to investigate the situation at hand while gathering evidence from all involved parties. There is a law on the books against insider trading. The government entities are responsible for persecuting those that break the law. Martha Stewart was found guilty of breaking laws relating to the incident on December 27th, even if she could not be convicted of the crime of insider trading. Based on the information I read I have no reason to believe that prosecutors had additional motives for pursuing the case. When money is involved it is always a motivator, especially when dealing with a case of a crime against someone who is a millionaire. It would not s urprise me if there was an additional motivation; however, the information on the case was very straightforward and businesslike.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Too much media influence on political campaigns Research Paper

Too much media influence on political campaigns - Research Paper Example Created:   2011-07-11 09:56   Deadline:    2011-07-21 07:58 Time Left:   9 days 14h 22m Style:   MLA   Language Style:    English (U.S.)   Grade:    n/a   Pages:   2   Sources:    3   â€Å"The media have always played a powerful role in politics,† says Hart. â€Å"Even before radio, we had the penny press. There’d be great wars between various newspapers about politics. So even back then, the media were important.† Throughout the history, the relationship between media and politics has been very extremely sensitive. Both the media and politics have been the major culprit for public opinion. Without a doubt, the media has continued to dramatically impact politics through legislation, information, and impacting voter turnout. Unquestionably, the media plays a vital role in politics as it impacts legislation through various ways. The media is notorious for picking out flaws or any sort of corruption that has plagued the society. As socie ty has evolved, the media has played a vital role towards reform. All of the American media is owned and run through wealthy individual.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Bibliography - Essay Example The approach is described in non-technical terms for risk communicators to help them serve the public in making informed decisions. The author follows the evolution of the research on risk communication over the years, the mistakes made and the lessons learnt. This essay provides a brief history of risk communication organized around certain developmental stages, with each stage characterized by a focal communication strategy. The essay, however, has not provided comprehensive illustrations or examples. Communication is like an insurance policy in that it is a fixed cost that can keep a larger damage at bay. Receiving relevant information on environment and health risks and on the safety of modern technologies is a very important need of modern man, but he seldom receives it. The authors, making use of case studies, give an overview of the critical role of risk management in dealing with public controversies and an insight into the risk communication practices and malpractices. The book leaves scope for the concerned authorities to devise ways to check the malpractices and inadequacies in risk communication. The failure of institutions in adequately communicating about risks result in inadequate management of risks leading to heavy financial loss. The study examines a very important and subtle aspect of risk communication, which is trust and credibility. ... Peters, R. G., Covello, V. T., McCallum, D. B. (1997). The determinants of trust and credibility in environmental risk communication: An empirical study. Risk Analysis 17(1). Retreived October 20, 2008, from The study examines a very important and subtle aspect of risk communication, which is trust and credibility. An important hypothesis tested in this study regarding perceptions and determinants of trust and credibility is that they are dependent on three factors, namely perceptions of knowledge and expertise, perceptions of openness and honesty, and perceptions of concern and care. The responses to surveys are mostly in the predictable lines in that they mostly reflect general perceptions. A significant finding is that defying a negative stereotype leads to improved perceptions of trust and credibility. O'Connor, A.M., Legare, F., & Stacey, D. (2003). Risk communication in practice: the contribution of decision aids. BMJ 327(7417) 736-740. doi: 10.1136/bmj.327.7417.736. The authors examine the effectiveness of the communication of risks, benefits and options by clinicians in helping patients make an informed decision regarding their healthcare. Different decisions require different strategies for communication. Effective services are those in which benefits/harm ratio is large, and those in which the ratios are uncertain are preference sensitive services. The article does not explain how to equip the support service system to handle the diverse plans of diverse patients. The goal of decision-making is to choose options that are most beneficial and the least harmful. Decision support should take into account a patient's personal values, resources and determination. Croyle, R.T. & Lerman, C. (1999).

California State and Local Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

California State and Local Government - Essay Example It also does the establishment of mandatory funding levels (Patterson 26). The funding restoration order to some agencies and programs is done by the California Supreme Court. Legislatively, the government of California is made up of the Assembly minority, the governor, the Senate president pro tempore, the Assembly speaker and Senate minority leader. Legislative campaign funds are controlled by the California legislature. Therefore, they have a say in influencing in their caucus votes in the Big Five meetings (Patterson 19).   Currently, California uses the plurality voting system in its elections. In certain cases, municipalities such as Berkeley and San Francisco use a system of preferential voting or ranking choice voting. The Democratic Party and Republic Party are the major political parties in the U.S congress and state legislature representation (Patterson (21). Others include Peace and Freedom Party, American Independent Party, Libertarian Party and Green Party. The court of appeal of U.S` decision may be reviewed by the U. S Supreme Court when asked by a Party in Judicial Branch of California. In Federal Government Judicial Branch, the case is heard by the highest state court when asked by the parties. In the Judicial Branch of California, the judicial power is invested by the constitution article 111. The state courts are established by the laws and constitution in the federal government (Patterson 34). There have been conflicts between the local government and the state of California fiscally for the three decades ago. This arises when the local revenue gives much control of the state government and also state and local spending and taxing limitation (Patterson 27). Therefore, the California government needs to stop fighting because of fiscal resources and focus on the main problems that plague the state to resolve budget

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Patient Nutrition Health Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patient Nutrition Health Assessment - Essay Example The recommended is 1900 calories (ICMR, 1989). The protein intake is about 25 grams when she needs about 45 grams (ICMR, 1989). Total fat is about 30% (when it should be less than 20%) and mainly constituting saturated fat and dietary fibre is only about 10% (when it should be 30%). Except for some iron and calcium in the breakfast and some vitamins in the snacks, her diet is poor in vitamins and minerals. Also, there is increased consumption of non milk extrinsic sugars in the form of coke and cookies. The diet does not contain fresh fruits or vegetables or starchy staple foods. Nor does the diet contain any milk. Of course, the amount of alcohol is in moderation (consider pregnancy and lactation). Due to the excess calorie intake and predominance of saturated fats and sugary foods, Ana is at risk of chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and chronic pulmonary disease. Consumption of acidic foods and non milk extrinsic sugars (like in coke, pastries, chocolates) are cariogenic and are the beginning of periodontal diseases (Moynihan,10). Also, diet poor in minerals and vitamins can lead to multi-vitamin deficiencies, anemia and malnutrition. Improper diet can also have a psychological effect leading to depression. It is important to suggest dietary recommendation to this patient and this must be done by talking to the patient personally and in detail and not just mentioning in a single statement. The importance of good nutrition and the consequences of poor nutrition must be stressed upon. First of all, it is advisable to take food three to four times a day. The total calorie value of food should not exceed 2000 k cals. According to the National Food Guide (Moynihan,10) to an adult’s diet, bread, cereals and potatoes should comprise one third of the diet and preferably whole grains. Another

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Based on What you choose in Proverb list Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Based on What you choose in Proverb list - Essay Example Besides, the Bible has for generation been awarded the characteristic of being a holy book, which was written by people inspired by God. In the Bible, Solomon considerably is the wisest man alive. This being considered, it is only logical that the principles he articulates in the book about business are fundamental to any person who undertakes business ventures. In the book of proverbs, there are elements about business that touches on the various ideologies. These elements are such as money, how to conduct oneself in business and trade, the offering and accepting of bribes and the view of work. Solomon has denoted each of this work as being vital for one to experience success in business and has to be taken under keen consideration at all times. Apart from these elements, there are more principles that all are based on the ethics that any businessperson should consider when dealing with fellow businesspersons and customers. Money is the item that one exchanges for the benefit that could be a service or good. This element is vital in trade as it considerably determines what amount of services one gets or how many goods one could successfully purchase. In the book of proverbs, there are several ideologies from the verses about money according to Solomon. In the book of proverbs (17:16), Solomon articulates that money can be good and there are ways it could be a source of problems. Under this statement, Solomon has a vital point that comes across to any person that could want to establish business to earn some money. Money has the ability to end people’s problems in the sense that, using money, one could acquire whatever commodity he feels he is in need of, thus ending the sense of yearning for it. From the same statement, he denotes that money could also be the source of problems, shows that, money could land the same person who enjoys its benefits of it in trouble. The same verse in proverbs goes further stating that it is only when one is wise

Friday, August 23, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Accounting - Essay Example Even though, leased assets are not legally owned by lessee, he has the right over the leased assets to make use of and earn profits out of it and hence it should come under the asset side of the balance sheet. Understanding characteristics of leased assets and its accounting standards would be helpful to identify the best method of treating leased assets. Leasing is an agreement between two parties, namely lessor and lessee, for the hire of an asset. By the agreement, the lessor provides the lessee with the right to use and make profits for the agreed period and the lessee pays a lease rental to the lessor in return for the use of asset. The lessor is regarded to be the legal owner of the asset who rents out the asset to the lessee. Normally, at the end of the leasing period the asset is given back to the lessor. Being the owner of the leased property, the lessor in real meanings allows the lessee quiet enjoyments only if the lessee continues to fulfill the obligations. This simple accounting behavior itself outlines the best method of treating leased assets in the balance sheet. On the event of a default, the lessor has a right to repossess the property and a duty to remarket the leased property. For accounting treatment purposes, leases are classified in to two, ‘finance lease’ and ‘operating lease’. An operating lease is a very short term agreement for the temporary hiring of a particular asset. A finance lease is a long term agreement that represents a loan made by the lessor to the lessee to buy the asset. In this lease, risks and rewards of the ownership of an asset will be substantially transferred to the lessee. It is considered to be a rental agreement and legally the lessee has not bought the asset because the title remains with the lessor. However, it is highly important that the commercial reality of events and accounting transactions need to be reported in the financial statement. Simon Benninga emphasizes that accounting experts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Customer Relationship Management in Bahrain Investment Banking Arena Essay Example for Free

Customer Relationship Management in Bahrain Investment Banking Arena Essay The banking industry has undergone widespread changes within the operating environment and this involves globalization of markets and technological improvements. These two factors have influenced and encouraged innovative practices within the banking industry that has served to enhance its operational efficiency. The introduction of ATMs and e-banking facilities are some of the major milestones in the banking industry that have revolutionized business operations. The global markets have intensified the competitive environment of the banking industry that has created the need for increased efficiency in operations and increasing customer satisfaction. Customers are the lifeblood of any organization and the banking business too depends on the acquisition and retention of consumers for its profitability. Customer relationship management forms a vital aspect of business strategy driving the company’s market shares and market leadership position. Customer relationship management (CRM) has been defined as a business strategy that â€Å"is a fusion of a series of functions, skills, processes, and technologies which together allow companies to more profitably manage (acquire and retain) customers as tangible assets† (Shanmugasundaram, 2008:98). It is viewed as an interactive process that creates a balance between corporate objectives and customer satisfaction to increase the profitability of the business. Acquisition and retention of customers is one of the vital requirements of business and the effectiveness of strategies driven towards this goal determines the success of business enterprises. The past few years have witnessed growing application of CRM in retail banking and investment banking sectors. The key objective behind such initiatives is to ensure the delivery of superior customer service and to fulfil the needs of consumers. Such practices are effective in enabling organizations to meet the needs of the consumers and provide improved services in comparison to other players in the industry. Competitive advantage and business gains are driven by a proactive approach that focuses on consumer needs and expectations, provision of consistently high quality service, looking into consumer convenience and an effective follow up service to ensure consumer loyalty. A vital aspect of investment banking and any other financial services is the changing consumer mindsets. Owing to the abundance of information easily accessible over the Internet the consumers today are more knowledgeable of the wide range of choices and alternatives available to them. The consumers are equipped with more knowledge related to the banking options available and hence their banking decisions are guided by their well-researched study. This fact holds true for all economic sectors and business operations but forms a critical aspect of banking industries since it caters to a diverse segment of consumers. In nearly all business to business markets in which clients are as large as, or as in this case, often much larger than their suppliers, the latter must respond quickly to pressures from their clients to improve client management processes and systems† (Foss Stone, 2002: 211). CRM in Investment banking sector The short term objective of the marketing department is to acquire customers while the long term objective translates to retaining the old customers through effective customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. Reaching and acquiring a new customer is one thing, keeping the relationship healthy and strong over a long period of time is the mark of the true marketing professional concerned with long term health of the organization† (Dolak, 2009). The increasing competitive market makes it difficult to retain customers over a longer period of time owing to the constant influx of new and substitute alternatives invading the shelf spaces at the local retail shop. This makes the task of CRM increasingly challenging and organizations adopt various strategies to attract old customers back. Retention strategies often employ measures such as consumer behaviour research and product surveys that enable the organizations to assess the needs and expectations of the consumer and enable them to serve better. Customers always appreciate the personal touch that results in building strong relationships. The net today provides numerous effective communication channels that are being used to keep the customer happy. Web based customer relationship management has effectively integrated all modes of communication – web, email, chat, video, voice to serve and support the customers to enhance the total customer experience. Investment banking differs from other forms of banking in the role a few major clients play on the bank’s performance and productivity (Foss Stone, 2002). This form of banking targets a fixed client segment that drives the sales of investment products and services. The efficiency of the banking sector is determined by the types of products and services sold to customers in response to their investment needs and expectations. Customization of products and services are the key to deriving client satisfaction. Identification of the client segment is a vital factor in targeting and reaching out to the desired client population and this process is driven by market research. The changing demographics and intense competitive pressures from global industry players have however made a significant impact on the business strategies of investment banks worldwide. The challenges faced by investment bankers lie in reaching out to target consumers and providing them with increased ease of banking services that serve to retain clients over a longer period of time. Moreover, the increasing demands of consumers and growing expectations have driven the banking sector to adopt technology based innovative applications for meeting consumer needs and expectations. Online banking services and mobile banking applications are some of the innovative means that are being used by investment bankers to reach out to their target consumers. Such applications have served to improve banking services and efficiencies in resolving customer queries and needs promptly through the click of the mouse button. The anytime and anywhere access to banking services have defined new trends in serving consumers. â€Å"Online customization is one useful customer relationship management strategy adopted by e-business to add value and improve sales of their products and services using the Internet† (Khosla et al. , 2003). Investment banking in Bahrain The banking sector in Bahrain is one of the key sectors influencing economic growth and development in the region. The contribution of the financial services and banking sector is second only to the oil and natural gas industry in the country. The country has experienced an economic boom and an upward trend in economic growth and development over the past few decades on account of globalisation influences and opening of trade channels. The banking sector has also opened to multinational corporations establishing their operations in the country to tap the growing number of high net worth individuals in the country. Despite the globalisation of banking operations and increased de-regulation of the financial services sector in the area the country continues to have a significant control and supervision over the regulatory environment. The Central Bank of Bahrain continues to be monitor and control the banking environment in the country. The modernisation of banking services and strategic approaches made by investment bankers in other parts of the globe have not produced much impact in this region owing to the constraints applied by the existing cultural influence. The retail banking scenario in Bahrain is to a considerable extent driven by the culture of the country. The cultural impacts are realised in the conservative approach of consumers towards banking and investment. Various research studies have concluded that while the region is an emerging market for technology applications and innovative practices, user attitudes have limited the scope of technology based business models in the banking sector. The conservative market environment and user attitudes towards the CRM strategies adopted by investment bankers in Bahrain forms the focal point of the research study. The research study will analyse the various perspectives involved in CRM approach by investment bankers through the study of Unicorn Investment Bank in Bahrain. The bank was founded in the year 2004 and has its headquarters in Bahrain. It is an Islamic financial services group that has an international presence in various locations such as Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and United States. The bank currently has six distinctive business service categories that include asset management and real estate, capital markets, corporate finance, private equity, strategic mergers and acquisitions and treasury. Among the various services offered by the bank the key approach is to deliver the customers with a comprehensive range of investment solutions that are customised to meet client needs and expectations. Unicorn’s integrated product offering and financial engineering skills are closely intertwined with a strong capacity to distribute the Bank’s products and services to a broad client base across the GCC region, the wider Middle East region, Southeast Asia, the USA and the Europe† (Unicorn, 2010). The target customers of the bank include high net worth individuals, business enterprises, financial institutions, corporations, and government agencies and departments. The products offered by the bank are Shari’ah compliant and conforms to the international financial practices (Unicorn, 2010). Issues and challenges â€Å"All major banks have invested heavily in technology and infrastructure over the last 5 and 10 years in this area, but hardly any of them have been successful in actually getting it effective† (Infosys, 2009). The failure of CRM initiatives within the investment banking sector have provided a new ground for research into increasing the effectiveness of CRM applications. There are many strategic implications related to the application of CRM within investment banking sector. This involves the adaptation of normal banking processes and systems to integrate with innovative use of technology based applications and automated query processing systems that require efficient management and handling of issues. Such issues pertain to the efficient use of CRM systems to meet operational goals and integrating the different banking functions to provide a structured application that can be used easily by consumers. Ease of use and convenience are some of the key parameters involved in the development of CRM based banking system. A key challenge facing these areas involves the security and privacy issues that form a major source of concern for consumers using the technology based applications. Technology based business models and CRM strategies enable investment bankers to provide the customers with efficiency in delivery of services, access to relevant information, product details and ease of transactions. Mobile banking and e-banking facilitates the customers of investment banking to a host of facilities that range from product enquiry; access updated rates of interest and market values of the investment products chosen and conducts investment transactions online. Investment portfolios can also be accessed and manipulated according to user convenience from the comforts of their home or office. However, widespread usage of such systems has been restricted on account of user reservations related to security issues and privacy of vital user data and information. Mobile banking and online transactions raise security and privacy concerns among most of the consumers (Barati Mohammadi, 2009). The transfer of sensitive financial and personal information across mobile networks is found to be the prime reason behind the psychological barriers created among potential mobile banking customers (Laukkanen, 2007).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay Both the movie and the play, Romeo and Juliet were called star-crossed lovers, meaning their fate lead them together, and neared them to their tragic demise. The movie had shown their first encounter as a magical affair where enchanted music played in their ears and the two fell deeply in love with one another. Seconds earlier, Romeo had also been deeply in love with another woman, Rosaline Capulet. Romeo had described young Rosaline as a beautiful young lady, who had rejected him and swore to remain chaste for the rest of her life, which had devastated him. But from the moment he laboth the movie and the play, Romeo and Juliet were called star-crossed lovers, meaning their fate lead them together, and neared them to their tragic demise. The movie had shown their first encounter as a magical affair where enchanted music played in their ears and the two fell deeply in love with one another. Seconds earlier, Romeo had also been deeply in love with another woman, Rosaline Capulet. Romeo had described young Rosaline as a beautiful young lady, who had rejected him and swore to remain chaste for the rest of her life, which had devastated him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Exercise Treatments for PD Symptoms

Exercise Treatments for PD Symptoms The Exercise Rx Besides drugs and surgery, researchers are looking into using exercise as an intervention therapy to tame the symptoms of PD. In 2003, Dr. Jay L. Alberts, a PD researcher and accomplished cyclist, entered the seven-day RAGBRAI bicycle ride across Iowa. He rode on a tandem bike for two days with Cathy Frazier, a 40-year-old woman with PD. He discovered that Cathys handwriting was beautiful. Prior to the ride, her handwriting displayed classical micrographia, a cardinal sign of PD. Each year for the next four years, when he did the RAGBRAI tandem bike ride with parkinsonian stokers, he noticed similar phenomena. His stokers parkinsonian symptoms disappeared. As he went through scientific literatures, Alberts discovered that there was a lot of research on animals that reported similar results. Typically, in these studies, one group of animals is put on a motorized treadmill that forces the creature to run faster than it wants. A sedentary group serves as a control. Then, after a few weeks, both groups are given a neurotoxin such asÂÂ   MPTP. The sedentary group suffers immediate damage to the substantia nigra and develops parkinsonism; the exercise group partially resists the toxin. But research on humans had not found comparable benefits. Alberts thought it was because the human experiments test voluntary exercise while the rates are doing forced exercise. The rats are forced to run at a faster rate. The same thing is going on with the tandem bikes where the stokers are pedaling faster than they were pedaling on their own. To test the theory, Alberts carried out a pilot trial that took ten PD patients and randomly assigned them to one of two groups: a treatment group receiving forced exercise and a control group voluntarily exercising. The forced-exercise group was given three 60-minute workouts for eight weeks in which a trainer pedaled at 80 to 90 revolutions per minute. The control group did three 60-minute session each week on a bike by themselves. Each group was evaluated before and after the experiment using the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). After eight weeks, the forced-exercise groups symptoms had improved reducing their average UPDRS part 3 score by about one-third. Thats almost as large an effect as the one brought about by levodopa. The control group saw no benefit. Two weeks later, these gains were still there in the tandem group. But four weeks after treatment, the forced-exercise group was back where theyd started. So force-exercise is like levodopa, the benefit will stop if you stop taking it. Albertss concept of forced exercise is just one of many options out there. Other options such as tai chi, kickboxing, and progressive strength training exercise is as effective. It is more important to select an activity that will address your specific needs and be sustainable. *** But most neurologists are still skeptical about physical therapies. The one exception is the Dutch neurologist Bastiaan Bloem. Bloem believed physical therapy would be a better treatment of gait and balance than just the levodopa therapy. In 2004, Bloem and Marten Munneke, a physical therapist, started the ParkinsonNet in the Netherlands. Today, the program has 66 regional networks, 2,970 trained professionals and over fifty thousand patients. *** Over the past decade, several companies have been developing technology capable of tracking the PD symptoms outside the clinic. These companies are working on various combinations of advanced wearable sensors to track multiple domains round the clock tremor, bradykinesia, gait, balance, walking, cognition, and more. One technology, Kinesia HomeView, designed by Great Lakes Neuroechnologies, comprises a small computer and a finger sensor. Sitting in front of a screen, you perform a set of exercises, that takes about five minutes. Then you will get a report of thirteen metrics, listing the severity of three forms of tremor, dyskinesia, the speed, amplitude, and rhythm displayed during the finger-tapping, hand-movement, and hand-flipping exercises. The main advantage is that you can use it 24/7. It can reveal any changes in motor performance over time, providing a much more detailed picture of your disease than that obtained in an evaluation every six months. The other system is a set of sensors developed by Portland-based APDM. You wear three small devices, one on your wrist and one on each of your ankles. The wrist sensor detects tremor and dyskinesia. The ankle sensors measure multiple aspects of walking. Your daily activities generate masses of data. When the data are averaged over time, they reveal emerging asymmetries in your gait. Key Takeaways Dr. Jay Alberts discovered force-exercise can relieve PD symptoms. Force-exercise is like levodopa, the benefit will stop if you stop taking it. Bastiaan Bloem believed physical therapy would be a better treatment of gait and balance than just the levodopa therapy. Several companies have been developing technology capable of tracking the PD symptoms outside the clinic.

Action of Myofibrils In Muscular Contraction and ATP as an Energy Sourc

Action of Myofibrils In Muscular Contraction and ATP as an Energy Source for Muscular Contraction Abstract: The objective of this research was to determine how myofibrils and ATP are involved and/or altered in muscular contraction. I analyzed the structure of myofibrils and their subunits of myosin and actin. I then determined that myosin shortens actin, carrying out a muscular contraction, by forming cross-bridges between the myosin heads and the actin filaments. I also discovered how ATP is used in muscular contraction and then replaced by undergoing a reaction with PCr. This research is very important to athletes and doctors in order understand how to increase muscular performance and treat muscular diseases, respectively. The human body has an uncountable number of muscle fibers. There are so many, packed so tightly, that it makes it nearly impossible to isolate any small number of cells. In one study, it was determined that the tibialis anterior was made up of 160,000 muscle fibers. [1] The size of this muscle is not particularly impressive and the ?biceps brachii muscle likely contains 3-4 times that number.? [2] Not only that, but human skeletal muscles are always changing how they interact with themselves, and the rest of the body. This is especially apparent in muscular contraction. In fact, it has only been in the last 50 years that we have begun to really understand them, and much of the research that has been done has been conducted on animals that are not humans; one can see the problems that may arise from cutting up a human and examining muscles as they contract. It is important to have at least a rudimentary understanding of these processes for one?s own health purposes, athletic performanc... ...296-305. [5] MacIntosh, B., Gardiner, P., & McComas, A. Skeletal Muscle: Form and Function 2nd Edition. Chpt 11. 2006 [6] Huxley, H. E. The Contractionof muscle. Scientific American 199,67-82. 1958 [7] Currie, David. The Molecular Basis of Muscular Contraction: Hanxon and Huxley?s sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. 2007 Figures Figure 1 Courtesy of Figure 2 Courtesy of Figure 3 Courtesy of Figure 4 Courtesy of: Figure 5 Courtesy of Figure 6 Courtesy of Figure 7 Courtesy of

Monday, August 19, 2019

Is Modern Society Really Great? Essay -- Society Societies Culture Ess

Is Modern Society Really Great? All our lives we have been taught that change is good, but perhaps we should begin questioning our knowledgeable teachers. All non-western countries are changing today. They too are leaving behind traditional society and making the adjustment to Modern Society. Modern society is very different from traditional society. Traditional society had a low level of urbanization; in fact, 95% of the people lived in agricultural and rural areas. These areas were basically self-sufficient where the people took care of themselves. They did not need to seek help from others; instead they simply raised their own animals, planted and harvested their own crops, made their own clothes, and tended to their own chores. In contrast, there is high urbanization in a modern society. Approximately ninety-nine percent of the people live in urban or suburban areas. This high urbanization in return causes people to become interdependent. They no longer have the land or resources to depend on, therefore they turn to others. The birth rate also varies between traditional and modern societies. Women in traditional societies gave birth to many children, because many children made light work. The more children a family had the more hands they had for their chores. Parents in traditional societies have high expectations for their children and delegate many duties. Children in modern societies have a much simpler life. The average child today spends hours watching television and playing video games rather then tending to chores or helping their parents. People of modern societies have less children which is proven through the recorded low birth rates. It is very expensive to raise a child in a modern society; therefore, m... ...iggest mean at about one or two in the afternoon, took a nap, and then finished their remaining chores. His grandparents spent most evenings socializing. They were a very religious couple and thankful of all of their family members. This example shows that although traditional societies are much different then our own society; people are possibly more happy and satisfied with the simplicity of their lives. There is no way of proving which society is better, but there is a way of proving that everyone is content with their own society. It would be difficult for someone of a modern society to be completely convinced that their society is wrong, just as it would be difficult for someone of a traditional society to be totally convinced that there is a better way of life. Although completely different, traditional and modern societies are both liked by their people.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Color Purple By Alice Walker :: essays research papers

The Color Purple by Alice Walker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, is a very intense book to read. By intense, I mean it is a book touching very difficult and hard aspects of life of a poor, black oppressed woman in the early twentieth century. Walker does social criticism in her novel, mostly criticizing the way black women were treated in the early twentieth century. Walker uses the life experiences of Celie to illustrate her social criticism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Color Purple is not written in the style of most novels. The author does not tell us everything about the characters, the setting, and why the characters behave the way they do. The novel is written in a series of letters, not dated. There are large gaps between some letters, but this is not revealed by the author; we have to figure it out ourselves. The letters are written in what Walker calls black folk language, which also reduces the easiness of the reading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the novel opens, Celie is a young black girl living in Georgia in the early years of the twentieth century. She in an uneducated girl, and writes her letters in common language. Celie is entering her adolescence believing she was raped by her father and that he killed both of their children. She writes to God, because she has no one else to write to. She feels that what happened to her is so terrible that she can only talk about it to someone she feels loves her. She knows her sister Nettie loves her, but she is too young to understand. Celie believe only to God may she talk honestly and openly about her suffering. Celie is not, however, at this point, complaining to God, she is simply confiding in him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Celie was born into a poor family; her mother was sick most of the time, mentally and physically; there were too many children in the family; and Celie was abused by the man she believed was her father. Celie feels used and abused, but does not understand why. So many bad things have happened to Celie that she lacks self esteem and confidence. Celie does not even feel she is worth enough to sign her name at the end of the letters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slowly, Celie evolves into a mature woman with great confidence, but not before her sister Nettie is taken away from her, and she marries a cruel man who really wanted to marry Nettie. For a long time, Celie is almost a slave to her husband, until her husband's mistress comes to live with them to recuperate from The Color Purple By Alice Walker :: essays research papers The Color Purple by Alice Walker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, is a very intense book to read. By intense, I mean it is a book touching very difficult and hard aspects of life of a poor, black oppressed woman in the early twentieth century. Walker does social criticism in her novel, mostly criticizing the way black women were treated in the early twentieth century. Walker uses the life experiences of Celie to illustrate her social criticism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Color Purple is not written in the style of most novels. The author does not tell us everything about the characters, the setting, and why the characters behave the way they do. The novel is written in a series of letters, not dated. There are large gaps between some letters, but this is not revealed by the author; we have to figure it out ourselves. The letters are written in what Walker calls black folk language, which also reduces the easiness of the reading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the novel opens, Celie is a young black girl living in Georgia in the early years of the twentieth century. She in an uneducated girl, and writes her letters in common language. Celie is entering her adolescence believing she was raped by her father and that he killed both of their children. She writes to God, because she has no one else to write to. She feels that what happened to her is so terrible that she can only talk about it to someone she feels loves her. She knows her sister Nettie loves her, but she is too young to understand. Celie believe only to God may she talk honestly and openly about her suffering. Celie is not, however, at this point, complaining to God, she is simply confiding in him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Celie was born into a poor family; her mother was sick most of the time, mentally and physically; there were too many children in the family; and Celie was abused by the man she believed was her father. Celie feels used and abused, but does not understand why. So many bad things have happened to Celie that she lacks self esteem and confidence. Celie does not even feel she is worth enough to sign her name at the end of the letters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Slowly, Celie evolves into a mature woman with great confidence, but not before her sister Nettie is taken away from her, and she marries a cruel man who really wanted to marry Nettie. For a long time, Celie is almost a slave to her husband, until her husband's mistress comes to live with them to recuperate from

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Approach to Writing

My goals for this course is to be able to properly use quotations, paraphrase and make corrections to grammatical errors also how to utilize various research strategies and organize information is a meaningful way so that the audience can easily understand what I have written. To be able write information clearly and correctly is critical in my personal and professional life.In my professional life I do have to document on the customers account on what they called in about and the solution, the notes I place on the customer's accounts needs to be clear so that if the customer calls back in the next representative will be able to read and understand what I wrote. Same thing applies if my supervisor needs to review the notes and or the call. As a college student I am required to participate in class discussions, write and summarize essays.Since my classes are online the preferred method of communication for the professors are emails . 1 also prefer to email my supervisor with any reque sts, concerns etc , that way the requests is documented cause as human being we have a tendency to forget things so the email can be used as reference. I also have to write notes or send emails to my daughter teacher as well, so being able to write properly is critical.I set goals for writing an academic paper by first understanding who my audiences are, so that I am able to express my ideas and thoughts and findings in a way that they can clearly understand. Then I begin to plan my work which includes , creating an outline, come up with points to over and a statement of purpose, which serves as a guide before I start to research and write the paper . When the writing Is completed I revise and proof-read for any errors .Writing for other can be very challenging. It requires you to be focused and creative. My biggest challenge would be coming up with new and unique Ideas to impress or excite the audience I want to make sure that my Ideas are not something that they Eve have heard bef ore. The first couple sentences can be pretty challenging but usually once those are completed then new Ideas start flowing.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Banh Chung

Banh chung Each country’s cuisine isn't simply a habit of eating and drinking, people also consider about the culinary sophistication, assess country’s culture. Referring to Korea, we all know about Kim chi – the proud of Korea's traditional foods; and sushi is a famous food of Japan. Similar, Vietnamese are also have their traditional foods. Beside of ph? , bun bo hu? , or nem nu? ng, Banh chung is also a proud of VietNam.The dictionary definition of Banh chung as a traditional Vietnamese rice cake which is made from glutinous rice, mung bean, pork and other ingredients. However, it isn’t enough to explain the meaning of Banh chung. Behind that simple cake is a long story about family’s love. According to the book Linh Nam chich quai (Extraordinary stories of Linh Nam) published in 1695, this cake was created by Lang Lieu- the prince of the sixth Hung Vuong; it represents the heart of the child for his father and symbolizes the vitality of the univ erse.According to Lang Lieu, a square cake symbolizes the earth (under the concept of the ancients), and the raw materials to create a cake to show the vitality of all things in universe (animal and plant). This is a traditional cake which every Vietnamese have in Lunar New Year. We use la dong to wrap the cake in square form before boiling it. Mung bean, fatty pork and black pepper, salt, sometimes green onion, and fish sauce for spices are added inside the glutinous rice. When eating cake, people like to add fish sauce or eating with c? i? u (tubers procession), dua m? m (cucumber sauce) or salt radish†¦

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten Essay

Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten Research Essay Assignment Pros and cons of using computers in kindergarten classrooms Having computers in kindergarten classrooms could improve the level of instruction and can address long-term success in schools. The real pros and cons of using technology in the classroom create a stalemate that can prevent technology from being used more widely in the classroom. Whether we use technology with young children–and if so, how-are critical issues facing early childhood educators and parents. The questions about when children should start using computers; developmentally appropriate computer activities in preschool, kindergarten, and early primary classrooms; benefits of computer use; integration of computers into classrooms; and teacher training. As children enter kindergarten and the primary grades, it is important that they continue to have access to a computer center with a library of developmentally appropriate software. Fun and educational computer activities allow kindergarteners to socialize improve classmate relations; learn about modern communication and problem-solving skills. Children need opportunities to make choices about some of their computer experiences. In addition, kindergarten or primary-grade teachers will want to use the computer for more directed activities that match their learning objectives. For example, to enhance language skills and using the template provided in Starfall or similar software. Children could also work in small groups using software such as Scholastic’s Magic School Bus Explores the Rainforest to compare two of the seven ecozones in the program. Using software such as Edmark’s Kids’ Desk: Internet Safe, other small groups can investigate these two ecozones on Internet Web sites selected by the teacher. The groups then merge to share their discoveries and write a report on the ecozones, illustrating each with pictures drawn by members of the group or downloaded from the Internet sites. Through exploring computer experiences, these children build memory skills, learn how to seek out information, use knowledge until they have a clear understanding from  multiple sources, and integrate their knowledge of how each ecosystem functions. In the process, they learn to delegate responsibility, interact with others, solve problems, and cooperate to reach a goal. Kindergarten children have a positive outlook and an accepting nature. They take pride in their new reading and counting skills and love to converse and share ideas. They are eager to behave well; they are trusting; and they don’t question authority. Kids at this age may be capable at using computers, i.e. following commands, using the mouse, and playing computer games (Jaeger, 2010). In order to understand the pros and cons of computers in the kindergarten classroom, we need to take a look at some of the pros and cons and the goals related to of reading the children’s achievement. Pros: By incorporat ing technology into lessons, students will become more engaged in and excited about the subject at hand. Lessons that would normally be tedious can be much more engaging with virtual field trips and streaming videos. Cons: Finding the right materials online to integrate into a lesson is not always easy. This means teachers may spend a lot more time planning lessons and become overwhelmed and frustrated. Pros: Computers allow students to learn through exploring the internet and doing research. The act of looking up information and researching papers with such an extensive resource can keep students engaged in a project and learning. Cons: Some students will explore beyond the bounds and parameters of the project and become distracted by other activities that they find on the internet. Pros: In special needs classrooms, each student is able to go at his or her own pace with the help of technology. This allows the students get individual instruction directly from the computer, which allows the teacher to accomplish more while feeling less stretched. Special needs students who are handicapped can also make use of assistive technology, which can allow them to communicate better. Cons: Special needs technology can be very expensive and take an inordinate amount of money to acquire and operate. Research has shown that children who use computers with supporting activities that reinforce the major objectives of the programs have significantly greater developmental gains when compared to children without computer experiences in similar classrooms-gains in intelligence, nonverbal skills, structural knowledge, long-term memory, manual dexterity, verbal skills, problem solving, abstraction, and conceptual skills (Haugland, 1992). The benefits  of providing computers to kindergarten and primary-grade children vary depending upon the kind of computer experiences offered and how frequently children have access to computers. The potential gains for kindergarten and primary children are tremendous, including improved motor skills, enhanced mathematical thinking, increased creativity, higher scores on tests of critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, computers enhance children’s self-concept, and children demonstrate increasing levels of spoken communication and cooperation. Children share leadership roles more frequently and develop positive attitudes toward learning. In conclusion, early childhood programs serve diverse populations and have different schedules, curriculums, staffing patterns, resources, and so on. Goals for computer use and the steps that schools take to integrate computers into their classrooms may be completely different but equally successful. A viable beginning is for teachers, administrators, and parents to share magazine, journal, and newspaper articles they have seen regarding children using computers. The understanding of computers in the kindergarten classroom is accompanied by both a personal and professional commitment to early success for all children. Reference 1. Jaeger, V. (2010). Parenting Resources Guide. Niagara Region Public Health 2. KidSource Online. Computers and Young Children. Retrieved from 3. S.W. Haugland. The effect of computer software on preschool children’s developmental gains. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 1992.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Literary Analysis of Virginia Wolfe’s, Professions for Women

Fueled by the frustration of the masculine control that dominated her era, Virginia Woolf displayed her deepest feelings of oppression in her essay â€Å"Professions for Women†. Written in 1931, â€Å"Professions for Women† shows the internal conflict many women battled fiercely with when living their everyday lives. Woolf tells a story of a figurative â€Å"Angel in the House†, which is a stereotypical woman of the Victorian era and her efforts to break free from this stereotypical template. Woolf felt that for women to show men their true potential, they must wander beyond what society expects them to be and become an individual. Virginia Woolf’s skillful utilization of metaphorical diction and repetitious phrases help present her ideals to the reader while remaining rhetorically efficient. The â€Å"Angel in the House† example was referred to in numerous occasions in â€Å"Professions for Women†. The Angel was â€Å"charming†, â€Å"sympathetic† and â€Å"sympathetic† all qualities of a stereotypical woman in the Victorian era. Woolf’s diction implied dislike towards the Angel, stating â€Å"it was she who bothered me and wasted my time and so tormented me that at last I killed her†. Yet through extensive criticism, Woolf still referred to the Angel as â€Å"pure† and spoke of her good characteristics. The Angel in the House was a good thing and a bad thing. Good because all of her qualities were quite positive and seemed like a nice person, but bad because inadvertently, all these caring characteristics were holding women back from becoming their own individual. Instead of being an independent thinker, the Angel depended on men to support her and did not hesitate to serve them. The Angel would torment Woolf, telling her â€Å"Never let anybody guess you have a mind of your own† and because of the Angel’s messages; Woolf was forced to metaphorically â€Å"kill† the Angel to be able to think for herself. The Angel encompassed everything Woolf wanted to avoid; a naive, oblivious woman who was undermined by her masculine counterparts. Virginia Woolf wanted to create a profound effect on the readers of her work and her words reflect that goal. To solidify and strengthen some of her argument, Woolf took advantage of repeating phrases. When describing the Angel Woolf states, â€Å"She was immensely charming. She was utterly unselfish. She excelled in the difficult arts of family life. She sacrificed herself daily†. Woolf chose to use repetitious phrases and anaphors to reinforce the qualities of the Angel. If Woolf had simply listed the characteristics of he Angel, the description would have been weakened and less meaningful. Woolf uses a polymerization of two strategies to emphasize her purpose in the conclusion of her work â€Å"†¦how are you going to decorate it? With whom are you going to share it, and upon what terms†? Repeating rhetorical questions supplements her argument and provokes thought within the reader, which was Woolf’s goal from the beginning. Even though it was written in a n entirely different era, â€Å"Professions for Women† has many components that can be compared to live in the 21st century. Woolf was tied between two internal personas; the stereotypical, feeble minded woman (The Angel) and an independent, intellectually skilled writer and â€Å"Professions for Women† explores her internal battle with these distinct personalities. Purposefully, Wolf wanted to show that women could be independent and relinquish themselves from the mold society created. In today’s age we must ponder within ourselves; why as a society do we feel we must create models for people to follow? Can they make groups feel inferior to others?